order diptera (book) Flashcards
Give the genera of mosquitoes whose eggs are singly, boat shaped with paired lateral floats
These genera of mosquitoes have well-developed siphon tube and hangs head down from water surface and feed below it.
Culex, Aedes
Larvicides for controlling moosquitoes
Metroprene, Bacillus thuringiensis
Designed to be applied directly to water to control mosquito larvae.
Identify the genera of mosquitoes that serves as I.H. of Dirofilaria immitis.
Culex, Anopheles
3 genera of Family Culicidae with veterinary importance
culex, aedes, anopheles
Give the scientific name of the vector that transmits carrier yellow fever and dengue.
Aedes aegypti
Give the scientific name of the vector that transmits viral encephalitis
Culex pipiens
Identify the genera and species that serves as I.H. of human malaria
Anopheles minimus, A. flavirostris
Identify the genera and species that serves as I.H. of simian malaria
Anopheles quadrimaculatus
Identify the genera that serves as I.H. of avian malaria
Culex and Aedes
These genera of mosquitoes have pupa with short breathing trumpet and broad in lateral view
Which sub-order of diptera have antennae shorter than thorax with 3-6 segments?
Which family of nematocera is most hairy and slender?
These sub-order have mouthparts has simple hooks used for tearing debris:
Name the blood protozoan parasite of chicken prevalent in the Philippines transmitted by Culicoides spp.
Leucocytozoon caulleryi
These genus have wings that are oval in shape, spotted and have hair.
They cause painful bites, and may rise to vesicle or wart like lesions in teats of cattle and carabao.
Simulium spp.
Simulium spp that cause anemia to poultry
S. arcticum, S. pecuarum, S. Columbaschense
These species are active during the night and attracted to light and animal odor.
Culicoides spp.
Eggs of this family are laid in moist, dark places between stones, loose soil, rock and crevices
Family Psychodidae
Which flies under sub-order nematocera transmit BTD of sheep and fowl pox?
Identify the scientific name of causative agent of Elephantiasis of man.
Wuchereria bancrofti
Identify the genera of mosquitoes that serves as carrier of tularemia
Anopheles, Aedes
Identify the genera of mosquitoes that serves as carrier of fowl cholera
Identify the genera of mosquitoes that serves as carrier of fowl pox
Culex, Aedes
Which flies cause allergic dermatiti/sweat itch/summer dermatitis that affect horses?
Culicoides spp.
These species transmit eastern equine encephalitis and vesicular stomatitis in pigs.
Simulium spp.
Give the common name of simulium spp.
black flies, buffalo gnats
Subspecies of Simulium recorded in the Philippines
S. indicum, S. venustum, S. baltazarae, S. balsasae, S. philippinensis
Give the common name of phlebotomus spp.
These genera of mosquitoes have larva with no siphon tube and rest parallel to water surface and feed there.
These genera of mosquitoes have palpi long as their proboscis.
Identify which species have pupa that is brown in color, obtectate, and inactive covered with spines and tubercles.
These species are 1.5 - 6 mm long, has short proboscis and stout, short legs and has humped back appearance.
Simulium spp.
Identify the tip of labium which guide piercing instruments.
I.H. of Onchocerca species
Simulium, Culicidae
These flies are very small, 1-3 mm, that can pass through mosquito screens.
culicoides spp.
Species of Ceratopogonidae found in poultry farms of the Philippines
C. peregrinus, C. palpifer, C. effusus
Identify the final hosts of Haemoproteus nettionis
ducks and geese
Name the genera of flies that serves as I.H. of Leucocytozon anatis/simondi which affects ducks.
Simulium spp.
These flies have roughly spherical head with mouth parts that form the long slender proboscis.
These flies have palpi that are recurved and hairy.
Phlebotomus species recorded in the Philippines
P. philippinensis, P. nicnic, P. mangyanus, P. lagunensis, P. hitchensis, P. heiseri, P. bigtil, P. torrenchantei, P. dayupensis
Name the genera and species of Family Tabanidae most common in the Philippines.
Tabanus striatus, Tabanus reducens, Haematopota sp., Chrysops signifer, C. dispar, Hybomitra sp., Silvius sp., Pangonia sp.,
Tabanidae spp with clear wings
mottled wings, most proboscis is short, and prevalent in forest
Haematopota spp.
What are the common names of tabanids?
horseflies, deerflies, breezeflies, mangoflies
Tabanidae are carrier of what bacterial diseases
anthrax, tularemia
Tabanidae are carrier of what viral diseases
Equine infectious anemia, FMD
Which suborder of diptera do not have cross veins in their wings?
Identify the mosquito genus that transmits human malaria.
Name four species of Plasmodium that cause human malaria.
P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale.
Which mosquito genera transmit avian malaria?
Culex, Aedes.
This mosquito (Aedes aegypti) is the vector for which diseases?
Yellow fever, dengue
Culex pipiens is known to be a mechanical vector for which disease?
Viral encephalitis
This mosquito acts as a mechanical vector for fowl pox and fowl cholera. Identify the genus.
Small insect with hairy wings, no scales. Identify this family of insects.
What is the common name for Culicoides?
Biting midge, no-see-um, punky.
This insect is a vector for Bluetongue and African horse sickness. Identify it.
Culicoides (midges)
Culicoides midges are the intermediate host for which parasitic worms?
Onchocerca spp.
Which parasite, causing a disease in chickens, is transmitted by Culicoides?
Leucocytozoon caulleryi.
Haemoproteus meleagridis, transmitted by midges, causes what disease in turkeys?
Histomoniasis (Blackhead disease).
These blood parasites of vertebrates are transmitted by midges. What are they?
What type of pupa do midges have?
Obtectate pupa.
Small, stout insect with arched thorax. Identify this family of insects.
Simuliidae (Blackflies)
What is the common name for insects in the Simuliidae family?
Blackflies, buffalo gnats.
This insect transmits Eastern equine encephalitis in horses. What is it?
Blackflies are the intermediate host for which Onchocerca species causing river blindness?
Onchocerca volvulus.
What is the name of the sensory vesicle found in the mouthparts of blackflies?
Lutz’s Organ
Small, hairy insect with long legs and antennae.
Sandfly (Phlebotomus).
This insect is the vector for Leishmania. What is it?
What is the common name for Phlebotomus?
Sandfly, owl midge
Which Leishmania species causes cutaneous leishmaniasis?
Leishmania tropica
Which Leishmania species causes visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar)?
Leishmania donovani
Sandflies are the vector for which bacteria causing Carrion’s disease?
Bartonella bacilliformis
These insects have recurved palpi and piercing mouthparts. Identify them.
Name 4 protozoan disease transmitted by Tabanids.
- Surra
- Nagana
- Mal de caderas
- Anaplasmosis
These 3 species from different sub-orders of diptera transmit variety of protozoa Trypanosoma spp which affect a wide range of animals.
- Tabanidae
- Stomoxys calcitrans
- Tsetse flies
Name 2 diseases transmitted by Tsetse flies.
- Nagana
- Sleeping sickness
Causative agent of Nagana transmitted by Tsetse flies:
Trypanosoma brucei
Trypanosoma congolense
Trypanosoma vivax
Causative agent of sleeping sickness transmitted by Tsetse flies:
- Trypanosoma gambiense
- Trypanosoma rhodesiense