Operations Flashcards
What are the primary missions of CDC
Gather, Process, Disseminate, Evaluate, Display
What is the secondary missions of CDC
Control and Assist
What is TAO
Tactical Action Officer
Responsibility of TAO
In charge of overall defense of the ship, and has weapons release authority
What is CDC and where is it
Combat Direction Center. O3 level before the CO’s blue curtain
Watch Stations in CDC and their responsibilities
- Air Defense Weapons Coordinator (ADWC) in charge of the air picture
- Tactical Action Officer (TAO) overarall in charge of ship’s defense and has weapons release authority
- Combat Direction Center Watch Officer(CDCWO) in charge of the surface picture
- Tactical Information Controller(TIC) in charge of data links
- Identification Operator(ID OPS) indentifies air contacts
- Air Intercept Controller(AIC) eyes for the pilots
What is GCCS-M
Global Command and Control Systems Maritime
What is IFF
Identification friend or foe
What is the purpose for IFF
To id air contacts
What is TACAN
Tactical Air Navigation
What is EMCON
Emissions Controol
What is the purpose of EMCON
Deny the enemy useful intelligence and combat info
Name a warfare area in operations
Air, Surface, Undersea, Mine, Amphibious, Command and Control, Strike
What is MIO
Maritime Interdiction Operations
What is NEO
Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations
What is SAR
Search and Rescue
What is OPSEC
Operational Security
What is EW
Electronic Warfare
What is ES
Electronic Support
What is EP
Electronic Protect
What is DDG
Guided Missile Destroyer
What is CGN
Guided Missile Cruiser
What is an AO
What is LHA
Amphibious Assault Ship
What is LHD
Amphibious Assalut Ship
What is LPD
Amphibious Transport Dock
What is the purpose of the E-2C Hawkeye
Airborne Early Warning
What is the purpose of the F/A 18 Hornet
Air to Air, Air to Surface Attack
What is the purpose of the C-2 COD
Logistics and Personnel Transfer
What is the purpose of the P-3 Orion
Undersea Warfare
What is Beadwindow
COMSEC Violation
What is Gingerbread
Intruder on the circuit
What is the time allotted for a flash message
Less than 10 minutes
Immediate Message
30 minutes
Priority Message
3 hours
Routine Message
6 hours
What are the 5 ladies of OPS
Tilly (Crash Crane), Nancy (Infrared), Gertrude (Undersea Telephone), Dolly (link 4a), Nixie (Torpedo countermeasure)
What is SSDS
Ship’s Self Defense System
What is ASTAB
Automated Status Board
Purpose of ASTAB
Displays real time and non-real time information
What is Link 4a
What is Link 11
Alligator(Weapons Control Orders)
What is Link 16
What is SONAR
Sound Navigation and Ranging
What is RADAR
Radio Detection and Ranging
What does 2D radar show
Range, Bearing
What does 3D radar show
Range, Bearing, Altitude
SPS 73
Primary Navigation/Secondary Surface, 96NM, 2D
SPS 67
Primary Surface, 100NM, 2D
SPS 48
Primary Air, 220NM, 3D
SPS 49
Secondary Air, 256NM, 2D
SPS 74
Periscope, 32NM
Damage to national security
Serious damage to national security
Top Secret
Exceptionally grave damage to national security
What is CVIC
Carrier Intelligence Center
What is C4I
Command Control Communications, Computers and Intelligence
What is CATCC
Carrier Air Traffic Control Center
Purpose of CATCC
Control aircraft from the time they launch until they return to the flight deck
What are the CATCC radars
- SPN 41 (Bullseye)50NM
- SPN 43 (Marshall)50NM
- SPN 46 (Easy Rider/Needles)10NM
What is CSTT
Combat Systems Training Teeam
What is DCTT
Damage Control Training Team
What is ITT
Integrated Training Team
What is SLQ-25
Nixie( Torpedo Counter Measures)
How many NIXIE onboard
What are the operating modes for NIXIE
Sweep, Noise, Alternate, Pulse
Who is the OPSO
Captain Select Hammond
What is EWS
Electronic Warfare Supervisor
Responsibility of the Electronic Warfare Supervisor
Supervises the collection and display of all electronic warfare information and the rapid dissemination of all threat matters
Purpose of GCCS-M
Used to form tactical decisions
Order issued for the execution of an operation in the immediate future
What is a Gyro Repeater
Determines course in relation to true north
How does weather affect radar
Clutters the radar scope
What is the purpose of a lookout
To get information surface and air contacts
What is the length of the flight deck
1,092 feet
How many padeyes are on the flight deck
How much does a rudder weight
24 tons
What is the ships displacement
95,000 tons
What is the SLQ-32 used for
Threat detecting, analysis and Jamming
Fire Control Radar