Orbit Flashcards
Recall the bones that contribute significantly to the orbit, recalling which bones make up which wall
Superior: Frontal (orbital plate)
Medial: Maxilla (frontal process), Lacrimal, Ethmoid
Inferior: Maxilla
Lateral: Zygomatic (ant.), Greater wing of sphenoid (post.)
What is the role of the extrinsic muscles in the orbit?
Eyeball movement
Upper eyelids
What is the role of the intrinsic muscles in the orbit?
Control lens shape and pupil size
Describe the location of levator palpebrae superioris
Above superior rectus
Recall the functions of LPS
On eyeball: elevate, adduct, medially rotate
On eyelid: elevate when you look up far
What is the function of the orbicularis oculi?
Closing the eye
Recall the extrinsic muscles of the eye
Superior, inferior, lateral and medial rectus
Superior and inferior oblique
Recall the innervation of the extrinsic eye muscles
Sup + medial rectus, inf oblique. LPS = CNIII
Lateral rectus = CNVI
Sup oblique = CNIV
What is the role of the ophthalmic nerve>
SENSORY innervation to inside and around orbit + forehead and nose
Recall the arterial supply to the structures of the orbit
Ophthalmic artery (branch of ICA)
Recall the venous drainage of the orbit
2 venous channels:
- Superior ophthalmic vein
- Inferior ophthalmic vein
Recall the nerves and vessels passing through the optic canal
Optic nerve
Ophthalmic artery
Recall the nerves and vessels passing through the superior orbital fissure
Ophthalmic veins
Recall the nerves and vessels passing through the inferior orbital fissure
Inferior ophthalmic vein
Infraorbital vessels
What is the clinical significance of the close relationship between the sup. orbital fissure and the cavernous sinus
Sup. ophthalmic VEINS drain into the cavernous sinus, providing a potential route for infection
Can –> cavernous sinus thrombosis
Recall the pathway of the pupillary light reflex
Photoreceptors CNII Pretectal nucleus Bilateral edinger-westphal CNIII Ciliary ganglia PNS innervation of sphincter
How is pupillary light reflex tested?
Shine light in one eye
Should constrict both pupils
Constriction in tested eye = CNII good
Constriction in other eye = CNIII good
Recall the divisions and subdivisions of the ophthalmic nerve (V1)
Frontal and nasociliary Nasociliary divides into: Infratrochlear Ethmoidal Ciliary (long + short)
Recall the stimulatory signal for tear secretion
PNS innervation of lacrimal gland via lacrimal nerve
Recall the origins of the lacrimal nerve
- Pterygo-palatine ganglion
= PNS branches of V2 (max. div) - PNS fibres from facial nerve