open gaurd Flashcards
tips for maintaining a good shallow lasso
- foot on shoulder
- grab the sleeve material close to his inner wrist then twist your wrist so us knuckles are facing your thigh or the floor.
- keep your hand close to your thigh.
- If he manages to loop his hand out, kick you foot to the left to break the grip
If opp postures while you are DLR, stripping the collar.
- grab the bottom of his gi , the furthest side away from you
- Turn and get up for a single
Lasso spider 2 Meregali
(a) put r foot on hip+ left foot under his butt.
(b) grab his collar
1. r l eg got to dlr and ling ankles
2. or r foot on floor
(c) sweep
If opp posts from meregali
grab the cuff of his l leg/ pull that leg over your knee to single x.
Getting reverse collar sleeve
(a) From a shallow lasso, grab the l sleeve+ swap your r hand grip from his r sleeve to his l collar
(b) From z 1/2 w/ cross collar grip (ur l hand on his l collar), grab his l sleeve w/ ur r hand/ Arch your back+ pull ur r leg out and put it on his l hip/ sissor sweep
(c) no grips…
getting collar sleeve grip from DLR w/ankle control and cross collar
opp will try to stip ur collar grip, when they do, grab their sleeve and yank it
When in Lasso, opp goes to combat base with the sme knee up as the arm you are lassooing
(a)- Tilt sweep. But the lassoo foot on his hip and rdlr with the other foot/ angle knees away from each other+grab his ankle and sweep/ keep hold of the ankle and base with the other hand/ come up to a knee cut postion
Setting up the Meregali from De La Lasso
- put ur R foot on his hip to keep space while keeping hold of his L pant cuff.
- Put ur Lassoing L foot in between his legs.
- grab his collar w/ ur R hand + R foot on the floor (or one of the other options) = sweep
How to Establish Lasso DLR when u are lassoing w/ ur L leg and he is leading w/ his R leg.
- Get a deep Lasso.
- grab his near side collar, breaking his posture
- Insert a DLR hook w/ ur lassoiing leg.
- keep ur L foot on his bicep, tracking him
(opp should be really low now w/ his posture bent)
From same side De La Lasso, if Opp grabs ur R leg
- Grab his sleeve and rip the grip
- Put ur R foot on his hip
- Put ur R foot on his knee
- Kick his knee while at the same time pulling his L sleeve
- technical get up w/ elbow on mat to knee cut postion
Tomo Nage from same side Lasso DLR
- Get to the same set up as the knee kick sweep (R foot on his hip +contoling his L sleeve)
- Kick him out, if he comes back in, load him him up and sweep him out to ur lassoing side
- hook his hip w/ ur foot and come up onto mount
When is the only time you need to worry about going to lasso from collar sleeve?
When he has his hand on top of your leg that is on his bicep
or when that leg is stuffed between his legs
When and how to go for a loop choke from open gaurd
When and opponant is contacted so you feel like you are loosing your feet pressure, but hteir neck is exposed
- go to 1/2 butterfly sit up ((r foor on the ground inside opps legs, l leg butterfly + L hand basing behind you) # base w hand first
- 1/2 technical standup, coming up onto your L knee and shin + put the back of ur R hand on opps chest w/ elbow high+left hand goes over the back of his head.
#push your L elbow down - shoot ur L knee towards his L knee, maybe getting !/2 gaurd to secure choke.
What to do if you have a lasso and opp goes to combat base with the leg nearest your lasso up?
- Pull opp into you with your lasso
- hook your lassoing feet under his thigh (DLR)
- sweep to the side his arm is trapped
MErgegali from shallow lasso
- Shallow lasso w/ left leg, have your right hand on his left collar (not cross) and your right foot on his left shouler- keep you hips squared up to him. (good defensive postion)
- Whe you are ready to go, shift your hips so your but is facing away from the lassoing leg (if it it the same side he will be able to pass you easliy.)
3, I opp is grabbing your collar and framing agaisnt you, lift his elbow out.
What happens if you are playing Collar sleeve and they stuff your right leg between their legs
- Go to shallow lasso, keep your grip on his collar and put your foot in the pocket created by his gi, use this as a base to push off from and create distance.
- Lift your hips of the mat (tip from Tony)
Proper distance for collar sleeve
- Have your foot on the bicep straight, but your foot on the hip bent, so that your knee doesn’t pass the midline
What does Mendes suggest about the collar sleeve
- You need to pull on his collar and sleeve to break his base. Pull to the back of the wall, not down. Also collar grip on the clavical
- This will be hard if he is basing with good posture, to break his posture, you need to kick on his knee with you right foot and hook his shin with your left leg.
- You can use the del riva after the knee push to sweep him
Proteting the right foot in collar sleeve
- foot on bicep and try to dig your heel into his ribs, be sticky if he goes high
- If he is firm on gripping your right foot, you can put your lassoing foot on his left bicep, then grap his left sleeve and do a quic rip
How to prevent him passing your lasso
- To pass he will need to crowd you.
- push on his hip with your free leg and get to the opposite hip as the one you are lassoing ( u can grab his pants if you want)
- a) uinsert a deep lasso, turn back in so you are on the same hip as the side with ur lasso
b) unravel and go for an arm drag
Tony’s tip for when your in collar sleeve and opp closes of the space between his knee and elbown and leans on your leg
- Put your free foot in his but, pull him with the collar at the same time you kick over to your opposite shoulder
- he will be forced to base and will open up a gap for your knee to get inside