Infectious Disease Flashcards
When is Amphotericin indicated?
Fungal endocarditis
Cryptococcus meningitis
Mucormycosis in diabetics (black fungus)
IV Vancomycin
What 3 bugs is penicillin good against?
Strep pyogenes
Bugs covered by amoxicillin (pneumonic)?
HELPS H. influenzae E. coli Listeria Proteus Salmonella
What 2 bugs are resistant to ALL cephalosporins?
In regards to penicillin allergies, when can you give cephalosporins?
If penicillin allergy is RASH only!
Best initial therapy for PID?
Cefotetan or Cefoxitin
(2nd gen cephalosporins)
S/E: bleeding risk (decrease prothrombin), disulfiram-like rxn w/ EtOH
Why is ceftriaxone C/I in neonates?
Impaired biliary metabolism from underdeveloped biliary system
Uses for fluoroquinolones?
CA pneumonia
Cystitis & pyelonephritis
Diverticulitis (only Moxifloxacin used mono therapy - need to combine others w/ metronidazole to cover for anaerobes)
Side effects of fluoroquinolones?
- Bone growth abnormalities in children & pregnant women
* Tendonitis & tendon rupture (Achilles, biceps)
What class of bug are aminoglycosides useless against?
What are side effects?
Anaerobes - need O2 to function
*Nephrotoxic & ototoxic
Uses for Doxycycline?
Chlamydia (w/ Azithromycin) Lyme Rickettsia Syphilis (w/ penicillin allergy) Borrelia, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma *Rocky Mountain spotted fever in children
Side effects of doxycycline?
tooth discoloration (children) phototoxicity
Nitrofurantoin has one indication for use?
Cystitis, especially in pregnant women
Asymptomatic bactiuria also
Uses for TMP-SMX?
Pneumocystis Pneumonia
MRSA of soft tissue & skin
Blocks folate metabolism in body
Side effects of TMP-SMX?
Hemolysis w/ G6PD deficiency
Bone marrow suppression
What drug helps stimulate gut motility?
Why can’t daptomycin be used for respiratory infections?
It is metabolized by surfactant in lungs
What 4 drugs are used to treat minor MRSA skin infections?
What is most likely diagnosis:
Stiff neck, photophobia, meningismus?
Focal neuro deficits?
Best initial and most accurate test for meningitis?
When is head CT indicated first?
Focal neuro deficits
Best initial treatment for bacterial meningitis?
Ampicillin (if Listeria present)
In Neisseria meningitidis, what prophylaxis is given to close contacts?
Either rifampin, ciprofloxacin, or ceftriaxone
1) Signs of encephalitis?
2) Most common cause?
3) Best initial of choice?
4) Most accurate test?
5) Therapy of choice?
2) Herpes simplex (temporal lobe)
3) Head CT
4) PCR of CSF
5) Acycovir - (famciclvir & valcyclovir for IV route)
Foscarnet for acyclovir-resistant strains
Key physical finding in OM?
Best initial/most accurate test?
Best therapy?
What illness has initial high fever & appear much more ill than suggested by their complaints. On physical exam, you see a discrete pink, blanching lesions on the chest and back. What is it?
Typhoid fever
What illness is described by polyarthritis (multiple joints), tenosynovitis (pain along tendon sheaths), and rash (maculopapular, then hemorrhagic)? What other finding is common?
Most common cause?
Disseminated gonococcal infection
Urethritis is common
MCC = septic arthritis in sexually active adults
Tx: ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
What presents with fever, pharyngitis w/ exudate, lymphadenopathy (NOT strep throat)?
What other 2 findings are unique to this?
If given Abx (ampicillin), what happens?
Mononucleosis –> EBV
Atypical lymphocytosis + enlarged spleen
RASH w/ Abx –> immune complex-related maculopapular rash
What 2 groups of people should NOT receive the smallpox vaccine?
Hx of eczema
Coronary artery disease
Eczema vaccinatum –> generalized infection of skin with severe disseminated, crusting, vesicular rash from smallpox vaccine
Higher incidence of MI w/ smallpox vaccine
Characteristic of Primary syphilis? Secondary? Tertiary?
Treatment of Primary syphilis? Secondary? Tertiary?
Primary –> NON-tender chancre
Secondary –> maculopapular rash WITH PALMS + SOLES
Tertiary –> gummas, aortitis, neurosyphilis
Primary –> Benzathine Penicillin G IM single dose
Sec –> Benzathine Penicillin G IM single dose
Tertiary –> Penicillin G benzathine 3 doses IM once a week
Neurosyphilis –> IV Penicillin G 10-14 days
What is prophylactic treatment for close contacts of someone with Neisseria meningiditis?
Cipro –> DONT give to kids
Person with prolonged hospital stays that develop fever and high WBC count. Cultures reveal Gram (+) cocci in clusters. What is most appropriate treatment at this time?
Vancomycin (IV)
Prolonged hospital stay = higher incidence of resistant infections
People with prior rheumatic fever - what do they need?
Continuous Abx prophylaxis –> IM penicillin benzathine every 4 weeks
If syphilis is confirmed, what other screening test should be performed?
HIV antibodies by ELISA
What is hallmark of malaria?
What are other common s/s?
Lab findings?
What is best diagnostic test?
Hallmark: CYCLICAL fevers
Phases: Cold (chills/shivering) –> Fevers –> Sweating
Anemia (lysis of RBCs) and Thrombocytopenia
Blood smears
In person with Guillian Barre, what is most important test to determine severity?
What is CSF profile?
PFT (assess resp function)
Normal glucose, LARGE increase in protein, normal opening pressure, clear yellow appearance
Tx: plasmaphresis (filters out antibodies from blood)
S/S of influenza?
Current guidelines for treatment of influenza?
Abrupt onset high-grade fever, HA, severe myalgias with other associated symptoms.
Tx of suspected influenza WITHIN 48 hours of symptom onset!
If greater than 48 hours after onset = symptomatic tx
Acute onset (
Herpes Simplex Virus-1 encephalitis
Lymphocytosis, increased RBCs
Temporal lobe lesions on CT
What symptoms are you looking for with disseminated gonococcal infection?
Single joint arthritis (red, swollen)
Pustular rash
Young, sexually active person
Boy presents with high-grade fever and rash for last 9 days. A brick-red, maculopapular rash appeared on face and spread to trunk and extremities. Before outbreak, he had cold s/s. What is it? What vitamin has shown to reduce morbidity and mortality rates in this infection?
Vitamin A
What are long term neurologic effects of bacterial meningitis?
Hearing loss Loss of cognitive fxn Seizures Mental retardation Spasticity or paresis
If an adult gets chickenpox, what is a very dangerous complication?
Pneumonia secondary to chickpox
Patient with HIV has fever, cough, diarrhea and splenomegaly. Has elevated ALP. What do you suspect? Tx?
Mycobacterium avid complex (MAC)
*Seen when CD4 BELOW 50
- Splenomegaly
- High ALP
Tx: azithromycin prophylaxis when CD4
What bug is commonly confused for tuberculosis? What does it look like on gram stain?
Gram (+), partially acid-fast, branching filamentous rod
*Can disseminate to the brain (abscesses)
Patient with HIV develops white plaques on the tongue that can be easily scraped off. He also has had substernal chest pain. What are you considering and what treatment?
Candida esophagitis –> if oral thrush = tx for this!
Empiric oral fluconazole
Defining features of HIV esophagitis?
Candida = oral thrush, white plaques (easily removed)
Herpes (HSV) = ROUND, oval ulcers
CMV = deep, LINEAR
Candida = oral fluconazole HSV = acyclovir CMV = IV ganciclovir
What are signs/factors pointing to C. difficile colitis?
Recent hospital admission
Recent antibiotic use (flouors, penicillin, cephalo, clinda)
New onset diarrhea and/or abdominal pain
Woman with previous dental extraction develops an abscess below angle of mandible. There is serosanguinous draining from center of the lesion. Needle aspirate shows Gram (+), anaerobic branching bacteria. What is it and what’s the treatment?
Actinomyces –> look for “yellow granular pus”
Tx: Penicillin (12 weeks)
Describe herpetic whitlow?
What test is diagnostic?
What is method of spread?
Distal pulp space of finger is swollen, soft, and tender. Throbbing pain present and non-purulent vesicles on volar aspect of hands are pathognomonic.
Tzanck smear (multinucleated giant cells)
*Infected saliva or serum (women with genital herpes or children with herpetic gingivostomatitis)
20 yo develops HSV encephalitis and is treated with IV acyclovir. 2 days later he develops abdominal pain with increased creatinine. What is going on?
Crystal-induced AKI that cause obstruction
IV acyclovir has low urine solubility and can precipitate in tubules –> can cause obstruction and AKI
*acyclovir induced AKI = 2 days after treatment
What is the difference between herpangina and herpetic gingivostomatosis?
Herpangina: coxsackie virus
- 1mm gray vesicles on tonsillitis pillars and posterior pharynx --> become ulcerated - lesions also on hands and feet - seen in summer
Herpetic gingivostomatosis: HSV-1
- anterior oropharynx and lips
Person with HIV has dry cough, exertional dyspnea, and fever - what do you suspect? Tx?
When do you give corticosteroids?
PCP (esp when CD4 35
HIV (+) male presents with purple skin masses on his lower abdomen. He has hepatomegaly and CT scan shows nodular, contrast-enhanced intrahepatic lesions. Liver biopsy attempted but severe bleeding results. What is this?
Bacillary angiomatosis –> from Bartonella bacteria
BArtonella = Bacillary Angiomatosis
What is a concern with aminoglycosides, especially gentamicin?
What is the test specific to identify gentamicin toxicity?
Otoxicity (hearing loss) & damage to motion-sensitive hair cells in inner ear –> cause vestibulopathy
Look for oscillopsia –> sensation of objects moving around in visual field when looking in any direction
- Head thrust test –> look at fixed target and rapidly move head away from the target –> if vestibulopathy present, the eyes can’t stay fixed on the target and they move away then move back to target with horizontal saccade
- Specific for gentamicin-induced vestibulopathy
7 yo develops erythema migrans from a tick bite. What is the appropriate treatment?
Oral amoxicillin!
NEVER give tetracyclines (doxycycline) in children or pregnant women = slow bone growth and cause enamel hypoplasia and permanent teeth stains
“Muffled” voice (hot-potato voice) and deviation of the uvula suggest what?
Best initial tx?
Peritonsillar abscess secondary to tonsillitis
Tx: Needle peritonsillar aspiration
Cause of chronic diarrhea in AIDS patients?
Cryptosporidium parvum
Most common cause of multiple ring-enhancing lesions on CT in AIDS patients?
What is the treatment?
Tx: Sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine