Mites Flashcards
members of this family are obligate parasites of rodents, bats, insectivores, and certain marsupials
A. Cnemidocoptes
B. Cheyletidae
C. Myobiidae
D. None of the above
C. Myobiidae
known as depluming itch mite burrowing into skin and feather shaft of chickens
A. Cheyletidae parasitivorax
B. Sarcoptes
C. Cnemidocoptes pilae
D. Dermacentor andersoni
E. None of the above
E. None of the above (Cnemidocoptes gallinae)
sarcoptic mange mite or scabies mites, their legs have long unjointed pedicel
Sarcoptes scabiei
True about Notoedres, except:
A. tarsal sucker on a long nd unjointed pedicel
B. anus terminal
C. body globose or spherical
d. female has suckers on legs 1 and 2
B. anus terminal (it is dorsal, sarcoptidae with terminal anus are Cnemidocoptes and Sarcoptidae)
Notoedres specie that affect ears, head, and back of the neck of cats
Notoedres cati
affects ears of rabbits with anus dorsal and subterminally, observed to be more circular than sarcoptes
A. Demodex felis
B. Raillieta auris
C. Notoedres cati var cuniculli
D. Nosopsyllus fasciatus
C. Notoedres cati var cuniculli
scaly leg mite of poultry that burrows beneath scales resulting to leg deformation
Cnemidocoptes mutans
cause scaly face and legs leading to deformation of beaks in lovebirds and parakeets
Cnemidocoptes pilae
True about Sarcoptidae, except:
A. circular in outline
B. male posterior end not bilobed
C. body globose or spherical
D. dorsum without scales or spines
D. dorsum without scales or spines
affects skin of sheep in NZ resulting to “Australian itch”
Psorergate ovis
fur mites present on dogs
A. Psorergates bos
B. Psorergates simplex
C. Cheyletiella parasitivorax
D. Cheyletiella blaket
D. Cheyletiella blaket
fur mites of cats
Cheyletiella yasguri
itch mite on cattle
Psorergates bos
Psorergates simplex
occurs in house mice
cause demodectic mange or demodicosis
members of this genus transmits scrub typhus
causative agent of scrub typhus or river valley fever
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
called as chiggers
common name of trombiculidae
red bugs or tungaw
enter hair follicles and sebaceous glands and cause chronic inflammation characterized by thickening and loss of hair
clinical signs could be squamous or pustular type
cause thickening of the skin due to excessive keratinization and proliferation of connective tissue
A. Hyalomma truncarum
B. Psoroptidae
C. Cnemidocoptes mutans
D. Sarcoptes
D. Sarcoptes
air sac mite of fowl
Cytodites nudus
subcutaneous mite of fowl
Laminosioptes cysticola
cause lesions where serum exudes, coagulate, and form crusts
Psoroptidae (Psoroptes)
Genus and specie of epidermoptidae present in skin of fowl
Epidermoptes bilobatus
it is responsible for the house-dust allergy in man
Dermatophagoides farinae
3 genera and species of epidermoptidae
Epidermoptes bilobatus
Dermatophagoides farinae
Dermaophagoides pteronyssinnus
Families of sub-order sarcoptiformes
cause of chorioptic mange
genus chorioptes
Morphological characteristics of Genus Chorioptes
tarsal suckers on short unjointed pedicles, suckers on 1, 2, and 4 (female) and legs 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the male, 4th leg rudimentary, anus terminal
chorioptes on pastern of sheep
chorioptes ovis
cause foot mange or itchy leg
Chorioptes bovis
family of feather mites
feather mites on turkeys and chicken which is also common in the philippines
megninia cubitalis
feather mites of pigeons
Megninia columbe
feather mites of ducks
Leptosphyra velata
cause falling of feathers in chickens
Pterolichus obtussus
dermoglyphidae on feather of pigeons
falculifer rostratus
red mite of poultry
dermanyssus gallinae
northern fowl mite
ornithonyssus sylviarum
tropical fowl mite
Ornithonyssus bursa
tropical rat mite
ornithonyssus bacoti
Ornithonyssus bacoti are I.H. of?
rodent filarial, Litomosoides carinii
known as hanip mite in the Philippines
Ornithonyssus bursa
spiny rat mite
Echinolaelaps echidninus
Echinolaelaps echidninus is an I.H. of?
Hepatozoon muris
affects ear of cattle. Causing signs of shaking of the head and ears
raillietia auris
canine nasal mites and occurs in the nasal passages and sinuses of dogs
Pneumonyssus caninum
“monkey lung mite”, occurs in the bronchi of rhesus monkey
Pneumonyssus simicola
scab mites
genus psoroptes
characteristics of scab mites
a.) oval body, long legs, no dorsal spines, non - burrowing,
b. ) live on skin but do not form tunnels, cause thick scabs
c. ) male posterior end bilobed with adanal suckers
d. ) tarsal sucker on jointed pedicles
scab mites of ears of rabbits
psoroptes cuniculli
scab mites of cattle, buffalo, carabao
Psoroptes natalensis
scab mites of horses, donkey, mules
Psoroptes equi
scab mites of sheep, cattle, horse
Psoroptes ovis
sarcoptes preference on pigs
back body
preference of psoroptes on cattle
face and neck
preference of scab mites on dogs
hock, muzzle, elbow, root of tail
ear mite of dogs, cats, and very common producing octocariasis or parasitic otitis, ear mange or otodectic mange
otodectes cynotis
clinical signs include epiliptiform fits
genus otodectes