Head and Neck Embryo - 4/5 Stephens Flashcards
What prominences are associated with the membranous neurocranium?
Viscerocranium has what components?
What is Apert syndrome?
Premature fusion of coronal sutures
Acrocephalic appearance
What comes from pharyngeal punch 1?
Auditory tube and middle (tympanic) ear cavity
What forms from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
What nerve associated with it?
Maxillary and mandibular processes
CN 5
What are the 2 areas in the development of the embryo where mesenchyme will not invade?
Prechordal plate
Cloacal membrane
What surrounds the stomodeum?
It’s formed by what?
5 facial swellings of the 1st branchial arch
What does the intermaxillary process form?
Nasal septum
Primary palate
What landmark distinguishes anterior from posterior cleft palate deformities?
Incisive foramen
A failure of the medial and maxillary swellings to fuse is what?
Anterior cleft deformity
What causes an oblique facial cleft?
What is exposed as a result?
Failure of the maxillary swelling to merge with its corresponding lateral nasal swelling
Nasolacrimal duct
What causes a median cleft lip and bifid nose?
Failure of medial nasal prominences to fuse
What causes macroscopic and microstomia?
Dysfunction of the maxillary and mandibular swellings
What is Agathnia?
What is involved?
Dysgenesis of the mandibular swelling
1st branchial cleft, auricle positioning means they are deaf
What causes cleft nose?
2 medial nasal prominences not fusing together
What is cyclopia?
Caused by what?
Extreme reduction of midface
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
What is cebocephaly?
Caused by what?
Midface defect characterized by a single nostril
Holoprosencephalic defects of the midface have what defect?
Failure of what?
Bilateral cleft defect
Failure of intermaxillary process to form
Bilateral cleft lip is the result of what?
Failure of the medial nasal processes to fuse with the maxillary swellings
Development of the branchial arches is induced by what?
During what week?
What type of fibers innervate the arches?
Neural crest
4 week
Treacher Collins Sydrome is associated with which arch?
What do 40-50% of all people with this syndrome have?
Small chin, enlarged nose, cleft palate, cleft lip
Conductive hearing loss
Aural cysts form how?
What anomalous derivative are they?
Anterior to the ear
1st cleft
Where are lateral cervical cysts located?
Anterior to the SCM
What innervates the epithelium to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue? What kind of fibers?
What else innervates it and what kind of fibers?
CN 5 - GSA
CN 7 - SVA
What supplies both GSA and GVA fibers to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
CN 9
What innervates intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Derived from where?
GSE from CN 12
Head myotomes
What are the muscles of Arch 1? CN?
Skeletal/special structures?
MATTT Mastication Ant. Digastric Tensor Tympani Tensor palati
Malleus, Incus, Meckel’s
Think: Mayas, Incas, and…
Arch 2 muscles?
Skeletal/special structures?
MPSS Mimetic muscles Post. Digastric Stapedius Stylohyoid
CN 7
Stapes, Lesser Cornu Hyoid, Reichert’s
Arch 3 muscles?
Skeletal structures?
CN 9
Body and Greater Cornu of hyoid
Arch 4 muscles?
Skeletal structures?
Pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles
CN 10
Laryngeal cartilages
1st cleft/branchial groove derivatives?
External auditory meatus
Tympanic membrane
What does the 1st pouch form?
Eustachian/auditory tube Tympanic cavity (middle ear)
2nd pouch derivative?
Root of the tongue
3rd pouch derivative?
Inferior parathyroid gland
Ventral portion: thymus
4th pouch derivative?
Superior parathyroid gland
Ultimobranchial body
Branchial cysts are a failure of what?
Failure of obliteration of 2nd cleft OR 2nd and 3rd arches
At the end of 10 weeks flat bones start to form what?
Membranous neurocranium