- comes from Latin word “communicare”
- exchange of ideas from one person to another
- transmission of ideas and emotion between or among person with the use of verbal or non-verbal cues.
- the source of the message that is encoded into symbols that are verbal or non-verbal
any info or anything the speaker wants to send to communicate by using any medium
- The form in which the speaker conveys the message.
- Speech, conversation, email, blog
- The mode, method, or the means of sending
- Gets the message in the medium desired through the chosen channel and decodes the message.
- Receiver’s response to the message sent
- Setting where the communication takes place
- Anything that impedes in the way of accurately sending, receiving, and interpreting.
- Diagrams that make you understand the process at a glance.
Models of Communication
- Originally intended to show how technologies function.
- So its primary parts, sender, channel, and receiver, reflect the use of technologies.
- SENDER is the part of a telephone a person speaks into
- CHANNEL is the telephone itself
- RECEIVER is the part of the phone where one can hear the other person.
Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model
o NOISE is the static that interferes or the absence of signal
o INFORMATION SOURCE possibly a person, creates and sends the message
o MESSAGE is what the information source sends to the destination.
o TRANSMITTER has 2 layers of transmission for FTF communication:
1st Layer – MOUTH for sounds and BODY for gestures or signals
2nd Layer – AIR for sound and LIGHT for gestures
o SIGNAL flows through a channel
o CHANNEL/CARRIER is usually air, light, electricity, etc.
o NOISE is a secondary signal that confuses the signal carried.
o RECEIVER can be a set of ears and eyes, telephone, or antenna.
o DESTINATION is usually a person, consumes and processes the message
Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model
- Wiener’s Interactive Model of Communication
- A variant of Shannon and Weaver Model
- Has inclusion of feedback, which makes it a two-way interchange of ideas.
Interactive Model
o DESTINATION provides feedback to the message he receives to allow the info source to modify in real time.
o FEEDBACK is a message or a set of message.
o The original source of feedback becomes in info source.
o The original CONSUMER of feedback turns into DESTINATION.
o FEEDBACK is transmitted, received, and potentially disrupted by noise.
o FEEDBACK is delayed because the destination needs to wait until he receives the message from the info source.
Interactive Model
- Seeks to explain how meaning is transferred between individuals, corporations, and others
- The most commonly taught and widely used theory of communication.
Schramm’s Communication Model
o Communication process is CIRCULAR because each communication takes on both roles of sender and receiver.
o SENDER encodes a message, transmitted in the form of signal
o RECEIVER decodes the message and responds by encoding another signal even before the sender has completely sent the message.
o Communication is therefore FLUID since the sending and the receiving is simultaneous.
o The overlap of the sender and receiver’s field of communication is the SHARED AREA
o FEEDBACK helps solve the problem because it allows the sender to modify info from what he observes from the receivers.
Schramm’s Communication Model
- By Eugene White (1960)
- Tells that the communication is CIRCULAR and CONTINUOUS.
- Communication can actually be observed from any point of the circle.
White’s Communication Model
- Speaker’s purpose is to control others by managing their behavior
- Can be seen when making announcements
- Able to use language, gestures, or emotion to manage groups or individuals
- Demonstrated by the act of telling someone to be quiet
Control and Regulation
- Most familiar and primary reason why people communicate
- Allows people to be connected
- Enjoy each other’s company
- The attention is shared by individuals
Social Interaction
- Speaker’s purpose is to persuade to change one’s opinion, attitude, or behavior
- Directs others and insist on their own agenda
- May be either quotes or advice
- Used when speaker wants to make aware of idea or concepts
- These may be facts, announcements, or news
- Appealing to the listener’s feelings
- Used by the speaker for the purpose of moving another person to act
- Basic Emotions according to Humintell:
o Anger, Contempt, Fear, Disgust, Happiness, Sadness, and Surprise
Emotional Expression
- A process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information such that the purpose or intention is fulfilled in the best possible manner.
- It is nothing but the presentation of views by the sender in a way best understood by the receiver.
Effective Communication
- No necessary information is missed
- It should convey all facts required by the audience
- Sender must take into consideration the receiver’s mindset
- It develops and enhances reputation
- It is cost-saving as no crucial information is missing.
- It always gives additional information whenever required
- Helps in better decision-making
- It persuades the audience.