Oral And Nasal Cavities - 4/6 Stephens Flashcards
Where do Postganglionic Symp fibers originate from in the innervation to the sublingual gland?
Fibers course through what?
Superior cervical ganglion
External carotid and facial plexuses
OR the sublingual plexus
Preganglionic PS innervation to the sublingual gland originates where?
Exits with what nerve?
Travels through what nerve?
Joins what?
Synapses where?
Superior Salivatory nucleus
CN 7
Chorda tympani
Lingual nerve
Submandibular ganglion
What is the line of demarcation between the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
Sulcus terminalis
All intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by CN 12 except what muscle?
What innervates it?
What is its action?
Palatoglossus m.
CN 10 via pharyngeal plexus
Elevates tongue and closes faucial isthmus during deglutition
Unilateral hypoglossal palsy results in what muscle deviation?
To what side?
Genioglossus m.
Towards the affected side
Action of tensor veli palatini muscle?
Tenses soft palate and opens auditory tube
Action of Levator veli palatini muscle?
Elevates soft palate
CN 10 via pharyngeal plexus
Paralysis of tensor or levator palate results in what?
Deviation of uvula towards the normal side
What supplies the post-incisive?
Hard palate?
Soft palate?
Greater palatine vessels
Lesser palatine vessels
What must you be careful for when removing the palatine tonsil?
What bleeds during tonsillectomy?
Where does lymphatic drainage from the tonsil go?
CN 9
Tonsillar vein
Jugulodigastric nodes
Where do fractures of the nose frequently occur?
Junction between septal cartilage and the ethmoid and vomer bones
Where is the opening for the maxillary sinus located?
Posterior 1/3 of the hiatus semilunaris
The frontal and anterior ethmoid all sinuses drain into where?
If these sinuses drain through a separate opening located anterior to the hiatus, what is this opening called?
Ethmoidal infundibulum
Frontal recess
What is the blood supply to the posterior 2/3 of the nasal cavity?
What is it a branch of?
Tissue here is derived from what?
Sphenopalatine a.
Terminal branch of the maxillary a.
What is the blood supply to the anterior 1/3 of the nasal cavity?
Tissue here is derived from what?
Anterior ethmoidal artery
Innervation to the post. 2/3 nasal cavity? What kind of fibers?
Anterior 1/3? Type of fibers?
Sphenopalatine ganglion GVA
Anterior Ethmoidal n. (branch of CN 5) GSA
Most epistaxis occurs between the junction of the septal branches of the superior labial and sphenopalatine arteries. This region is called what?
Kiesselbach’s area
The roof of the maxillary sinus is also what?
What nerve is located in this area?
Floor of the orbit
Infraorbital nerve
What is the relationship of the sphenoidal sinus to adjacent structures posterior?
pons, basilar artery
Nasal cavity
What is the relationship of the sphenoidal sinus to adjacent structures inferior?
Internal carotid, V1, cavernous sinus
Mnemonic for sphenoidal sinus relationships:
Alphabetical order: PSAIL
Where does the frontonasal duct drain?
Ethmoidal infundibulum OR frontal recess of middle meatus
Preganglionic Symp neurons to the lacrimal gland are found where?
Intermediolateral cell columns of T1-L2
How do Postganglionic Symp fibers supply the lacrimal gland?
What else do they supply?
Deep petrosal n. From the internal carotid plexus joins the petrosal nerve to form the vidian nerve
Palate, nasal cavity, pharynx, orbit
What nerve spirals around the submandibular (Wharton’s) duct from superior-lateral to inferior-medial?
Lingual nerve