management function that provides the relationship between people and the activities that they will undertake to fullfill their organizational objectives
entity that results from people joining together in pursuit of a common cause.
defined as self-contained (all that you need) collection of interacting interdependent components (between the element), working together toward a common purpose
Organizational system
The process through which needed resources are acquired and replaced.
Input mechanism
Example of input mechanism
● People
● Test request
● Specimen
● Information supplies
● Financial resources
The internal process whereby resources received through the input channels.
Examples of transformation
● Test performance
● Personnel
● Instrument
● Expertise
The process of delivering the goods and services produced to the external environment.
Output mechanism
Examples of output mechanism
● Test Result
● Consultation
● Salaries
● Information
● Wastes
Characteristics of organization
● Holistic and synergistic with clearly defined boundaries
● Have purposeful activity or primary task
● Develop into hierarchy of system
● Organizations operate as ope n systems
● Seeks a state of stability and equilibrium
● Self – regulating
A process where a group is formed including the lines of communication channeling of authority, span of control and making decision
Organizational structure
● Decentralized structure
● Span of control and authority is
● There is participation in the lower level of management
● Centralized structure.
● The managers have full control of
● One authority at a one place
Bureaucratic / Line / Hierarchical
● Oldest and simplest form
● Rule centered structure
● Associated with chain of command
● Downward communication
Combination of flat and pyramid type.
Shared governance
Characteristic of Organizational Structure
● Division of labor
● Chain of command
● Span of control
● Level of management position
● Organizational relationship