Oral Cavity Flashcards
Oral cavity is separated from oropharynx by
Soft palate, anterior tonsillar pillars and circumvallate papillae
Non-fascial liner area in the oral cavity that is superomedial to mylohyoid muscle
Sublingual space
Located inferolateral to mylohyoid muscle
Submandibular space
The root of tongue is made up of
Genioglosssus-geniohyoid complex and lingual septum
Superior border of oral cavity
Hard palate, maxillary alveolar ridge
Lateral border of oral cavity
Cheek-buccal space
Inferior border of oral cavity
Mylohyoid muscle, mandibular alveolar ridge and teeth
Posterior border of oral cavity
Soft palate, anterior tonsillar pillars and lingual tonsil
Sublingual space is between __________ inferolaterally and __________ medially
Mylohyoid and genioglossus
Anteriorly, sublingual space communicate beneath
Posteriorly, sublingual space communicates with
posterosuperior aspect of submandibular space and inferior parapharyngeal space
Forms the “horizontal horseshoe” in deep oral tongue
“Vertical horseshoe” space between hyoid bone below and mylohyoid muscle sling above
Submandibular space
Submandibular space communicates posteriorly with
Inferior parapharyngeal space and posterior sublingual space
Submandibular space continues inferiorly as
Anterior cervical space
Inferiorly root of tongue ends at
Mylohyoid sling
Anteriorly, root of tongue ends at
Mandibular symphysis
Large, fan-shaped muscle arising anteriorly from superior mental spine on inner surface of symphysis menti of mandible; inserts along entire length of under surface of tongue
Thin and quadrilateral shaped arising from body and greater cornu of hyoid bone; passes vertically upward to insert into side of tongue
Forms floor of mouth
Mylohyoid muscle
Small triangular shaped region of mucosa behind last molar on mandibular ramus
Retromolar trigone
Anatomical crossroads of oral cavity, oropharynx, soft palate, buccal space, floor of mouth, masticator space and PPS
Retromolar trigone
Fibrous band extending from posterior mandibular mylohyoid line to medial pterygoid plate hamulus
Perifascial route of spread for SCCa
Pterygomandibular raphe
Fascia of sublingual space
Not lined by fascia
Submandibular space is lined by
Superficial layer of DCF
Anterior extent of oral mucosal space
Skin-vermillion junction of upper and lower lips
Posterosuperior extent of oral mucosal space
Junction of hard and soft palate
Posteroinferior extent of oral mucosal space
Junction of tongue at circumvallate papillae
Refers to mucosa overlying alveolar process of maxilla
Upper alveolar ridge
Mucosa overlying alveolar process of mandible
Lower alveolar ridge
Key neurovascular structures of oral cavity
CN9, CN12
Lingual nerve (branch of V3)
Lingual artery and vein
Posterior aspect of sublingual space is divided into medial and lateral compartments by
Hypoglossal muscle
Motor to intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue
Hypoglossal nerve
Intrinsic muscles of tongue
Inferior lingual, vertical and transverse muscles
Extrinsic muscles of tongue
Genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus and palatoglossus
Sensation to anterior 2/3 of oral tongue
Lingual nerve branch of V3
Anterior 2/3 of tongue taste and parasympathetic secreto-motor fibers to submandibular ganglion/ gland
Chorda tympani
Lateral compartment contents of sublingual space
Hypoglossal nerve
Lingual nerve
Sublingual glands and ducts
Submandibular gland deep portion and submandibular duct
Medial compartment contents
Glossopharymgeal nerve
Lingual artery and vein
Provides sensation to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Submandibular gland innervation
Parasympathetic secretomotor supply from chorda tympani (CN7)
Submandibular space fascia
Superficial layer DCF
Oral tongue is the
Anterior 2/3 not including tongue base
Freely mobile portion
Root of tongue
Lingual septum, inferior portion of genioglossus muscles and geniohyoid muscles
Crescent-shaped region of mucosa overlying mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles, extending from inner aspect of lower alveolar ridge to undersurface of anterior oral tongue
Floor of mouth
Base of tongue is the
Posterior 1/3 of tongue in oropharynx
Muscles of tongue that move tongue body and alters its shape
Extrinsic tongue muscles
Extrinsic tongue muscles supplied by CN12
Genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus
Extrinsic tongue muscle innervated by CN10
Tongue muscles that alters shape of tongue during deglutition and speech
Intrinsic tongue muscles
Triangle-shaped area of mucosa posterior to last mandibular molar that covers anterior surface of lower ascending ramus of mandible
Retromolar trigone
Thick fascial band that extends between posterior border of mandibular mylohyoid ridge and hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
Pterygomandibular raphe
Retromandibular trigone cephalad tip
Level of base of pterygoid plate
Fascial band of pterygomandibular raphe extends from
Posterior border of mylohyoid ridge of mandible to hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
Posterior margin of pterygomandibular raphe
Buccinator muscle
Anterior margin of pterygomandibular raphe
Superior constrictor muscle
Contains articular surface of TMJ
Condylar head and neck of mandible
Where temporalis muscle inserts
Coronoid process of mandible
What separates the 2 coronoid process of mandible
Mandibular notch
Divides the masticator space into lateral and medial compartments
Mandibular ramus
Transmits the inferior alveolar nerve
Mandibular foramen
Small, osseous lip extending from anterior aspect of mandibular foramen
Mandibular body is fused in anterior midline at
Symphysis menti
Alveolar process consists of
External buccal and internal lingual plates
Paired external openings of mandibular canal that transmits mental nerve
Mental foramen
Bony ridge on lingual mandible body which is site of attachment of mylohyoid muscle
Mylohyoid ridge
Contains inferior alveolar nerve and vessels
Mandibular canal
Innervates ipsilateral premilars and molars
Inferior alveolar nerve
Provides sensory innervation to skin and mucosa of lower lip and labial gingiva
Mental nerve
Innervates ipsilateral canine and incisors
Incisive nerve
Represents inferior aspect of maxillary bone
Maxillary alveolar ridge
Anterior hard palate and alveolar ridge that contains incisive foramen (nasopalatine nerve)
Forms anterior 2/3 of hard palate
Palatine process of maxillary bone
Forms posterior 1/3 hard palate
Horizontal plate of palatine bone
Supplies sensory fibers to anterior hard palate
Nasopalatine nerve
Comes down greater palatine canal in palatine bone.
Supplies sensation to posterior 2/3 of hard palate
Greater palatine nerve
Supplies sensiry fibers to palatine tonsil
Lesser palatine nerve
Densest material in body of tooth
Encases pulp of tooth
Nourishes the dentin
Acts as a medium for attachung fibers of periodontal ligament to tooth
Radiolucency surrounding tooth root
Periodontal space
If malignancy affects skin of upper lip, hard palate, soft palate check for
V2 perineural tumor
Major locations to identify V2 perineural tumor extend from
Incisive canal-greater palatine foramen to root entry zone of V in lateral pons
If malignant tumor of skin of chin, mandibular alveolar ridge or masticator space, check for
V3 perineural tumor
In checking for V3 perineural tumor, pay special attention to
Inferior alveolar canal, mandibular foramen, masticator space