Maintenance AR 750-1 Flashcards
What DA PAM is the guide for Motor Pool Operation?
DA PAM 750-35
What army regulation covers the army material maintenance policy?
DA PAM 750-1
What are the 4 levels of maintenance?
Direct support (DS)
General support (GS)
What does PMCS stand for?
Preventative maintenance checks and services
When is a PMCS required to be performed?
Before, during and after the operation of a piece of equipment and also weekly and monthly intervals
What is a TM?
A technical manual. It outlines the specific scope of repairs on equipment.
What is DD Form 314?
Preventative maintenance schedules and record
What forms are contained in the equipment record folder when the vehicle is dispatched?
DA Form 2404 or 5988-E equipment inspection and maintenance worksheet
DA Form 2408-14 (only if something is deferred or on order for the equipment)
SF 91 - operators report or motor vehicle accident
DD Form 518 - accident ID card
DA Form 5987 E or DD Form 1970 - vehicle record
Who is required to perform PMCS?
Every operator who is assigned a piece of equipment
What does TAMMS stand for?
The Army Maintenance Management System
A thorough vehicle dispatch process is necessary as part of a quality maintenance program, to ensure equipment is operationally ready before being dispatched and to establish an audit trail on operators and equipment. Every leader should follow and checks the dispatch procedures. The dispatch process is evaluated by getting answers what questions?
1) is the dispatcher appointed on orders per DA PAM 738-750?
2) is an operator assigned to each vehicle and piece of equipment?
3) is the equipment mission capable in accordance with the appropriate TM-10 series manuals?
4) is a service or AOAP sample due on the equipment?
5) does the dispatcher inspect the operators OF 346?
ULLS performs above checks automatically
Historic records are permanent records that show the receipt, operation, maintenance, modifications, transfer and disposal of equipment. These records assist commanders in maintaining equipment at the army maintenance standard of achieving mission assigned operationally ready rates. Some of the most frequently used historical records?
DA Form 2408-4 (weapon record data)
DA Form 2408-5 (equipment modification record)
DA Form 2408-9 (equipment control record)
DA Form 2408-14 (uncorrected fault record)
DA Form 2408-20 (oil analysis log)
DA Form 2415 (ammunition condition report)
What DA Form do you use to request for issuer turn-in?
DA Form 2765
What is the DA Form 2407 used for?
To request support maintenance on a piece of equipment
What type of manual is used to perform operator level PMCS?
The operators manual (10 series)
Before a vehicle can be dispatched, what safety equipment must be present?
Fire extinguishers (up to date inspection tags), complete first aid kit and highway warning kit
What is a class 1 leak?
Seepage of fluid not great enough to form drops
What is a class 2 leak?
Seepage of fluid great enough to form drops, but not great enough to cause the drops to fall during inspection
What is a class 3 leak?
Seepage of fluid great enough to form drops and drip during inspection
What does PLL mean?
Prescribed Load List
How many days does a basic PLL sustain a unit?
15 days
What does the Acronym MAIT stand for?
Maintenance Assistance and Instruction Team