Operations Flashcards
What is the primary mission of CIC?
- Gathering
- Processing
- Display
- Evaluation
- Dissemination
What is the secondary mission of CIC?
Control and Assist
What are the CAPS and LIMS of AN/SPY-1?
Only 3D radar onboard.
360 degrees in azimuth, out for 200 miles, and up as high as 100,000 feet.
What are the CAPS and LIMS of AN/SPS-67?
Primary surface/low flying aircraft radar, can project from 75 yards to 100nm.
Navigation mode: 30 RPM
Search mode: 15 RPM
What are the CAPS and LIMS of AN/SPS-73?
Used for navigation and piloting, has a range from 20 yards out to 64 miles and is controlled by the pilothouse.
What factors affect radar?
-Atmospheric conditions
Moisture lapse
-Sea return
-Height of antenna and target
-Cut outs
Describe LINK 4A
One way or two way non-secure ultra high frequency digital link used to transfer aircraft control and targeting information between surface air control stations and controlled aircraft.
Describe UHF/HF LINK 11
LINK 11 is the exchange of near real-time tactical data among units of the force that supports the exchange of air, surface, and subsurface surveillance information, weapon control, intelligence and electronic warfare information.
Describe UHF LINK 16
LINK 16 terminal implements the tactical digital information LINK-J (LINK 16) message standard.
Describe Satellite TADIL J (Satellite LINK 16)
UHF SATCOM, extends the LINK-16 network. It is the secondary BMD link.
What is the primary BMD LINK?
Multicast TADIL J (MTJ)
What is the tertiary BMD LINK?
Unicast TADIL J (UTJ)
Describe Global Command and Control System-Maritime
Non-real time to near-real time system that portrays a tactical and strategic picture of the AOR during maritime operations.
What are the IFF modes?
Mode 1: Mission
Mode 2: Personal Identification Feature
Mode 3: Selective Identification Feature
Mode 4/5: Military Only
Mode C: Altitude in KFT
What is the homing beacon that gives aircraft the ship’s location?
Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
What are general purpose PPI that are used for navigation, station keeping, and gunfire support?
Radar Repeater (SPA-25H)
What tool is used for man overboard?
Computer Aided Dead Reckoning Tracer (CADRT)
What system is secondary to TACAN?
What is known as Nav in CIC, and is an electronic chart display system that gives vital navigation data?
Voyage Management System
Where is the Fire Inhibit Switch?
Located between TAO and CO consoles.
Where is the Remote Launch Enable Panel located?
Located between the TAO and CSC consoles.
Where is the IFF Transponder located?
Above WCIP, used to transmit IFF data.
What are the characteristics of the DDG 51 class of ships?
Length: 505 ft
Beam: 66 ft
Height of mast: 158 ft
Navigational draft: 32 ft
Displacement tons: 9,000 tons
Speed: 30+ knots
Maximum range at 20 knots: 4,400nm
What is the primary mission of AN/SLQ-32 (V) 6?
Anti-ship missile defense
(Passive radar, receives only)
What equipment receives/listens to another platform’s radars?
Electronic Support
What can the Mk 53 Decoy Launching System launch?
Mk 245 (Giant) - counter heat seeking missiles
Mk 214 (Seduction) - post missile seeker lock
Mk 216 (Distraction) - prior missile seeker lock
Mk 234 (Nulka) - primary active decoy
What are the types of Emissions Controls?
EMCON A: most restrictive
EMCON A1: safety of navigation only
EMCON B: HVU protection
EMCON C: satellite vulnerability
EMCON D: least restrictive
MINI RAD: turn off if not needed
Mission of Air Warfare
Identification, tracking, coordination and weapons engagements of aircraft.
Mission of Surface Warfare
Identification, tracking, coordination and weapons engagements of surface vessels.
Mission of Undersea Warfare
Identification, tracking, coordination and weapons engagements of submarines.
Mission of Information Warfare
Providing the fleet with all intelligence and indications/warnings of current events and operations within the AOR.
Mission of SAR
Man overboard recovery.
What is a CASREP?
Used to give status of broken or degraded equipment onboard the ship.
What are the 4 types of CASREPs?
Initial - first report stating what happened and what’s needed to fix it.
Update - any change of status on the troubleshooting efforts.
Correction - issue has been resolved and help is no longer needed.
Cancellation - cancelling the report due to schedule change or yard period.
What are the categories of CASREPs?
2: Minor
3: Major
4: Total loss
What is ATO and DIMS?
Air Tasking Order
Daily Intentions Message
What is an OPREP-3 Pinnacle?
Reports issues of national interest to the National Command Center.
What is an OPREP-3 Navy Blue?
Reports issues of high Navy interest sent to the CNO.
What is an OPREP-3 Navy Unit SITREP?
Reports that are of an operational commander’s interest, sent to the ISIC.
Why are MOVREPs important?
Reports ownship’s intended PIM using GPS LAT/LONG based off time. If ownship is 4 hours ahead/behind, a new MOVREP must be sent.
Result of the USS Indianapolis sinking. No one knew where the ship was resulting in 2/3 of the crew drowning or being eaten by sharks.
What are the colors of classified information?
Blue: confidential
Red: secret
Orange: top secret
Green: unclassified
NOFORN: non-releasable to foreign countries
What are the message precedence levels?
Flash: Z - 10 min or less
Immediate: O - 30 min or less
Priority: P - 3 hours or less
Routine: R - 6 hours or less