Class Pentastomida and Injurious, Non parasitic anthropods Flashcards
adults are found in the nasal cavities, trachea and lungs of snakes, body cylindrical and deeply ringed
Armilifer armillatus
adults are found in the lungs of snakes and nymphs in viscera of rodents
Porocephalus crotali, Porocephalus clavatus, Porocephalus subulifer
adults and nymphs are occur in nasal passages and adjacent sinuses of dogs, foxes, and wolves
linguatula serrata
tongue shaped, convex dorsally, flat ventrally and cuticle transversely striated
linguatula serrata
poisonous substances is injected by mouthparts or poison claws such as spiders and centipedes
piercing or biting species
poisons are injected by means of a sting located at the end of the abdomen
stinging species
have hairs or scales that possess irritating properties such as caterpillars
nettling or urticating
contains toxic irritant or toxic body fluids
cryptotoxics species
1 inch long millipede that cause dermatitis and blindness in birds
Julus terrestris
an 11 inches centipede that cause vomiting, headache, fever in man
Scolopendra gigantica
scientific names of bumble bees, honey bees, wasps
Bombus sp., Apis mellifera, Vespa crabro, respectively
known as centipede
known as putakti
wasp or Vespa crabro, Vespa norvegica
among dangerous stinging species that kill animals
Solenopsis sp (fire ants) or hantik
known as scorpions
species of scorpions
Centruroides suffusus, Centruroides sculpturatus
crab like with large pedipalps
poison glands are in cephalothorax and open pores on tips of chelicerae
formerly applied as wolf spider
caused spider scare and produced a condition called tarantism
Lycosa tarantula
known as caterpillars
Give 3 blister beetles
Sessinia collaris, Epicauta tomentosa, Lytta vesicatoria