Army Programs Flashcards
What does ACS stand for?
AR 608-1
What does ACS stand for?
Army community Services
What is ACS?
ACS is a program put in place to provide you and your family with information & resources to deal with certain issues you may run into.
What Army Regulation covers AER?
AR 930-4
What does AER stand for?
Army Emergency Relief
What is AER
AER is a program used to meet military personnel’s emergency needs.
AER closely coordinates with what other organization?
Red Cross
What is the purpose of SHARP?
The purpose of Sharp is to put a stop to all sexual acts on & off duty.
More than half of sexual assault offenses include what?
Prevention of sexual harassment is whose responsiblilty?
To whom may someone who has been sexually assaulted report a crime?
Chain of the command
Medical provider
What does EO stand for?
Equal Opportunity
How many periods of EO training are soldiers required to have per year?
4 — quarterly training
What AR covers EO?
600-20 chapter 6
What is EOR?
Equal Opportunity Representative
What regulation covers Red Cross?
AR 930-4