Orbit and Eye: Embryology Flashcards
neural ectoderm
evaginations of forebrain neuroectoderm
- forms optic vesicles
- invaginate on themselves to form optic cup
optic stalk
connection of forebrain to optic cup
choroid fissure
ventral surface of optic cup
-carries hyaloid essels
optic cup
forms retina - optic nerve
surface ectoderm
lens placode - lens vesicle - lens
forms fibrous and vascular layers
outer layer optic cup
pigmented layer of retina
inner layer of optic cup
all neural layers of retina
nerve fibers from retina
migrate through choroid fissure to form CN II
week 7
choroid fissure closes
congenital retinal detachment
inner and outer layer optic cup fail to fuse
separation of pigmented and neural layers
iris and ciliary body embryo
outer - vascular mesenchyme surrounding optic cup
inner - optic cup (no neural)
born with blue-gray eyes - lack of melanin
will migrate in first 6-10 months
congenital atresia of pupil
iridopupillary membrane degenerates after week 15
-failure of membrane to degenerate
abnormally closed pupil
failure of choroid fissure to fuse during 7th week development
hole in structure of eye
sclera and cornea embryo
from fibrous layers of mesenchyme surrounding optic cup
choroid embryo
vascular layer of mesemchyme surrounding optic cup
aqueous and vitreous humors of eye embryo
form from cell deah in eyeball
vitreous humor embryo
likely from neural crest cells
lens embryo
lens vesicle
congenital aphakia
agenesis of lens placode
absence of lens in eye
extrinsic eye muscles embryo
mesoderm of myotomes
ophthalmic artery
from internal carotid artery
-enters optic canal
branches of ophthalmic artery
central retinal artery short posterior ciliary a long posterior ciliary a anterior ciliary aa lacrimal a supraorbital a posterior ethmoidal a anterior ethmoidal a medial palpebral a supratrochlear a dorsal nasal a