Optometry in Public Health Today Flashcards
Lecture Objectives
1) To be familiar with prominent national vision/eye related public health programs to include Community Health Centers, InfantSEE, Healthy Eyes Healthy Children and VISION 2020
2) To be familiear with prominent national general health public health programs to include Healthy People 2010/2020/2030
3) To have an understanding of the role optometry plays organization AOA, AAO, APHA
Public health involvement of AOA
community health centers, infantSEE, healthy eyes healthy people (children), vision USA, optometric disaster relief fund
Community health centers quote from AOA website
partnering with the National Association of Community Health Centers, the AOA is working to improve access in CHCs to eye and vision care services
What percent of CHCs provide eye care?
T/F National Health Service Corps currently excludes optometry
Mission of National Health Service Corp
builds healthy communities by supporting qualified health care providers dedicated to working in areas of the US with limited access to care; formed in 1972
What disciplines are allowed in the National Health Service Corp?
medicine, dentistry, nurse practitioner, certified nurse-midwife, physician assistant
InfantSEE quote from AOA website
affords a one-time, comprehensive eye assessment at no cost for infants in their first years of life
Healthy Eyes Healthy Children quote from AOA website
healthy eyes healthy children community grants program offers an opportunity for optometrists to collaborate with other community resources so that vision care, including hardware, is provided to children, and optometry is recognized as a vital component of the health care system
Healthy Eyes Healthy People (old program) quote from AOA website
an ambitious public-private initiative to improve the eye and visual health of the American public
Healthy Eyes Healthy People SCO events
2014 see to read vision awareness program; 2013 project homeless connect:focus on vision care; 2012 eye spy… a day at the zoo vision awareness; 2011 head start vision initiative
Healthy People 2020
US Department of Health and Human Services health promotion and disease prevention initiative; health goals broken into 600 health objectives; fully 8 of the health objectives address eye and vision conditions; goals were to be met by 2020
Healthy People Timeline
2008 Analyze data and develop HP 2020 objectives and goals –> 2010 report HP2010 results and HP2020 begins –> 2018 analyze data and develop HP1020 objectives and goals etc
Healthy People 2010 successes
major decrease in CVA and heart disease (reducing cholesterol levels, reducing smoking rates); life expectancy rise; several mental health goals and objectives met
Healthy People 2010 shortcomings
obesity rates continue to rise and health disparities continue to worsen
Healthy People 2020 new topic areas
adolescent health, blood disorders and blood safety, dementias, early/middle childhood, genomics, global health, health related quality of life and well-being, healthcare associated infections, LGBT health, older adult preparedness, sleep health, social determinants of health
Healthy People 2020 data source organizations
CDC, Department of Labor, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Census Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration
Healthy People 2020 data source instruments
national health interview survey– conducted by US Census Bureau (others: survey of occupational injuries and illnesses, national electronic injury surveillance, current population survey, national health and nutrition examination, uniform data systems)
Healthy People 2020 V-1
increase the proportion of preschool children aged 5 years and under who receive vision screening
Healthy People 2020 V-2
reduce blindness and visual impairment in children and adolescents aged 17 years and under
Healthy People 2020 V-3.1 and 3.2
3.1 reduce occupational eye injuries resulting in lost work days; 3.2 reduce occupational eye injuries treated in emergency departments
Healthy People 2020 V-4
increase the proportion of adults who have a comprehensive eye examination, including dilation, within the past 2 years
How should an objective data change?
change by 10%
Healthy People 2020 V-5
reduce visual impairment; 5 sub categories: uncorrected refractive error, diabetic ret, glaucoma, cataract, AMD
Healthy People 2020 V-6
increase use of personal protective eyewear in recreational activities and hazardous situations around the home; 2 categories children 6-17 and adults 18+
Healthy People 2020 V-7
7.1 increase the use of vision rehabilitation services by persons with visual impairment and 7.2 increase the use of assistive and adaptive devices by persons with visual impairment
Healthy People 2020 V-8
Developmental– increase the proportion of FQHCs that provide comprehensive health services
How many objectives were met for Healthy People 2020?
50% target met