Operational and Emergency Equipment Flashcards
In regards to emergency and operational equipment, No person shall operate an aircraft unless…
…the required emergency and operational equipment is on board, is functional, and meets the standards in the Airworthiness Manual
Who ensures that the operational and emergency equipment meets the standards of airworthiness?
The AME (via annual, bi-annual inspections)
What are the 6 Operational and Emergency Equipment required for power driven aircraft and the section of the CARs where they can be found?
1) Checklists
2) Current aeronauticle charts and publications for the route of flight and any probable diversions (VFR, VFR OTT, Night VFR, IFR)
3) Fire Extinguisher
4) Timepeice
5) A flashlight for each crew member if the flight is at night
6) First Aid kit
CARs 602.59
When is survival equipment NOT required?
- In a ballon, glider, or ultra-light
- An aircraft with a VHF radio operated within 25NM of home base
- Multi-engine aircraft south of 66° 30’ North, in IFR flight, and in controlled airspace or along a designated air route
- In an area and at a time of year where the survival of those on board is not in jeopardy
Except in those very few situations where survival equipment is not required, no person shall operate an aircraft over land unless there is survival equipment carried on board that…
…is sufficient for each person on board given the geographical area, the current season, and climate variations, and that provides a means to:
- Start a fire
- Provide shelter
- Purify water
- Visual signaling device
Where can suggestions for the minimum equipment to be carried for each geographical area be found? (2 places)
1) In the AIM under Survival Advisory Info
2) In the NavCanada AIP (GEN 1.5.1)
For float and land planes, no person shall conduct a takeoff or landing on water or operate an aircraft over water beyond a point where the aircraft____________________________, UNLESS…
…could reach shore in the event of an engine failure (must factor in glide ratio and winds, weight, etc)…UNLESS an indivudual floatation device is carried for each person on board
Regardles of the situation or type of aircraft, after 50NM from shore what must ALL aircraft carry on board?
A life preserver for each person on board, that are easily accessible to the person for whom it is intended when that person is seated
When a helicopter is required to carry life rafts AND the water temperature is less than 10 degrees celcius, what must everyone on board wear?
A helicopter transportation suit system
Attached is an example problem for flying over water that you may find on the exam
At what distances and times do helicopters, planes, and transport aircraft start needing to carry life rafts?