Gr 8 Trio Sonata Flashcards
What does the melody of a trio sonata mainly move by?
Step or a third
What leaps are rare?
What intervals are common at cadences?
rise of a 4th or fall of a fifth (also sometimes used elsewhere in melody for short period)
What corresponds with each note of the main melody?
Usually a change of chord or of inversion
When can you use a diminshed 4th?
In minor key when the 3rd of tonic chord falls to 3rd of dominant chord and then revolves to tonic
When do you need to ensure your raise the 6th from melodic scale?
when 6th and 7th degrees moving towards tonic When scale down on dominant
Write out how to decorate
rising 2nd
falling 2nd

What added 7th chords are most likely in a trio sonata?
Dominant 7th and ii/II 7
Sometimes diminshed 7th in first inversion or root
Very rarley maybe a IV7
What happens when writing a seventh chord in 3 part harmony?
You have to miss out one oif the notes as a main note but usually complete the chord by using that note as a meldic decoration
How would you approach a V7 chord and a ii7 chord?
V7 by preperation or a leap
ii7 only bt preperation
What is preperation
Using the 7th note from your V7 or ii7 chord in the chord before it and keeping it in the same part - often using a tie
What is quite likely if you see two root postion 7th chord together in same bar
One is melodic decoration of 7th note
WHat do you do if you see chord V move to V7
Make the root of V move downwards by step to the 7th
How do you move out of any added 7th note?
Step downwards
How do you deal with II7 - V7 - I
You need to move one partr chromatically across the three chord
How can you spot if a diminshed 7th might be in use?
The bassline will have a chromatic progression
How do you approach a diminshed 7
prepeartion or leap
How are 9ths figured and prepared
With a 9 symbol only and the 9th has to be preparfed as it is a dissonance, it also resolves by step down - treat the 9th as you would a 7th
What must you be careful of if you write a 9th
If you alread have the root and the 9th adding the third will create a clash - idealyy use 3rdmelodically as accented passing note
or add 5th or double the root
How can you decorate suspensions
Auxilliary note or an aux harmony note