H&N Glandular Tissue/Lymphatics Flashcards
the retropharyngeal lymph nodes drain the pharynx, palate, paranasal sinuses, and the nasal cavity. all of these deep nodes of the head drain into the superior deep cervical lymph nodes of the neck
dental professional must be thoroughly familiar w/ surface anatomy of h&n to examine pts b/c features of the surface provide essential landmarks for many deep anatomical structures
t/f? correct? related?
both statement and reason are correct and related
secretions of salivary glands are controlled by
autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic)
parotid salivary gland opens into oral cavity
opposite 2nd max molar
lymphatic’s are portion of immune system, and help to fight disease processes. another component of the lymphatic system is the thymus gland b/c works within immune system
first true; second false
glands of von ebner
are serous salivary glands
are minor salivary glands
wash the taste buds
(all of above)
parotid salivary gland is
thyroid gland produces thyroxine, which it secretes directly into blood. thyroxine is a hormone that stimulates the metabolic rate
both statements true
sublingual salivary glands are
mostly mucous
salivary gland opens into mouth w/ most ducts
accumulation of food in left vestibule might suggest malfunction of which muscle
glands are a type of
epithelial tissue
gland located on surface of masseter muscle behind ramus of mandible and on medial side of ramus
duct of gland opens opposite max 2nd molar
majority of salivary secretions comes from the
submandibular gland
the sub maxillary gland is a
mixed gland
cluster of lymph nodes along the drainage route for almost all mand post teeth?
parotid gland supplied by nerve from the
octic ganglion
type of lymphatic vessel in which lymph flows into lymph node called
afferent vessel
lymphatics of right side of h&n converge by way of the right jugular trunk. then these lymphatics join the lymphatics from the right arm and thorax to form thoracic duct
first true; second false
lymph node drains lymph from particular region is
primary node
primary and secondary nodes that drain buccal mucosal tissues
buccal and mandibular; submandibular
max ant. teeth and assco tissues drained into the
submandibular nodes
structures found in pterygomandibular space?
inferior alveolar nerve
inferior alveolar artery
sphenomandibular ligament
palatine tonsils and lingual tonsils drained into the
superior deep cervical
secondary node for base of tongue drain into the
inferior deep cervical nodes
mand 1st and 2nd molars drained into the
upper lip drained into the
submandibular nodes
pharyngeal tonsils drain into the
superior deep cervical nodes
secondary nodes of the deep parotid nodes are
inferior deep cervical nodes
nodes located in infraorbital region called
malar nodes
mand incisors and assoc tissues drain into
submental lymph nodes
secondary node for posterior hard palate
inferior deep cervical
max 3rd molars drain into the ___ lymph nodes
superior deep cervical
jugulo-omohyoid lymph node is a prominent node of the
inferior deep cervicals
another name for the transverse cervical nodes
lymphatics on right side of h&n converge by way of right jugular trunk, joining lymphatics from right arm and thorax to form right thoracic duct
tonsils are located along lympatic vessels
secondary nodes for tooth number 8 is
superior deep cervical nodes
tonsil masses located btwn ant and post faucial pillars are
palatine tonsils
another name for adenoids is
in healthy pt, thyroid gland
consists of 2 lobes connected by an isthmus
gland has a duct that usually opens on inner surface of cheek, opposite 2nd max molar
nerves travels through parotid gland but not involved in its innervation
facial nerve
oral landmark marks opening of submandibular duct
sublingual caruncle
mand incisors and assoc tissues drain to which tertiary nodes
inferior deep cervical nodes
blood vessels supplies parotid salivary gland
external carotid artery
block drainage of saliva from duct
sialolith formation
correct concerning pterygoid plexus of veins
injury leads to hematoma
stensen’s ducts assoc with
parotid gland
secondary node for body of tongue drain into
superior deep cervical lymph nodes
secondary nodes for tip of tongue are
submandibular are deep cervical nodes
Wharton’s duct assoc w/
submandibular gland
facial and lingual arteries supply ____ glands
innervation of sublingual gland
chorda tympani and 7th cn
lacrimal gland innervated by
greater petrosal
minor salivary glands innervated
7th cn
muscle needs to be made more prominent on pt to achieve effective palapation of region where superior deep cervical lymph nodes are located
max 3rd molars secondary nodes drain into
inferior deep cervical
lymph nodes considered part of facial lymph nodes
malar, buccal, nasolabial, and mandibular
submandibular duct opens ino mouth
on sublingual caruncle
external jugular lymph nodes located
along external jugular vein
unencapsulated gland
lymph nodes when involved in the metastasis of cancer are
usualy bony hard
lymph nodes initially affected in pt who develops an infection in lower lip after trauma from an accident
thymus gland is an ___ gland
mandibular teeth are vascularized by branches of which arteries
primary node for apex of tongue is drained into
parathyroid hormone regulates
(both of these)
blood vessels are more numerous than lymphatic vessels in the h&n; however, the venous vessels mainly parallel the lymphatic vessels in location
first false; second true
lower calcium level in blood will release _____ in blood stream
sublingual salivary gland is an encapsulated major salivary gland
salivary gland most commonly involved in stone formation
primary node for anterior hard palate are drained into the
lymph nodes receives lymphatic drainage from max teeth
hormone regulates calcium and phosphorus levels
nerves serves parotid salivary gland and can be affected by medication, thus causing xerostomia
lymphocytes produced by thymus gland is
artery of h&n provides most reliable arterial pulse of body
common carotid
secondary nodes for soft palate drained into
inferior deep cervical
damage to facial nerve within parotid salivary gland w/ local anesthesia may cause
temporary facial paralysis
floor of mouth and tongue both receive their blood supply by way of
lingual artery
secondary node for tooth # 25
deep cervicals
nerve exits cranium through foramen ovale
raise calcium level in blood, body will release ___ in blood stream
arteries branch of max artery
inferior alveolar
parotid duct pierces which muscle before entry into oral cavity
goiters assoc w/
thyroid gland