Organs of the GI Tract Flashcards
At what vertebral level does the esophagus pierce the diaphragm?
The esophagus turns to left to enter the stomach at the cardiac oriface what what vertebral level?
Under what control is the esophageal sphincter in?
It’s not physiological control, (not voluntary).
At what vertebral level is the esophageal hiatus located?
What is meant by sliding hiatal hernia and where does it occur?
Esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm enlarges or weakens and abdominal esophagus and parts of the stomach (cardia and sometimes fundu) herniate into the thorax. This is around T10.
What is paraesophageal hiatal hernia?
A defect in diaphragm next to the esophageal hiatus. It permits fundus of the stomach to herniate (not usually the esophagus)
What region of the abdomen is the stomach located?
Left hypochondraic and epigastric region
At what vertebral level is the left end of the stomach fixed? the right end?
Left end is fixed at T10-11 to the esophagus.
The right end is fixed at L1-2 to the duodenum.
Name the parts and outer curvatures of the stomach starting from the esophageal end to the duodenum.
- cardia
- fundus
- body
- pyloric antrum
- pyloric canal
- lesser curvature
- greater curvature
- cardiac notch
- angular notch.
What lines the inside of the stomach?
What structure controls the content of stomach to pass on to the duodenum?
pyloric sphicter
What organs/structures are you likely to find immediately posteriorly to the stomach?
- diaphragm
- spleen (post and lateral)
- left suprarenal gland
- upper left kidney
- pancreas
- left colic flexure
- left transverse colon
- transverse mesocolon
What organs/structure are you likely to find anteriorly to the stomach?
- anterior abdominal wall
- left costal margin
- left diaphragm
- left and quadrate lobes of the liver
What are four parts of the duodenum?
- superior
- descending
- horizontal
- ascending.
About how long is the duodenum in inches?
10 inches
What vertebral body level is the duodenum located?
1st part of the duodenum. complete the sentence:
Starts at the 1.
It’s about 2 inches long
Held in place by the 3 ligament.
Portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct are 4 and 5 to this part.
The head of the pancreas is 6 to this part.
- pyloric sphicter
- 2 inches
- hepatoduodenal
- posterior
- superior
- inferior
Features of the 2nd part of the duodenum. Fill in the blank.
- About 1 inches long.
- The fundus of the gall bladder, right lobe of the liver, transverse colon are all 2.
- The right kidney and ureter are 3.
The head of the pancreas is 4.
- 3
- anteriorly
- posteriorly
- medially
Which part of the duodenum does the bile and pancreatic ducts enter in?
2nd part at the major duodenal papilla.
Features of the 3rd part of duodenum. Fill in the blank.
- The superior mesenteric artery and vein, the root of the mesentery cross 1 surface.
- Head of the pancreas is located 2
- Inferiorly lies 3.
- anterior
- superior
- jejunum.
What lies anteriorly and posteriorly of the 4th part of duodenum?
Anteriorly = rot of the mesentery and jejunum.
Posteirorly: left margin of the aorta and medial border of msoas muscle .
What holds the 4th part of the duodenum in place?
suspensory ligament (or muscle) of the duodenum of (Treitz)
The following are descriptive features of what part of the SI?
10-12 feet long, compound vascular arcades, shorter vasa recta, smaller diameter, thinner wall, fewer plicae circularis
What part of the small intestine is the following describeing?: 8-10 feet long, simple vascular arcades, long vasa recta, more vascular, greater idameter, thicker, more plicae circularis.
Meckel’s diverticulum is a feat of which part of the Si?
What is Meckel’s diverticulum?
Congenital diverticulum, a slight pulge in the small intestine present at birth and a vestigial remnant of the vitelline duct or yolk stalk.
what are the parts of he large inestine starting at the end of small intestine?
- cecum and vermiform appendix
- ascending colon
- right colic flexure
- transverse colon
- left colic flexure
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
What are the function of large intestine?
- fecal formation, transport and evacuation
- water absorption and mucus secretion
What is taenia coli and where is it found?
Found in large intestine on the outside with 3 bands of longitudinal muscles. They produce haustrae (sacculation) that slow the movement of feces.
What is epiploic appendages?
Tags of fat, characeristic of the large intestine
What is the ileal papilla?
A cone-like projection of the ileum into the cecum.
Which parts of the colon are secondarily retroperitoneal and which parts are intraperitoneal?
Ascending colon (except the lowest part) and Descending colon are retroperitoneal. Transverse colon and sigmoid colon are intra.
What are transverse rectal folds and what is their purpose?
They are folds that protrudes into the rectum which serves to slow the flow of poop. There are three folds superior intermediate and inferior.
What is rectal ampulla and what is it’s purpose?
Its a dilated terminal part of the rectum. It serves to store poop before it can be defecated.
What is the puborectalis muscle and what is it’s purpose?
Muscle fibers which form a sling for he rectum. Arise from thelower part of the pubic symphysis and from the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm and meet with fibers from opposite end to make a string sling. It’s part of the levator ani muscle group and relaxation of this allows for defecation.
Where is the spleen located, abdominal region, corresponding ribs, and between what other organs.
Located in left hypochondriac region, parallels left ribs 9, 10, and 11, at midaxillary line between stomach and diaphragm.
What embryonic tissue does the spleen develop from?
What mesentery connects the spleen to it’s surrounding organs?
Gastrosplenic ligament
splenorenal ligament.
At what vertebral level is the pancreas located?
What are the parts of the pancreas?
Head - uninate
Body - triangular
tail - anterior to hilus of spleen.
Describe what you’d find of each side of the pancreas: posterior, superior, anterior, inferior
Posterior to neck: SMA and SMV
Splenic vein and artery run horizontally superior to and posterior to body.
-IVC and aorta = posterior to body
duodenum = sup, right and inf to head.
Transverse colon = anterior and inferior.
Embryologically, where does the pancreas develop from?
Pancreas develops from a ventral bud in the ventral mesentery and a larger dorsal bud in the dorsal mesentery.
What makes up the major duodenal papilla?
The hepatopancreatic ampulla.
Hows the accessory pancreatic duct formed and where is it located in relation to the major duodenal papilla?
The pancreas develops from a dorsal and ventral mesenteric buds. During development, the pancreas rotates and brings the two buds closer together. The major one is where the bile duct and pancreatic duct enter the 2nd part of the duodenum. the. the minor one is he accessory duct and it enters the duodenum alone at a location more superior to the major papilla.
What are the functional and anatomical lobes of the liver, and
Functional: Right and Left
Anatomical: Left, right, caudate and quadrate lobe
What connects the liver to the anterior abdominal wall?
Falciform ligament.
What defines the bare area of the liver?
Defined by anterior, posterior, left and right coronary ligament. It includes the area where the IVC is posterior and the hepatic veins drain into it.
What is the ligamentum venosum a remnant of?
ductus venosus
Where is the ligamentum teres located and what is it a remnant of?
It’s located at the edge of the falciform ligament on the anteroinferior edge. It’s an oblierated umbiical vein.
which part of the gall bladder is the fundus?
The lowest, widest part
Where does the gallbladder lie in relation to the liver?
It lies in hepatic fossa.
what costal cartilage level is the gall bladder located?
9th and 10th at the midclavicular line.
Starting from the liver, name the ducts that which carries bile to the duodenum.
Right and left hepatic duct makes up the Common hepatic duct.
Common hepatic duct and Cystic duct from the gallbladder makes up the bile duct.
What mesentery does the bile duct run along/in?
Runs in the edge of the lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal ligament).