OPORD Flashcards
What are plans and orders?
Plans and orders are the means by which commanders express their visualization, commanders intent and decisions
What do plans and orders provide?
They focus on results the commander expects to achieve
Plans and orders form the basis commanders use to synch mil operations
How do plans and orders encourage initiative?
They encourage initiative by providing the “what” and “why” of a mission, and leave the how to accomplish the mission to the subordinates
Plans and orders permit subordinate CDRS to prepare supporting plans and orders by:
Focusing subordinates activities
Providing tasks and activities, constraints and coordinating instructions
Encourage agility, speed and initiative
Convey instructions in recognizable, clear, and simple format
What is a plan?
A plan is a design for future or anticipated operation
What are the 3 levels of plans?
Strategic plans: cover overall conduct of war
Operational or campaign plans: cover a series of related mil ops aimed at accomplishing a strategic or operational obj
Tactical plans: cover the employment of units in operations
What is an Operation Plan?
OPLAN: any plan for the preparation, execution and assessment of military operations
When does the OPLAN evolve?
The OPLAN becomes an OPORD when the commander sets an execution time
Why use an OPLAN?
OPLANS are a tool for commanders to begin preparation for possible operations by issuing an OPLAN
What is an OPORD?
OPORD: directive from commander to coordinate the execution of an operation
What is a WARNORD?
Warning order: preliminary notice of an order
What is a FRAGORD?
Fragmentary order: timely changes of existing orders
What are the 5 paragraphs of an OPORD?
- Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- Sustainment
- Command and signal
Sergeant Major eats sugar cookies
What is included in paragraph 1 - Situation
a. Area of interest
b. Area of Operations
c. Enemy Forces
d. Friendly Forces
e. Interagency, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations
f. Civil considerations
g. Attachments and detachments
h. Assumptions
Differentiate area of interest and area of operations
area of interest: area of concern to the cdr, extending into enemy territory to the obj of current or planned ops
Area of operations: defined by joint force commander, area large enough to complete the mission
- terrain
- weather
What is included in enemy forces?
Enemy forces:
- 1 echelon up and 2 down
- disposition, composition, strengths and capabilities
- most likely and dangerous COAs
What is included in friendly forces?
Friendly Forces
- mission, intent and concept of operations for one and two levels up
- mission of adjacent units
What is in paragraph 2: mission?
This is your restated mission statement from the planning process, that clearly indicates task and purpose
What must be included in the mission statement
Who What: task Where When Why: purpose
What is in paragraph 3: execution?
A. Commanders intent B. Concept of operations C. Scheme of movement and maneuver - scheme of mobility/countermobility - scheme of battlefield obscuration - scheme of reconnaissance and surveillance D. Scheme of intel E. Scheme of fires F. Scheme of protection G. Stability operations H. Assessment I. Tasks to subordinate units J. Coordinating instructions
What is in paragraph 3: execution
A. Commanders intent - key tasks - purpose - end state B. Concept of operations - best COA using MDMP - the how - the sequence of events - decisive, shaping, sustaining methods - Phases C. Scheme of movement and maneuver - mobility, obscuration, recon/surveillance D. Scheme of intel E. Scheme of fires F. Scheme of protection G. Scheme of operations H. Assessment I. Task to subordinate units J. Coordinating instrucitons - timeline is mandator - CCIRS - EEFIs - fire support - airspace - ROE - risk control - personnel recovery - environmental - themes and messages - other
How are phases of the operation differentiated in paragraph 3?
Designate phases as follows: Phase I Phase II Phase III Etc
What is included in paragraph 3 execution
- concept of operations
Directs manner in which subordinate units cooperate to accomplish the mission
Establishes the sequences of actions the force will use to achieve the end state
Uses the decisive shaping and sustaining method in the execution phase
What is included in paragraph 3 execution
- scheme of movement and maneuver
1) scheme of mobility/countermobility
2) scheme of battlefield obscuration
3) scheme of reconnaissance and surveillance
What is included in paragraph 3 execution
- tasks to subordinate units
Stes the missions or tasks for each maneuver unit that reports directly to the HQ issuing the order
- lists units as they appear in the task org
- place tasks that pertain to two or more units in coordinating instructions
- only list tasks not specified or implied elsewhere
Fun facts about paragraph 3 execution
- coordinating instructions
- list only instructions applicable to two or more units and not covered in unit SOP’s
- always the last subparagraph in para 3
- complex instructions placed in an annex
What is included in paragraph 3 execution
- coordinating instructions
1) Timeline (mandatory for OPORD)
2) Commanders critical info requirements (CCIR)
3) essential elements of friendly information
4) fire and support coordinating measures
5) Airspace coordinating measures
6) ROE
7) risk reduction control measures
8) Personnel recovery coordinating measures
9) environmental considerations
10) themes and messages
11) other coordinating instructions
What is included in paragraph 3 execution
- coordinating instructions
2) commanders critical information requirements
CCIR: elements of information required by commanders that directly affect decision making and dictate the successful execution of the operation
- “what do i need to know to win?”
What is included in paragraph 3 execution
- coordinating instructions
3) essential elements of friendly information
EEFIs: critical aspects of friendly operation that, if known by the enemy, would subsequently compromise, lead to failure or limit success of the operation
“What do i not want the enemy to know?”
What is included in paragraph 4 - sustainment
A. Logistics
b. Personnel
c. Army health system
What is included in paragraph 5: command and signal?
A. Command
B. Control
C. Signal
What is included in paragraph 5: command and signal
- command
- Location of commander
- Succession of command
- Liaison requirements
What is included in paragraph 5: command and signal
- control
- Command posts: state map coordinates for CP locations
2. Reports: required reports and formats
What is included in paragraph 5: command and signal
- signal?
Include frequencies and call signs (challenge and password) and retransmission sites
What are attachments (reference OPORD)
An information management tool to organize, simplify and add clarity to OPLAN/OPORD
- annexes
- appendixes
- tabs
- exhibits
What format are the attachments written in?
The same 5 paragraph format (unless they are matrixes, overlays or lists)