Operations process ADP 5-0 Flashcards
What does the operations process constitute for the army?
The army’s view on planning, executing, and assessing operations.
What does the operations process account for?
The complex, ever-changing, and uncertain nature of operations
What is the army’s framework for exercising mission command?
The operations process
What are the major command activities performed during operations?
1) planning
2) preparing
3) executing
4) continuously assessing the operation
What is planning?
An outline for future operations.
What is preparing?
preparing would be the activities performed to improve their ability to execute a mission effectively
What is execution?
putting a plan into effect.
What is assessing?
continuous evaluate the progress of a mission
How do commanders use the operations process?
commanders use the operations process to fully understand,lead, and assess the mission.
What are the 4 principles that guide the operations process?
- commanders drive the operations process
- apply critical and creative thinking
- build and maintain situational understanding
- encourage collaboration and dialog
What happens upon completion of the initial order?
Planning continues as leaders revise the plan based on changing circumstances.
What is the staffs role during the operations process?
To assist commanders with understanding situations, making and implementing decisions, controlling operations and assessing progress
What other function does the staff perform during the operations process besides assisting the commander?
Staff assists subordinate units and keeps units and organizations outside the headquarters informed throughout the operations process
What ATTP discusses the duties and responsibilities of the staff in detail?
ATTP 5-0.1
During the operations process, what does the mission command require?
An environment of mutual trust and shared understanding among commanders, staffs, and subordinates.
What type of command climate is required?
One where commanders encourage subordinates to accept prudent risk and exercise disciplined initiative to seize opportunities and counter threats within the commanders intent.
What allows subordinates the greatest possible freedom of action?
Commanders focusing their instruction on the purpose of the operation rather than the details of how to perform assigned tasks.
What does the philosophy of mission command do?
Guides commanders, staffs, and subordinates as they plan, prepare, execute and assess operations.
what is the MDMP
a planning method to understand the situation and mission, develop a course of action, and produce and operation plan or order
what is a composite of the conditions that affect the employment of capabilites and bear on the decisions of the commander?
and operational environment
what are the MDMP steps?
- Receipt of mission
- Mission analysis
- Course of action development
- course of action analysis
- Course of action comparison
- Course of action approval
- Orders production, dissemination, and transition
what are troop-leading procedures?
a process used by small-unit to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation
What is an operational environment?
influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander
What is the Commander’s intent?
clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state
What is an operational approach?
broadly describes when, where, and how the commander intends to employ combat power to accomplish the mission
What does METT-TC stand for?
M- Mission
E- Enemy
T- Terrain & Weather
T- Troops & Support available
T-Time available
C- Civil COnsiderations
What are the three Army planning methodologies?
- Army Design Methodology
- Military Decision Making Process
- Troop Leading Procedures