Operant Conditioning Flashcards
Primary Reinforcers
Stimuli needed for survival (food, water, sex)
Stimuli that mimic effects of food, water, sex in brain
Novel and sensory stimulation
Secondary Reinforcers/ Conditioned Reinforcers
Previous neutral stimulus that acquired capacity to strengthen S-R associations because it has been repeatedly paired with some other primary reinforcer
i.e token paired with food
Social Reinforcers
Stimuli whose reinforcing properties come from behaviour of other members of same species
ie. praise, affection…etc
Blend of primary and secondary reinforcers
Shaping/ Systematic Approximation
Guide rat to desired behaviour by presenting conditioned reinforcer when rat displays beahviour that leads to desired behaviour
i.e. Pair sound with food, rat eats food, rat looks at lever, press sound button and release food. couple days later, rat immediately looks at lever (no clink), touches lever with nose (clink)…etc
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
Satisfaction stamps in connection between S-R association
Response will increase if it is followed by satisfying outcome, only way to asses if outcome is satisfying is if response increases
Wrong- response can still occur in the absence of satisfaction
Contiguity Theory
Operant conditioning occurs when S, R, S* occur together in time
Stop Action Principle
Any specific bodily position and muscle movements occurring when S* is delivered ill have a higher probability of occurring in the future
i.e. once cat figures out how to press pedal, will always press it the same way (i.e. with nose)
Cognitive Theory
During operant conditioning, animals make S-S* associations. Rs are highly flexible, and primary role of a S* is to motivate behaviour
What Makes a Reinforcer Reinforcer
Enhancement of memory consolidation
Provides conditioned motivation
Inhibition of Consolidation
Learning other info (new info interferes with consolidation with old info)
ECT- induces seizures, results in amnesia
Traumas- Lose memories of current events
Facilitation of Consolidation
Emotional event- activate regions in brain involved in memory consolidation
Reinforcing Stimuli
Passive Avoidance Task
Group 1: fed in home cage immediately after training session
Group 2: fed in home cage hours after training session
Results: Group 1 remained on platform longer than Group 2 (stay on platform or get shocked)
Food is the reinforcer even though they weren’t fed until after they were back in home cage
Electrical Stimulation and Consolidation
Post training electrical stimulation of reticular formation enhances retention of both appetitive and aversive tasks
MFB and Resinforcement
Stimulation of Medial Forebrain Bundle has strong reinforcing properties
Trained rats to do choice task, some stimulated, others not. Stimulated rats learned better
Drugs of Abuse and Consolidation
If drugs are administered immediately after trading, performance in incidental recall (surprise recall test) is better
i.e. cocaine, sucrose