Intracranial Arteries Flashcards
Anterior circulation
anterior com
Posterior com
Posterior circulation
Basilar artery and its branches
Proximal to temination of ICA gives off what arteries
Ophthalmic artery, anterior choroidal and posterior com
Terminal bifurcation of ICA
Anterior cerebral and MCA
Horizontal or precommunicating ACA segment that courses medially above optic chiasm, joined by ACoA to contralateral A1
Vertical or post communicating ACA segment that courses superiorly in the interhemispheric fissure around corpus callosum genu
Distal ACA segment that courses posteriorly under inferior free margin of falx cerebri and gives off cortical branches
Perforating arteries of ACA arise from
A1 and ACoA
Recurrent artery of heubner arises from
Distal A1 or proximal A2
MCA segment thar courses laterally to Sylvian fissure below anterior perforated substance, bi- or trifurcates
MCA segmen that creates gentle posterosuperior turn towards lateral cerebral (Sylvian) fissure
Genu of MCA
Insular segment of MCA that courses within lateral cerebral fissure, over insula
Opercular segments begin at top of insula, turn laterally in Sylvian fissure to reach overhanging frontal/ parietal/temporal operculae
Cortical branches of MCAthat emerge from lateral cerebral fissure, coursing over hemispheric surface
Perforating arteries of MCA cones from
Courses cephalad in prepontine cistern to terminal bifurcation ventral to midbrain
Basilar artery
Basilar artery branches
AICA, Superior cerebellar arteries, pontine, midbrain perforating arteries
Basilar artery bifurcates into
Mesencephalic or precommunicating segment of PCA that lies within interpeduncular cistern, curves posterolaterallt from BA to PCoA Junction
Ambient segment of PCA that extends from PCA-PCoA junction, curving around cerebral peduncles just above tentorium, above oculomotor nerve
Quadrigeminal segment of PCA that extends posteromedially from level of quadrigeminal plate
Cortical branches of PCA that arise from distal PCA at or just before reaching calcarine fissure
Perforating branches of PCA Comes from
Intracranial vertebral artery segments that enter dura near foramen magnum
Vertebral arteries gives off
Anterior/posterior spinal arteries
Perforating arteries to medulla
Two watershed zones
Cortical watershed
Deep white matter watershed
Subpial confluence of cortical ACA/MCA/PCA branches
Cortical watershed
Confluence of deep cortical penetrating branches, perforating branches from circle of Willis (COW)
Deep white matter watershed zone
Perforating branches of ACA
Corpus callosum rostrum
Heads of caudate nuclei
Anterior commisure
Anteromedial putamen/globus pallidus/ anterior limb internal capsule
Cortical branches of ACA
Inferomedial frontal lobes
Anterior 2/3 of medial hemisphere surface
Perforating branches of MCA
Putamen, globus pallidus, superior half of internal capsule, most of caudate nucleus, some deep white matter
Cortical branches of MCA
Most of lateral surface of cerebral hemispheres, anterior tip (pole) of temporal lobe
Perforaring branches of PCA
Thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, choroid plexus
Cortical branches of PCA
Inferior surface of temporal lobe, occipital pole, posterolateral surface of hemisphere
Perforating branches of BA
all PCA Territory, pons, superior cerebellum/vermis
Perforating branches of VA
Most medulla, cerebellar tonsils, inferior vermis/cerebellar hemispheres
Imaging that shows vascular territory
Late arterial (capillary) phase of DSA with brain stain
ICA segment Contained within carotid canal of temporal bone. Surrounded by extensive sympathetic plexus
Petrous segment C2
Branches of C2
Vidian artery (artery of pterygoid canal Caroticotympanic artery
Branch of C2 that anastomose with ECA
Vidian artery
Branch of C2 that supplies middle ear
Caroticotympanic artery
ICA segment that extends from petrous apex above foramen lacerum, curving upwards toward cavernous sinus, covered by trigeminal ganglion
Lacerum C3 segment
Segment of ICA without branches
Lacerum C3
Segment of ICA covered by trigeminal ganglion posteriorly
Cavernous C4 segment
Branch of ICA with the abducens nerve inferolateral to it
Cavernous (C4) segment
Major branches of C4
Meningohypophyseal trunk
Inferolateral trunk
Branch of C4 that Supplies pituitary, tentorium and clival dura
Meningohypophyseal trunk
Branch of C4 that supplies cavernous sinus, dura/cranial nerves; anastomoses with ECA branches through foramen rotundum, spinosum and ovale
Inferolateral trunk of C4
ICA segment between proximal, distal dural rings of cavernous sinus
Clinoid segment (C5)
ICA segment extending from distal dural ring at superior clinoid to just below posterior communicating artery origin
Ophthalmic segment (C6)
Two important branches of C6
Ophthalmic artery, superior hypophyseal artery
ICA segment that extends from below PCoA to terminal ICA bifurcation info ACA, MCA
Communicating segment (C7)
ICA segment that passes between optic (CN2), occulomotor (CN3)
Communicating (C7)
Major branches of C7
Posterior communicating artery
Anterior choroidal artery
Normal variant of C2 that presents as retrotympanic pulsatile mass; should not be mistaken for glomus tympanicum tumor
Aberrant ICA
Normal variant of C2 that arises from vertical segment, crosses cochlear promontory and stapes footplate
Persistant stapedial artery
C2 normal variant that appears as Y-shaped enlarged geniculate fossa of CN7 on CT
Persistent stapedial artery
Most common carotid-basilar anastomosis
Forms trident shape on DSA, sagittal MR
Persistant trigeminal artery
Horner syndrome results from interruption of
Periarterial sympathetic plexus around ICA
10 components of circle of Willis
2 ICA 2 proximal or horizontal (A1) ACA segments 1 Acom 2 Pcom Basilar artery 2 proximal or horizontal PCA
COW lies where
Abover sella, in suprasellar cistern
Relationship of COW to thalamus
Inferolateral to hypothalamus
A1 courses above/below optic nerves
PCoA course above/below optic tracts and above/below oculomotor nerves
Below optic tracts and above oculomotor nerves
Branches of ACA
Medial lenticulostriate arteries
Recurrent artery of Heubner
Branches of PCoA
Anterior thalamoperforating arteries
Branches of ACoA
Perforating branches to anterior hypothalamus, optic chiasm, cingulate gyrus, corpus callosum and fornix
Occassionally, median artery of corpus callosum
Basilar artery and PCAs branches
Posterior thalamoperforating arteries
Thalamogeniculate arteries
Vascular territory of COW
Entire central base of brain (hypothalamus, internal capsule, optic tracts, thalamus, midbrain)
Most common COW variation
Hypoplastic/absent PCoA
PCoA is same diameter as ipsilateral PCA, P1 is hypoplastic/absent
Fetal origin of PCA from ICA
Cortical branches of ACA
Orbitofrontal artery
Frontopolar artery
Pericallosal artery
Callosomarginal artery
Perforating branches of ACA
Medial lenticulostriate arteries
Recurrent artery of Heubner
Vascular territory of ACA cortical branches
anterior 2/3 of medial hemispheres
Penetrating branches of ACA supplies the
Medial basal ganglia, genu of corpus callosum, anterior limb of internal capsule
ACA anomalies that is typically associated with holoprosencephaly
Azygous ACA
ACA is superior/inferior to optic nerve
ACA segment that extends medially over the optic chiasm/nerves
ACA segment that runs superiorly in the interhemispheric fissure, anterior to corpus callosum rostrum
ACA segment that curves around corpus callosum genu, divides into pericallosal, callosomarginal arteries
Parts of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes that “overhang” and “enclose” the Sylvian fissure
Larger, lateral terminal branch of supraclinoid ICA
Middle cerebral artery
Anterior temporal artery arise from
Vascular territory of middle cerebral artery
Lateral surface of cerebral hemispheres except for convexity and inferior temporal gyrus
Medial basal ganglia, caudate nucleus and internal capsule are supplied by
Medial lenticulostriate arteries
Lateral putamen, caudate nucleus and external capsule are supplied by
Lateral lenticulostriate arteries
4 segments of PCA
P1 precommunicating
P2 ambient
P3 quadrigeminal
P4 calcarine
PCA segment that extends laterally from BA bifurcation to junction with PCoA
Courses above cisternal segment of oculomotor nerve
PCA segment that extends from P1/PCoA junction
Parallels optic tract, basal vein of Rosenthal
P2 ambient segment
PCA segment that extends behind midbrain (quadrigeminal plate level) to calcarine fissure (occipital lobe)
P3 quadrigeminal segment
PCA segment that terminates above tentorium in calcarine fissure
P4 calcarine segment
Posterior thalamoperforating arteries arise from
Thalamogeniculate arteries arise from
Ventricular/choroidal branches arise from
Anterior and posterior temporal arteries arise from
Vascular territory of PCA
Midbrain, thalami, posterior limb of internal capsule, optic tract, choroid plexus of 3rd/lateral ventricles, cerebral peduncles, posterior body and splenium of corpus callosum, posterior 1/3 of medial hemisphere, occipital lobe
Occlusion of what artery produces homonymous hemianopsia
4 vertebral artery segment
Extraosseous V1
Foraminal V2
Extraspinal V3
Intradural V4
VA branch arising from subclavian artery, courses posterosuperiot to enter C6 transverse foramen
VA segment that exits top of atlas transverse foramen
Courses superiorly in prepontine cistern
Basilar artery
Arises from distal VA, curves around/over tonsil, gives off perforating medullary, choroid, tonsillar, cerebellar branches
Lies ventromedial to CN7 and 8
Often loops into internal auditory meatus
Arise from distal BA, posterolaterally around midbrain, below CN3, tentorium
Lies above CN5
Superior cerebellar artery
Vascular territory of anterior spinal arteries
Upper cervical spinal cord, inferior medulla
Vascular territory of posterior spinal artery
Dorsal spinal cord to conus medullaris
Vascular territory of PICA
Lateral medulla, choroid plexus of fourth ventricle, tonsil, inferior vermis, cerebellum
Basilar artery vascular territory
Central medulla, pons, midbrain
Vascular territory of AICA
IAC, CN7 and 8, anterolateral cerebellum
Vascular territory of superior cerebellar artery
Superior vermis, superior cerebellar peduncle, dentate nucleus, brachium pontis, superomedial surface of cerebellum, upper vermis
Pattern of venous drainage
Generally radial and centrifugal
Dural venous sinuses communicate with extracranial veins directly via
Diploic veins in calvarium, emissary veins thru basilar foramina
Dural venous sinuses receive venous blood drom
Superficial cortical veins and deep subependymal veins
Appear as round/ovoid CSF- equivalent filling defects in dural sinuses that should not be mistaken as thrombus
Giant arachnoid granulations
Subacute clot on dural sinuses appear _______intense on T1
Contained within outer periosteal and inner meningeal dural layers that contain arachnoid granulations, villi
Dural sinuses
Important hemispheric tributary of superior sagittal sinus
Vein of Trolard
Intracranial vein that lies above corpus callosum, joins with vein of Galen to form straight sinus
Inferior sagittal sinus
Intracranial vein that runs from falcotentorial apex, posteroinferiorly to sinus confluence. Receives tributaries from falx, tentorium and cerebral hemispheres
Straight sinus
Intracranial vein that is formed by union of superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus and transverse sinuses
Torcular herophili (venous sinus confluence)
Important tributary of transverse sinuses
Vein of Labbe
Intracranial vein that extends from torcular to posterior border of petrous temporal bone
Transverse sinuses
Anteroinferior continuation of transverse sinus
Sigmoid sinus
Sigmoid sinus terminate by becoming the
Internal jugular veins
Irregularly shaped trabeculated venous compartment along sides of sella turcica
Cavernous sinuses
Cavernous sinuses contain
Cavernous ICA, CN6, 3,4 V1 and V2
Tributaries of cavernous sinus
Superior/inferior opthalmic veins, sphenoparietal sinus
Intracranial vein that begins near anterior perforated substance. Receives anterior cerebral, DMCV tributaries from insula, basal ganglia, parahippocampal gyrus. Drains into great cerebral vein of Galen
Basal vein of Rosenthal
Three major large anastomotic cortical veins
Vein of Trolard
Vein od Labbe
Superficial middle cerebral vein
Major superior anastomotic vein
Vein of Trolard
Major inferior anastomotic vein
Vein of Labbe
Major middle anastomotic vein
Superficial middle cerebral vein
Persistence of primitive leptomeningeal vascular plexus with paucity of normal cortical veins
Sturge-weber syndrome
Space within double-layered tela choroidea of third ventricle, communicates posteriorly with quadrigeminal cistern
Cavum veli interpositi
Small linear veins that originate 1-2 cm below cortex, courses towards ventricles, terminate un subependymal veins
Medullary veins
Short, U-shaped midline vein formed from union of ICVs, BVRs, curves posteriorly and superiorly under corpus callosum splenium in quadrigeminal cistern
Vein of Galen (great cerebral vein)
Vascular territory of deep cerebral veins
Caudate nuclei, deep cerebral (medullary) white matter, medial temporal lobes
Primitive median prosencephalic vein persists as outlet for diencephalic, choroidal venous drainage.
Persisting falcine sinus +/- absent hypoplastic straight sinus
Vein of galen malformation
Three major posterior fossa/midbrain drainage system
Superior galenic group
Anterior petrosal group
Posterior tentorial group
Vascular territory of superior galenic group
Midbrain, pons, superior surface of cerebellar hemispheres, upper vermis
Vascular territory of anterior petrosal group
Anterior petrosal surface of cerebellar hemispheres, lateral pons, brachium pontis, medulla, flocculus, nodulus
Vascular territory of posterior tentorial group
Inferior/posterior surfaces of cerebellar hemispheres, inferior vermis, tonsils
Collects numerous scalp, auricular tributaries
Superficial temporal vein
Connects freely with dural sinuses, meningeal veins.
May form large venous lakes
Diploic veins
Connects intra and extraaxial veins
Emissary veins