Ornaments Flashcards
Explain this and write it out

The Trill
Rapid alternation between the note written (called the “principal” note), and the note above. Usually begin with note above the principal note.
Beam with a main beam that groups the notes into one beat, but then make subdivisions of fours, to make them easier on the eye. Pick a value based on half note in 4/4 would be 16th notes. 1/4 note would be 32nd etc
End on the principal note. This means you might have to add a triplet figure to make a smooth ending.

Explain this and write it out

The Turn
The note above, the principal note, the note below, the principal note again. It can be any value that is fast but playable.
This turn is between two notes, so starts after the Bb and consists of five notes.

Explain this and write it out

The Turn
The note above, the principal note, the note below, the principal note again.
This turn is directly above the note, so it starts on the C and is made up of four notes.

Explain this and write it out

The Mordent
Upper Mordent – principal>note above>principal
Choose a note value that is quicker than the fastest note in the pice generally - this pice it is eight note so choose 16th note

Explain this and write it out

Lower mordent (Line=Lower) – principal>note below>principal
Choose a note value that is quicker than the fastest note in the pice generally - this pice it is eight note so choose 16th note

Write this out and explain it

The Acciaccatura (crushed note)
An acciaccatura is a small sized quaver or 8th note, with a slash through the tail.
Acciaccaturas are performed very quickly. Because the principal note falls on the beat, the acciaccaturahas to “steal” its time from the previous note.
Write the acciaccatura with a semiquaver or demisemiquaver (16th or 32nd note), then work out howmuch of the previous note is left, and adjust the previous note accordingly.

Explain this and write it out

The Appoggiatura
An appoggiatura is written with small-size notes, but without a slash through the tail.
Falls on the beat, not before it. Can be one or more notes. Use the note value used in the ornament. It can consist of one or more notes. The notation of the appoggiatura shows you which note

How are accidentals dealt with when using ornaments?
Position of an accidental shows whether it applies to the note above or below the principal.

Write out how note values are determined for
Acciatura/Crushed Note
Apoggiatura/Grace Note
Trill - pick a value based of half note = 16th notes in 4/4
Mordent - Pick a value faster than fastest note in piece
Crushed Note - 16th or 32nd note and attache to note before principal
Apoggiatura - Assign value already given