Optional: Optimize the Enterprise Flashcards
Describe a time when you participated with someone outside of your line of business in an activity that turned out to benefit both businesses.
In any organization there are often conflicting business unit goals. Tell me about a time when you modified your goal for another division’s benefit.
Tell me about a time when you had to persuade a cross-business colleague to form a partnership with you.
Tell me about a time you got involved in a cross-functional activity simply to develop a better working relationship with those involved in the activity.
Give me an example of a time you solved a problem in ways that addressed total system needs rather than just your immediate situation.
Give me an example of when you wish you would have spent some time looking for common ground with stakeholders before you took a particular action.
Tell me about a time when you needed to accomplish something through an informal network.
Give me an example of a time you used your political savvy to push something through for approval.
Tell me about a collaborative effort you were invovled in between your organization and the community.
Describe for me a time when your ability to find relationships between things inside and/or outside the organization helped you be more effective.