Oral Structures Flashcards
What type of membrane is the Human Oral Cavity made of?
Oral Mucous Membrane
What type of tissue is in the oral mucous membrane made of?
Stratified Squamous Epithelium- mostly non-keratinized
Which parts of the oral mucous membrane are keratinized?
gingiva, hard palate, and dorsal surface of the tongue
What are the spaces in the Human Oral Cavity?
Vestibule, Oral Cavity proper and Pharynx
Keratinized Stratified Squamous Ep. is found where on the lip?
External Surface
External Surface of Lips are made up of which type of ep and glands?
Keratinized Stratified Squamous Ep.
Hair & Sweat Glands
What zone of the lips are the red area of the lips?
Vermillion Zone
True or False;
Vermilion Zone is a transition bt. Keratinized & Non-Keratinized Ep.
True or False
Does the red color of the lips have minimal capillaries?
False; red color is from the abundant capillaries
What type of ep. is the Internal Structure made up of?
Typical Oral Mucosa
What are the two regions of the tooth?
Crown & Root
Enamel is made up of what?
99% calcium crystals; hardest substance in the body
True or False
Pulp Cavity contains vessels & nerves
Part of the pulp in the root
Root Canal
bulk of tooth that is harder than bone