Gods and Goddesses created universe.
Greek Mythology
The universe was created to reveal the love and mercy of God. Life forms were created.
Theory of Creationism
Believed that there was a supreme being who created the universe
Monotheistic Religions
Believed that there are many Gods and the world arose from an infinite sea at the first rising of the sun.
Ancient Egyptians
Story about the creator god Mbombo or Bumba.
Central Africa
Claims that it has no beginning or ending
Steady State Theory
Same appearance over time and still expanding
Steady State Theory
Matter is continuously created to form cosmic or celestial bodies
Steady State Theory
13.7 billion years – approximate age of universe
Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory
Infinitely hot and dense point
Big Bang Theory
Universe is infinite
Big Bang Theory
Albert Einstein- universe is infinite and a 4-dimensional sphere
Big Bang Theory
- Much of the mass of the solar system is concentrated at the center and the angular momentum by the other planets
Large Scale Solar System
- All planets are located at regular intervals from the sun
Large Scale Solar System
- All planets revolve around the sun
Large Scale Solar System
- As the distance of the planets from the sun increases, the period of revolution increases too
Large Scale Solar System
- Innermost move faster, outermost most slower
Large Scale Solar System
- planets rotate prograde
Small Scale Solar System
- innermost planets are composed of materials that have higher melting points like silicates, iron, and nickel.
Small Scale Solar System
- Outer planets are called “Gas Giants” because of the dominance of gas and their larger size
Small Scale Solar System
- Smaller planets rotate slower due to thin or no atmosphere, higher densities, low content of volatiles, H, He, and noble gases.
Small Scale Solar System
- Outer planets move faster due to thick atmosphere, low densities, and fluid interiors rich in H, He, and ices (H2O, ammonia, methane).
Small Scale Solar System
- Earth’s interacting, physical, chemical, and biological processes.
Earth Systems
o Air. Gaseous part of Earth
o Rock and solid surface
o Liquid part of the Earth
o All living forms
- Naturally occurring on the Earth
- Inorganic solids with orderly crystalline pattern building blocks or rocks
– quality and intensity of light reflected by the minerals
Metallic – glossy
Non-metallic – opaque
– over-all shape and growth pattern
– tendency of minerals to break smoothly or parallel
– tendency of minerals to break irregularly
– color of the mineral
– color of the mineral powder
– resistancy of the mineral from scratching
Diamond – hardest mineral
Talc – softest mineral
– ratio of the weight of the mineral to the weight of the equal volume of water.
Specific Gravity
– Silicon and Oxygen
– Sulfur combined with one or more ion
– Carbon and Oxygen
– Halogen combined with one or more ion
– Sulfur and Oxygen
– minerals that form as one element
Native Elements
– derived from cooling and solidification of magma or lava. Usually hard and crystalline
Igneous Rocks
- Fast rate of cooling due to variance of Earth’s temperature and underneath. (granite, diorite, gabbro)
Intrusive or Plutonic Igneous Rocks
- From solidified lava at or near the surface of the Earth. (rhyolite, andesite, basalt)
Extrusive or Volcanic Igneous Rocks
- Consists of very small crystals formed through rapid cooling.
Fine-grained Igneous Rocks
- Consists of large crystals and likely formed far below
Coarse-grained Igneous Rocks
- Consists of large crystals embedded on a group of smaller crystals
Prophyritic Igneous Rocks
- When a molten rock is ejected by a volcano causing the lava to cool instantly
Glassy Igneous Rocks
rocks that are formed at or near Earth’s surface.
Sedimentary Rocks
formed below the surface of the Earth through metamorphism
Metamorphic Rocks
- Metallic and non-metallic
- Can be classified according to the mechanism responsible for the concentration of the valuable substance
Mineral Deposits
o Concentrated within the igneous body through crystal fractionation, partial melting, and crystal settling
Magmatic Ore Deposits
o Concentrated by hot aqueous fluids
Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
o Concentrated by chemical precipitation coming from seawater or lakes
Sedimentary Ore Deposits
o Concentrated through gravity separation during sedimentary processes
Placer Ore Deposits
o Accumulation through chemical weathering processes.
Residual Ore Deposits
– to extract ore minerals that are close to Earth’s surface. Different types include open pit mining, quarrying, placer mining, and strip mining.
Surface Mining
– to extract ore minerals from the ore body that is deep under the Earth’s surface.
Underground Mining
- The materials extracted are rocks composed of both ore and waste material. The extracted rocks will undergo process of separation
The Milling Process
– first stage of controlled size reduction followed by grinding where the rocks are pulverized
Crushing and Screening
– crushed rocks are submerged in liquid where the heavier materials sink
Heavy Media Separation
– if it is magnetic, it will be separated from the waste material using a powerful magnet
Magnetic Separation
– placed into an agitated and frothy slurry where some minerals and metals based on physical and chemical properties may either sink to the bottom or may stick to the bubbles and rise to the top
- used for low-grade ore where the crushed rock is placed on a “leach pile” where cyanide solution is sprayed or dripped on top of the pile
Cyanide Heap Leaching
flooding, erosion, subsidence, air and water pollution, damage to wildlife and habitat
Impacts of Improper Mining
- topsoil replacement
- reintroduction of flora and fauna
- neutralizing acidic waters
- backfilling and sealing of abandoned underground mines
- stabilizing the slope of impacted area to reduce erosion
Measures to mitigate harmful effects of irresponsible mining
The rate or their formation is so slow that none could be formed over the course of human history. They are finite, and once extracted, depletion may follow
Non-renewable Energy Resources
- formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms
- the age of the organisms and the resulting resources is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 500 million years.
- contain high percentage of carbon
Fossil Fuels
- started forming 350 million years ago through the transformation of organic plant matter
- a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occuring in rock strata
86-98% pure Carbon and 8-3% volatile matter. It is an excellent fuel that is still used to heat homes.
70-86% Carbon and 46-31% volatile matter. It is used to make coke, used in metallurgy
Bituminous Coal
70-76% Carbon and 53-42% volatile matter. It is burned in industrial boilers
Sub-bituminous Coal
65-70% Carbon and 63-53% volatile matter. A low-grade fuel with high moisture content that is used in industrial boilers.
consist of partially decomposed vegetation. It isn’t coal, it has a carbon content of less than 60% and is composed entirely of volatile matter.
formed from the remains of marine animals and plants that lived millions of years ago
formed from fossil remains. It is formed when the layers of decomposing organic material are exposed to higher temperatures and pressures generated within Earth.
Natural Gas
Although the energy itself is considered renewable source, the material source used in nuclear power plant is not
Nuclear Energy
energy generated from natural resources and can be replenished faster than fossil fuels and have lower environmental impact
Renewable Energy Resources
biological plant and animal material was used as fuel for the generation of electricity, fuel, and heat.
power obtained from converting the kinetic energy of fast moving water into electricity
Hydroelectric Power
the converted energy derived from the sun
Solar Power
the energy harnessed from the flow of the air
Wind Energy
energy harnessed from the heat coming from Earth
Geothermal Energy
the leading renewable energy
creates a large waterfall and stores enough water to supply the plant at all time. It also helps producing and storing energy, as well as helps to regulate flooding
channels water from its natural environment to supply the dam reservoir.
that houses the turbines driven by the waterfall and the generator driven by the turbines
- run-of-river plants
- off-steam plants
- pumped storage power plants
Types of Hydropower Plant
separates the solids from the liquids. Solids are trapped in the screen while water flows through
allows solid particles to settle at the bottom
uses microorganisms to feed on organic contaminants
Activated Sludge
the process of adding chlorine to prevent water-borne diseases
uses UV light to disinfect and destroy bad organisms and stops their reproduction
Use of UV light
a process where liquid aluminum is mixed with raw water
The development of various kinds of machines following the industrial revolution resulted in major changes in the way agriculture is done.
Applied Technology
Farming can degrade the top soil and lead to an increase in erosion.
Agricultural Depletion
Grazing animals can remove large amounts of plant covers for an area. If too many animals graze the same land, once the tips of grasses and shrubs have been eaten, they will use their hooves to pull plants out by their roots.
Overgrazing Animals
one of the most important barriers to erosion is plant life, as long-lived trees and other species put down roots that literally help hold the soil together
Many mining techniques involve shifting large amounts of earth, such as strip mining or mountain top removal
Mining Operations
Construction of building often begins by clearing the area of any plants or other natural defenses against soil erosion
Development and Expansion
Humans also cause erosion through recreational activities, like hiking, and riding off-road vehicles. The area develops bare spots where no plants can grow.
Recreational Activities
organic matter develops soil structure, improves water and nutrient- holding capacity of soil, and protects the soil.
enhance organic matter content of soils
tilling helps in loosening surface soils, but too much off it can break up soil structure and speed up decomposition and loss of organic matter
avoid excessive tillage
pesticides are deemed necessary, make sure to follow user instruction
Apply proper pest management
Soil compaction occurs when soil particles are pressed together and there is reduced pore spaced between soil particles. It has a reduced rate of water infiltration and drainage
prevent soil compaction
Bare soils are susceptible to wind, water, and other agents of erosion, so it is best to cover open soils with dried leaves or crop residue, collectively referred to as “mulch”
Maintain ground cover
waste released from manufacturing plants, such as chemical plants, cement production, textile industries, metallurgical plants, etc.
Industrial Waste
a liquid that has dissolved or entrained environmentally harmful substance
a source of hazardous elements, such as mercury, cadmium, PVC, solvents, acids, and lead
Electronic Waste
excessive richness of nutrients can cause algal blooms, which can be detrimental to animal life due to lack of oxygen
pollution of water by silt or clay. It can have negative impacts on flora and fauna. It can cause smothering of filter feeders, as well as an increase in the turbidity of waters
excess use of fertilizers and pesticides. excess excrement from poultry and other livestock can cause eutrophication of bodies of water
Agricultural Waste
waste generated from the exploitation of mineral resources
Mining Waste
ground that is removed to extract the mineral deposit
Overburden Material
water that has come to contact with oxidized rock or overburden that contains sulphide material
Acid Mine Drainage
waste generated by hospitals and health care institutions
Biomedical Waste