Operations Flashcards
Who is the OPSO?
Captain Select Hammond
Describe CDC
- Combat Directional Center
- Mission is to gather, process, display, evaluate, and disseminate information
- also controls and assist.
- Located in 03-165-0-C
Name warfare areas in Operation
Air Warfare, Survace Warfare, Undersea Warfare, Mine Warfare, Amphibious Warfare, and C2W
Describe AIC
- Air Intercept Controller
- Maintains Close Advisory Control of aircraft, God’s Eye view.
Describe ADWC
- Air Defense Weapons Coordinator
- Gets reports from ID OP and passes onto TAO
- Coordinates with Point Defense
Describe TAO
- Tactical Action Officer
- Responsible for defending the ship
- Only person other than CO that has weapons realease authority
Describe CDCWO
- Combat Direction Center Watch Officer
- Responsible for the coordination of all CDC functions; overall in charge of the surface picture
Describe TIC
- Tactical Informaton Officer
- Manages data links to provide a bigger picture and maintains communications
Describe ID OP
- Identification Operator
- Identifies air contacts and reports them to the Air Defense Weapons Coordinator and Tactical Action Officer
What does the Elecronic Warfare Supervisor do?
-Supervises the collection and display of all Electronic Warfare information and the rapid dissemination of all threat emitters.
Describe GCCS-M
- Global Command Control Systems - Maritime
- Provides non-real time tracks and is used to form tactical decisions
What is an OPORDER?
-Order issued by a commander for the execution of an operation in the immediate future
What is a Task Group?
- A task group is a componentof a force
- Can be as many as 10 task groups in a force
What is a Battle Group?
-A Naval task group, designed to destroy hostile submarine, surface, and air forces within the group’s area of responsibility
What is a Gyro Repeater?
- Repeater that recieves inputs from the ship’s master gyrocompass
- Determines course in relation to true north
How does wether affect radar?
-Clouds and and rain squalls are highly visible on radar and can clutter the radar scope
What is the purpose of a lookout?
- To correlate lookout information on surface and air contacts to determine target’s course, speed, and CPA
What is ES, EA, and EP?
- Electronic Support
- Electronic Attack
- Electronic Protect
What is the length of the flight deck?
How many padeyes are on the flight deck?
How much does arudder weigh?
-24 Tons
What is the ship’s displacement?
-95,000 Tons
How many acres is the flight deck?
-4.52 Acres
- DDG (Guided MIssile Destroyer)
- AO (Oiler)
- AR (Repair Ship)
- LHD (Amphibious Aassault Ship)
- SSN (Nuclear Attack Submarine)
- EA-6B/EA-18 (Electronic Support/ Attack)
- E-2 (Airborne Early Warning)
- P-3 (Undersea Warfare)
- C-2 (Logistics)
What is Beadwindow?
-Comsec Violation
What is Gingerbread?
-Intruder on the Circuit
Describe Flash, Immediate, Priority, and Routine
- Flash - Less than 10 minutes/ Fast a possible
- Immediate - 30 minutes
- Priority - 3 hours
- Routine - 6 hours
What does CATCC stand for?
Carier Air Traffic Control Center
Describe the flight deck lights
- Red - Foul/Closed Deck
- Green - Clear/Open Deck
- Amber- 2min to launch
- Blue- HERO
What is FLOLS?
-Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
What is JBD?
-Jet Blast Deflector
Describe the duties indicated by the flight deck crew uniform colors
- Green - Catapult/ Arresting Gear, Maintenance Crew
- Yellow - Aircraft Directors
- Purple - Fuels
- Red - Crash and Salvage, Ordinance
- White - Troubleshooters, Final Checkers
- White with Green Cross - Safety
- White with Red Cross - Corpsman
- Brown - Plane Captains
- Blue - Plane handlers, tractor drivers, and elevator operators
Describe the SPN 41
Describe the SPN 43
- Marshall
- Ships Primary Air Traffic Control Surveillance Radar
Desecribe the SPN 46
- Easy Rider
- Precision Aircraft Landing System (PALS)
Describe TACAN
-Tactical Air Navigation
What is EMCON?
- Emission Control
- The management of electromagnetic and electro acoustic emissions
What is the SLQ-32 used for?
-Threat detection, analysis, and jamming
What are the three levels of classification?
-Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret
What kind of damage can come from the compromise of Confidential?
Damage to National Security
What kind of damage can come from the compromise of Secret infomation?
Serious damage to national security
What kind of damage can come from the compromise of Top Secret information?
-Exeptional Grave Damage
What is th proword for Link 4A?
What is th proword for Link 11?
What is th proword for Link 16?
What is Nixie?
- SLQ-25
- Torpedo Countermeasure
Describe the SPS-48
- 3D Air Search Radar
- 220NM
Describe the SPS-49
- 2D Air Search
- 256NM
Describe the SPS-67
- Surface Search Radar
- 100NM
Describe the SPS-73
- Navigation Radar
- 50NM
Describe the SPQ-9B
-Fire Control Radar
What are the 5 ladies of OPS?
- Nixie(SLQ 25)
- Dolly(Link 4A)
- Tilly(Crane)
- Gertrude(Underwater Telephone)
- Nancy(Morse Code)
Describe ACDS
- Advanced Combat Diretion System
- Bridges gap between the command and weapon system
What is the job of a Picket Ship?
-Tracks, identifies, reports, and initiates the interception of oncoming threats
What is the primary mission of the SH-60F?
-Anti-Submarine Warfare
Describe the WQC-2
- Underwater Telephone
- Communication between carrier and subsurface units
Describe NIXIE
- SLQ-25
- 2 on board
- Operating modes are sweep, noise, alternate, and pulse