Ortho/Perio Pt/Learning Ladder/Fl SG Flashcards
List steps in learning ladder
Habit Action Involvement Self-interest Awareness Unawareness
Certainly lethal dose of Fl for an adult
5-10g sodium fluoride; fluoride ion equivalent is 32-64mg of Fl per kilogram of body weight
Certainly lethal dose of Fl for child
0.5-1.0g, variable w/ size and weight of a child
safely tolerated dose for adult
1.25g-2.5g sodium fluoride (8-16mg F/kg)
safely tolerated dose for child
depends on age and weight
safely tolerated dose is _____ (measurement) the amount of certainly lethal dose of fluoride
one fourth
fluoridation of municipal water supplies is often accomplished by adding appropriate amts of what type of fluoride to water
sodium silicofluoride
fl regime that enhances remineralization
low concentration used daily
in communities w/o fluoridated water supplies, the most cost effective method of delivering systemic fluoride to 6-12 y/o is through
school water fluoridation
areas of teeth most likely to have greatest uptake of topical fluoride
areas of demineralization
in addition to professionally-applied fluoride, what is recommeneded for caries prone 10yo who resides in fluoridated community
fluoride dentifrice and low concentration fl mouthrinse
Fl dosage for 6mo-3yo
0.25 mg
Fl dosage for 3-6yo
Fl dosage for 6-16 yo
if fl is present in city water supply, how much fluoride should be added to school water
repeated topical application of fl agent does not produce tooth mottling b/c applied fl is neutralized by calcium in saliva
statement and reason correct but not related
factors need not be coniseredd in descidng whether pediatric fl supplements should be prescribed
type of fl applied professionally
if existing fluoride content of water supply in desert southwest is 0.3ppm, what amt of fl should be added to achieve optimum recommended level
two main substances removed from enamel in demineralization of enamel are
calicium and phosphorus
actual goal of all perio tx is
to establish and maintain healthy periodontal tissues
type of fl for a professional application to a pt with composit veneer bonding on teeth 8&9 would be
2% sodium fl
OPT aids for othro pt
interdental tip toothpick in holder floss threader interdental brush not dental floss
charter’s method of TB is probably more practical for an individual with ortho appliances than is the modified stillman’s technique
perio is preceeded by gingivitis. all untreated gingivitis does not necessarily proceed to perio
both true
gingivitis is completely reversible by use of effective personal oral hygiene procedures
it requires about ____ to ____ days w/o oral hygiene for gingivitis to become clinically evident in mouth
brushing plane most effective for ortho pt
daily removal of plaque by individual is more effective thatn a semiannual removal by hygienisht
statement regarding home care for ortho pt true
daily fluoride therapy is important component of preventive care
tb method recomneded to clean ortho brackets
perio maint apt usually done how often
3-4 month intervals
prevents initiation, progression and recurance of perio disease
arrestive periodontal therapy
regenerate the specialized tissue where distruction has occured
regenerative periodontal therapy
prospect of recovery from a disase as indicated by the nature and symptoms of the case
an attribute or exposure that increases probability of occurance of disease
risk factor ( or predisposable factor)
voluntary agreement of a pt with the professional that an action can take place; person giving consent must be of sufficient mental capacity and in possession of al essential info to give valid consent
informed consent
planning management and care of pt for purpose of curing disease or disorder
treatment planning
assoc w/ disease but not considered causal for disease
risk indicator
attempts to iprove treatment results by using info from research literature (journals)
attempts to improve treatment results by using info from research literature is called
evidence-based treatment planning
max eruption cent incisor lat incisor canine 1st premolar 2nd premolar 1st molar 2nd molar 3rd molar
7-8 8-9 11-12 10-11 10-12 6-7 12-13 17-21
mand eruption cent incisor lat incisor canine 1st premolar 2nd premolar 1st molar 2nd molar 3rd molar
6-7 7-8 9-10 10-12 11-12 6-7 11-13 17-21