Medical Flashcards
What are the 3 goals of first aid?
- Save Lives
- Prevent further injury
- Prevent Infection
How many first aid boxes are there on board?
What color are the first aid boxes?
Grey with a Red Cross
What color are the Mass Casualty boxes?
White with a Red Cross
Where are the mass casualty boxes located?
- Hangar Bay
- Fwd/Aft Mess decks
Where are the battle dressing stations?
- Forward
- Forward Aux
- Main
- Flight Deck
- Aft
- Aft Aux
What are the 3 types of stretchers on board?
- Army Liter
- Reeves Sleeves
- Stokes
What is the breathe to compression ratio for CPR?
What is the appropriate depth compression for adult CPR?
1 1/2 to 2 inches
In regard to smoke inhalation, how long must a hose team member wait to return to duty after being treated?
20 minutes
What is a compound fracture?
When bone breaks through the skin
What is the emergency number to call medical?
Why do you notify the bridge during medical emergencies?
The elevators
What is the rule of nines?
A system designed to determine burn percentage on a patient
What is triage?
Process to identify patient categories during a mass casualty
What are the triage colors and what do they stand for?
Red- Immediate
Yellow- Delayed
Green- Minimal
Black- Expectant
When would you use a tourniquet?
As a last resort to control bleeding
What needs to be done after applying a tourniquet?
T placed on forehead and time applied
For electrical shock victims, what is the 1st step after reporting the casualty?
Secure the power
How many sides of the plastic dressing cover for a sucking chest would is taped?
Why is the victim of a sucking chest would placed on their side or sitting position for recovery?
To promote the ease of breathing
Why should you not touch the intestines or attempt to push them back into the body?