Oral Cavity Flashcards
What is the oral vestibule?
Oral vestibule
– Between lips/cheeks and dental arches
What is the oral cavity proper?
Oral cavity proper
–Between dental arches and palatoglossal arch
What are the faucets?
– Between palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch
What are the bones of the hard palate?
Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity
- The two horizontal processes of the maxilla and the palatine processes grow together during development and become fused at the median palatine suture
- Failure of this fusion results in a cleft palate
- The boundary line between anterior clefts (cleft lip, alone or combined with a cleft alveolus) and posterior clefts (cleft palate) is the incisive foramen
- These anomalies may also take the form of cleft lip and palate (with a defect involving the lip, alveolus, and palate
What are the suprahyoid muscles?
Suprahyoid muscles • Open the mouth • Elevate hyoid bone and move it forward during swallowing –1. mylohyoid –2. geniohyoid –3. digastric –4. stylohyoid
Mylohyoid and genohyoid make up the oral floor
Where is the mylohyoid nerve?
- Mylohyoid nerve
– mylohyoid
–anterior belly of digastric
What nerve innervates the stylohyoid?
- Facial nerve
– posterior digastric
– stylohyoid
What nerve innervates the geniohyoid muscles muscles?
- Ventral ramus of spinal nerve C1 (traveling with hypoglossal nerve
– geniohyoid
What are the 3 phases of swallowing?
Three phases
– 1. Voluntary initiation of swallowing
– 2. Reflex closure of the airway
• mylohyoid, digastric, and thyrohyoid elevate larynx
• epiglottis covers and seals the laryngeal inlet
• soft palate is tightened, elevated, and apposed to posterior pharyngeal wall, sealing upper airway
– 3. Reflex transport of the bolus down the pharynx & esophagus
What are the intrinsic tongue muscles?
Intrinsic muscles alter the shape – superior longitudinal – inferior longitudinal – transverse – vertical
What arteries supply the tongue ?
- Lingual artery arises from the external carotid artery
* Passes deep to hyoglossus, turns superiorly to give off deep and sublingual branches
What are the salivary glands?
Three large, paired glands
– parotid
– submandibular
– sublingual
What’s the location of the submandibular gland?
-Deep part: inside oral cavity
- superficial part: beneath
Submandibular Duct:
• emerges from the deep part and runs forward
• opens at the base of the frenulum
• double-crossed by the lingual n.
What is the location of the sublingual glands?
• Location:
• beneath the mucous
• along the inner surface
of the mandible
- Sublingual ducts:
- numerous
- open onto crest of sublingual fold
What are the muscles of the soft palate?
Acts as a valve
- If depressed, closes off the oropharyngeal isthmus
- If elevated, separates the nasopharynx from oropharynx
- all muscles are innervated by vagus (CN X) except tensor veli palatini innervated by mandibular nerve (CN V3)
What’s the significance of clefts?
Cleft lip repair is around 3rd month.
Cleft palate repair around the 10th month (rule of ‘ten’; 10 lbs, Hb 10).
Cleft palate repair with a mucosal flap that relies on the greater palatine vessels transposed to the midline to close the defect.
What is Torus palatinus?
Torus palatinus is a median ridge of bony tissue on the hard palate which may gradually appear in adolescence, is benign and may interfere with dentures and cause concern if misinterpreted.
What is Torus msandibularis?
Torus mandibularis is a ‘parallel’ alveolar ridge in the oral cavity and can be used for bone graft for building the alveolar ridge for dental implant if necessary.
What is the result of CN XII lesion?
tongue deviates to the side of the lesion when stretched out.
What is cancerophobia?
Cancerophobia related to the oral cavity and oropharynx
(normal structures interpreted as cancerous growths for instance): - opening of parotid duct opposite M2 upper teeth in oral vestibule
- circumvallate papillae just anterior to the linea terminalis
- epiglottis
- caruncula on either side of the tongue frenulum
- dorsal lingual veins