Face And Scalp Flashcards
What are the groups of the muscles of the face?
- orbital group
- nasal group
- oral group
- other
What are the actions of the facial muscles?
- muscles of facial expression
- sphincters around eyes and mouth
What are the innervation of facial muscles?
Facial nerves (VII)
What do facial muscles develop from?
2nd pharyngeal arch
What are the orbital group of the facial Muscles?
Orbicularis oculi ‣ completely surrounds each orbit ‣ orbital part ‣ encircles the orbital opening and beyond the rim ‣ closes the eye forcefully ‣ palpebral part ‣ located in the eyelids from the medial corner of eye across each lid to attach laterally ‣ closes the eye gently
Corrugator supercilii
‣ deep to the eyebrows
‣ draws the eyebrow down and medial, and wrinkles the skin above the nose during frowning
What are the nasal facial group muscles?
‣ transverse part - compresses the nares
‣ alar part - draws the alar cartilages down
and lateral, and opens the nares
Procerus ‣ arises from the nasal bone ‣ inserts into the skin of the forehead, between the eyebrows ‣ draws the medial border downward, wrinkling the skin superficial to the nasal bone ‣ active during frowning
Depressor septi nasi
‣ arises from maxilla and inserts into nasal septum
‣ widens the nares by pulling the nose inferiorly
What are the lower group of facial group?
Depressor anguli oris - depresses corner of mouth (frowning)
Depressor labii inferioris - depresses lower lip laterally
Mentalis - positions lip when drinking from a cup, or pouting
What are the upper part of the oral facial group?
Risorius - grin
Zygomaticus major/minor - smile
Levator labii superioris - deepens furrow between nose and mouth
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - flaring the nostrils Levator anguli oris - elevates corner of mouth
What does the orbicularis oris do?
Orbicularis oris - narrows the mouth and closes the lips (whistle)
Whaat are the location, attachments, and actions of buccinator?
‣ location
‣ muscular component of the cheek
‣ occupies space between mandible and maxilla deep to other muscles of the face
‣ Attachments ‣ posterior maxilla & mandible opposite molar teeth ‣ pterygomandibular raphe ‣ blends in with fibers of the orbicularis oris ‣ upper fibers enter the lower lip ‣ lower fibers enter the upper lip
‣ Actions
‣ presses cheeks against teeth (aids in mastication)
‣ forceful expulsion of air from cheeks
What facial muscles fall within the other category?
Other muscles - not in area of face, but derived from 2nd pharyngeal arch and innervated by facial nerve (CNVII)
‣ imbedded in superficial cervical fascia
Auricular muscles
‣ anterior auricular
‣ superior auricular
‣ posterior auricular
Posterior belly of digastric
‣ frontal belly
‣ occipital belly
Explain the Anatomy of the occipitofrontalis
‣ Occipitalis
‣ innervated by posterior auricular branch (CN VII)
‣ attached to superior nuchal line and mastoid process of the temporal bone to epicranial aponeurosis
‣ Frontalis
‣ innervated by temporal branch (CN VII)
‣ attached to skin of eyebrows to epicranial aponeurosis
What is the action of the occipitofrontalis?
‣ moves the scalp, wrinkles the forehead, and raises the eyebrows
What is the occipitofrontalis separated by?
Separated by an aponeurosis
‣ epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica) – embedded in scalp
Explain the motor innervation to thee face
- motor portion of the facial nerve (CN VII) exits the skull via the stylomastoid foramen (*innervates stapedius muscle inside skull)
- gives the following extracranial branches before coursing anteriorly and entering the substance of the parotid gland:
- posterior auricular n. – to auricularis posterior m. and occipitalis m.
- branch to posterior belly of digastric m. and stylohyoid m.
• The rest of CNVII innervates the muscles of facial expression (5 branches)
What are the CN VII branches?
CN VII enters the parotid gland and divides into 5 motor branches:
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal mandibular
- Cervical
“Two Zebras Bit My Clavicle”
What is the parotid gland?
‣ anterior to lower half of ear and extends from zygomatic arch down to lower border of mandible
‣ covers portion of SCM and masseter m.