Ophthamology Flashcards
What are 4 red flags for orbital (post-septal) cellulitis?
1) Ophthalmoplegia
2) Pain with eye movement
3) Proptosis
4) Decreased visual acuity
What do you call the condition with decreased peripheral vision progressing to blurry vision, pale optic discs, and pain with eye movement?
What condition is associated with this?
Optic neuritis
Multiple Sclerosis
IV methylprednisolone
Dendritic lesions in the cornea via fluorescein imaging is diagnostic for what?
What NOT to give?
Herpes ophthalmicus (zoster OR simplex)
- Zoster = vesicular rash in trigeminal distribution (forehead, nose, eyes)
- Simplex = NO RASH
NO steroids!
2 mo child presents for wcc. Ophthalmo exam shows white reflex in the R eye. What must you consider? What is best course of action?
Leukocoria (white reflex) –> considered RETINOBLASTOMA until proven otherwise!!
Must refer to Ophthalmologist!
What does asymmetric red reflexes or corneal light reflexes. When the normal eye is covered, the mis-aligned eye shifts to realign. What is this?
Tx: with patching
Person has progressively worsening vision in the R eye. When covering the L eye and looking at a grid chart, the vertical lines appear bent and wavy to him. What is going on?
Macular degeneration
Distortion of straight lines (appear wavy) on grid test
Drusen deposits in the macula
In person with HIV, what causes progressive bilateral keratitis and conjunctivitis with eye pain. Visual loss rapidly follows. Fundoscopy reveals multiple pale, peripheral retinal lesions w/ central necrosis of the eye. What is it?
HSV retinitis
What is sympathetic ophthalmia?
“Spared eye injury” –> after penetrating trauma injury to one eye, the OTHER eye develops immune-related inflammation (uncovering “hidden” antigens)
*Anterior uveitis
Agents to give in acute glaucoma?
Agent NOT to give in acute glaucoma? Why?
Atropine – causes mydriasis (dilation) of eye and further increases intra-ocular pressure
Patient has chronic headaches, a bruit noted in subclavian area, pain when chewing, and now developed sudden onset loss of vision in R eye. What is it? next best step?
Giant cell (Temporal) arteritis
*High dose IV corticosteroids
Sudden onset of flashing lights and blurred vision in person’s R eye. Ophthalmo exam shows retinal tears and grayish coloration of retina. What is the cause?
Retinal detachment
*Look for past hx of trauma to eye - including cataract surgery
If CN III is affected by diabetes, what is the mechanism an signs?
If CN III is affected by compression, what are the signs?
Diabetes causes ischemic neuropathy of blood vessels to nerves –> somatic and parasymp fibers of CN III have SEPARATE blood supplies –> in diabetes the somatic are only affected
**“Down and out” gaze but accommodation and pupil’s light response remain INTACT
Compression of CN III will affect BOTH somatic and parasymp
**Ptosis, “down and out” gaze, fixed, dilated pupil, no accommodation
7 days after cataract surgery in L eye, woman develops decreased visual acuity in L eye. Her eyelid is swollen and has red conjunctiva with exudates in the anterior chamber. What is it?
Post-op endophthalmitis
80 yo male has sudden loss of vision in his L eye. Ophthalmic exam shows swelling of optic disk, retinal hemorrhages, dilated and tortuous veins, and cotton wool spots. What is it?
Central retinal vein occlusion