Ophthalmology Flashcards
Staph abscess of eyelid, treat with warm compress. I&D if not resolved by 48 hours.
Chalazion. Treatment for recurrent chalazion?
Granulomatous inflammation of meibomian gland. If recurrent, rule out sebaceous carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma with biopsy and histopathology.
3 main categories of diabetic retinopathy
Simple: microaneurysms, hemorrhages, exudates and retinal edema
Pre-proliferative: cotton wool spots
Proliferative: newly formed blood vessels
Treat with argon laser
Vitreal infection that presents as pain and decreased visual acuity with swollen eyelids, conjunctiva, hypopyon and corneal edema within 6 weeks after surgery. Treat with intra-vitral antibiotic injection or vitrecotmy.
Sympathetic ophthalmia
Immune-mediated inflammation of the opposite eye after one eye is injured. Likely due to uncovering of hidden antigens in the injured eye.
Optic glioma occurs in NF?
NF1. NF2 = bilateral acoustic neuromas
Most common presentation of herpes keratitis
Dendritic ulcer
How does herpes retinitis differ from CMV retinitis?
CMV retinitis is typically painless and not associated with keratitis or conjuctivitis. PE shows hemorrhages and fluffy gray lesions around vessels. HSV and VZV are very painful and cause keratitis with peripheral pale retinal lesions and central retinal necrosis.
Preferred medication for bacterial conjunctivitis in contact lens wearers
Most common virus involved in viral conjucntivitis
How does acute hyperglycemia cause blurry vision?
Myopic increase in lens thickness and intraocular hypotension secondary to hyperosmolarity
Medications used to treat glaucoma
Mannitol can reduce intraocular pressure by diuresis
Pilocarpine allows for increased flow of aqueous humor through canals of Schlem.
Timolol and acetazolamide reduce production of aqueous humor
Triggers of acute angle glaucoma
Decongestants, antiemetics and anticholinergics
Primary risk factor for macular degeneration
Increasing age
Arterial supply to the eye
Ophthalmic artery
1) Central retinal artery supplies the inner retina
2) Ciliary artery supplies the choroid and anterior globe
Treatment of central retinal artery occlusion
1) Ocular massage and high flow O2
2) Immediate referral to ophtho
Difference between opthalmic HSV and VZV infection
VZV remains in a V1 distribution, HSV does not
Species involved in contact lens keratitis
Pseudomonas and serratia