OPS Flashcards
Who is OPS?
LT Reber
What does OPS do?
Responsible for operations of the ship
What does CICO stand for?
Combat Information Center Officer
What does CICO do?
Responsible for order and organization of CIC
Who is CICO?
ENS Quintero
What does the Comms Officer do?
Responsible for communication equipment on the ship
Whats the primary mission of CIC?
Gathering Processing Display Evaluation Dissemination
What’s the secondary mission of CIC?
Control and assist
What does TAO stand for?
Tactical Action Officer
What does the TAO do?
Responsible for tactical actions in CIC
What does CICWO stand for?
Combat Information Center Watch Officer
What does CICWO do?
Responsible to TAO, coordinates all tactical info
What does CICWS stand for?
Combat Information Center Watch Supervisor
What does CICWS do?
Responsible for equipment, comms, and personnel
What does the Shipping Officer do?
Assist Conning Officer during S&A coordinating surface contacts in the area
What does Piloting Officer do?
Makes piloting recommendations to Conn Officer during S&A
What does EWS stand for?
Electronic Warfare Supervisor
What does EWS do?
Assists and evaluates in EW operations
What does AAWC stand for?
Anti Air Warfare Coordinator
What does AAWC do?
Responsible to TAO for air contacts
What does SUWC stand for?
Surface Warfare Supervisor
What does SWS do?
Responsible to TAO for all surface contacts
What does ASWC stand for?
Anti Sub Warfare Coordinator
What does ASWC do?
Responsible to TAO for subsurface contacts
What does ASTAC stand for?
Anti Sub Tactical Air Coordinator
What does ASTAC do?
Controls and Coordinates aircraft for ASW missions
What does RCS stand for?
Remote Control System
What does RCS do?
Controls and fires CIWS
What does RSC stand for?
Radar Systems Controller
What does RSC do?
Controls and configures SPY
What does IDS stand for?
Identification Detection Supervisor
What does IDS do?
IDs air contacts and manages IFF
What does SLQ-32 do?
Anti ship missile defense and electronic support
What does MSS stand for?
Missile System Supervisor
What does MSS do?
Controls ship’s missile armament
What does TIC stand for?
Tactical Information Coordinator
What does TIC do?
In charge of tactical picture and CDLMS
What does CDLMS stand for?
Common Data Link Management System
What is data links?
Used by friendly units to increase battle picture
What does CSC stand for?
Combat Systems Coordinator
What does CSC do?
Coordinates with CSOOW and relates information to TAO
What does GFCS stand for?
Gun Fire Control System
What does GFCS do?
Fires the 5in
What does OSS stand for?
Optical Sight System
What are the 2 modes of OSS?
Daylight and Thermal
What does ATDC stand for?
Advance Tactical Display Console
How many ATDCs are there?
What does ATDCs do?
Used for tomahawk operations
What does GCCS-M stand for?
Global Command Control System Maritime
What does GCCS-M do?
Maintains non real time operational picture
What does FIS/RLEP do?
Prevents inadvertent launch
What does ODA stand for?
Own Ship Display Assistant
What does ODA do?
Displays call signs and overlays
What does SPA-25G do?
Displays SPS-67 and BME
Where is SPA-25G located?
Bridge and CIC
What does IFF stand for?
Identification Friend Or Foe
What are the modes of IFF?
1 2 3 4/5 CIC
What is IFF Mode 1?
Military only
What is IFF Mode 2?
Military only
What is IFF Mode 3?
Military and Civilian
What is IFF Mode 4/5?
Encrypted and Secure
What is IFF Mode C?
What does TACAN do?
Homing beacon for aircraft to find our location
What is the pro word for TACAN?
What is Radio Telephone?
Enables direct comms between units
What does VMS stand for?
Voyage Management System
What does VMS do?
Electronic navigation
What is hawklink?
Data link between ship and helo
What antenna does Hawklink use?
What does OPORDER stand for?
Operational Order
What is OPORDER?
Coordinates operations in immediate future
What does OPLAN stand for?
Operational Plan
What is OPLAN?
Plan for military operations
What does OPTASK mean?
Operational Task
What is OPTASK?
Tasking for specific Warfare area
What kind of CASREPS are there?
What is initial?
Report casualty
What is Update?
Status of equipment status
What is Correction?
No longer required
What is Cancellation?
When equipment is scheduled for repairs
What are the categories for CASREP?
CAT 1-4
What CASREP is least and most severe?
Least: 1
Severe: 4
What is LOGREQ?
Includes times, stores, services
What does LOGREQ stand for?
Logistics Request
Does SITREP stand for?
Situational Report
What are the different SITREPS?
Navy Blue
White Pinnacle
What sitrep goes to the unit commander?
What SITREP goes to the CNO?
Navy blue
What SITREP goes to the president?
White pinnacle
What are the message priorities?
How long is flash?
How long is Immediate?
How long is priority?
How long is Routine?
What is MIO?
Suspect vessels are searched and inspected
What does MIO stand for?
Maritime Interdiction Operations
What does NEO stand for?
Noncombatant Evaluation Operations
What is NEO?
Evacuation of American/Friendly personnel from bad areas
What does SAR stand for?
Search and Rescue
What is SAR?
Humanitarian Assistance and Response
What does NSFS stand for?
Naval Surface Fire Support
What is minimize?
Reduce nonessential info so important info can flow
What does EEFI stand for?
Essential Elements of Friendly Information
What is EEFI?
Can provide key parts to intel exploitation by or enemies
What is beadwindow?
Leaked info
What is gingerbread?
Intruder on net
How long is the ship?
What’s the beam of the ship?
What is the ship’s draft?
30ft 8in
What is the ship’s displacement?
1250 tons
What’s our max speed?