Under Tag F241 the government defines dignity as caring for residents in a manner that maintains full recognition of the resident's \_\_\_. 1. Individuality 2. Personal tastes 3. Past types of activities 4. Reasonable expectations 169
Dignity has been interpreted by states’ examiners ___.
1. With wide variations
2. Fairly consistently
3. Differently depending on the section of the country
4. With excellent consistency
With wide variations
Standardized patterns of required behaviors developed by the facility to enable staff to accomplish necessary work defines a \_\_\_. 1. Norm 2. Set of values 3. Specific patterns 4. Role 171
Over the years 1999 and 2008 the percentage of nursing facilities in the United States given deficiencies in Quality of Life, dignity \_\_\_. 1. Held steady 2. Went consistently up 3. Varied widely by state and over time 4. Went lower as facilities 172
Varied widely by state and over time
Treating all residents with respect is best described as a \_\_\_. 1. Role 2. Norm 3. Value 4. Commitment 173
A statement broadly defining the purposes and values held by a facility is a \_\_\_. 1. Statement of intent 2. Set of aspirations 3. Long term goal 4. Mission statement 174
Mission statement
When the administrator concentrates on getting paperwork done, meeting regulations, and saving money, the staff ___.
1. Are freed to give more attention to good patient care
2. Do the same
3. Feel the facility is being successfully managed
4. Give better quality care
Do the same
The area in which it is especially important for the administrator to implement a "no excuses" approach is \_\_\_. 1. In preventive maintenance 2. In projecting capital needs 3. Patient care 4. Staff attitudes 176
Patient care
It is easier for staff to buy into and be motivated by a ___.
1. Day to day set of achievements to be reached
2. Well organized administrator
3. Well motivated administrator
4. Dream or vision
Dream or vision
If a facility administrator can communicate a vision of dream ___.
1. Goals are less necessary
2. Goals can be more easily set and achieved
3. Employee tenure will be maintained
4. Employees will stop focusing on pay rates
Goals can be more easily set and achieved
Corporate generated goals or mission statements generally ___.
1. Motivate local facility workers
2. Enervate
3. Innovate
4. Have difficulty motivating local facility workers
Have difficulty motivating local facility workers
Organizations need the leadership of the administrator because, in the final analysis, ___.
1. The administrator knows what is best
2. People need to be led
3. Someone has to be in charge
4. All organizational designs are imperfect
All organizational designs are imperfect
The actual behavior and functioning of an organization such as a nursing facility ___.
1. Closely resembles the plan
2. Is an implementation of the plan
3. Is relatively easily achieved
4. Is infinitely more complex and incomplete than the plan
Is infinitely more complex and incomplete than the plan
The concept of delegation is permitting decisions to be made \_\_\_. 1. With full information 2. By the well qualified nurse 3. At the lowest level possible 4. At the middle level of management 182
At the lowest level possible
In terms of the need for organizations to cope, the old phrase”if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” needs to be changed to ___.
1. If you fix it, it will break elsewhere
2. If you fix it too often, effectiveness will be lost
3. If you don’t fix it all the time, it will break
4. Fixing it all the time is counterproductive
If you don’t fix it all the time, it will break