OP test 3 (kill me please im begging you im tired I have tests 3 times every week) Flashcards
what is a way to remember the carpal bones?
“So (scaphoid), Long (Lunate), To (Triquetrum), Pinky (Pisiform), Here (hamate), Comes (capitate), The (trapezoid ), Thumb (Trapezium)
what is the trail for Scaphoid
on distal surface of hand. start on shaft of radius, move distally to to radial styloid process, move distally into wrist crease, adduct hand, bump is scaphoid
what is the trail for lunate
on distal surface of hand start on radial styloid process. move medially onto listers tubercle, move diagonally until you fall into ditch in the middle of wrist, move proximally and then flex wrist
what is the trail for Triquetrum
on palmar side start on shaft on ulna, palpate distally to styloid process of ulna, move distally into wrist crease the abduct (triquetrum will poke out)
what is the trail for pisiform
on palmar side start on shaft of ulna, palpate distally onto styloid process of ulna, move distally and slightly medially across wrist crease until you feel round bump
what is the trail for Hamate
start on styloid process of ulna, move distally and medially onto pisiform, roll ~1/2 an inch towards pointer finger, sink in and feel for bump which is hook of hamate
what is the trail for capitate
on distal surface of hand start on radial styloid process. move medially onto listers tubercle, move diagonally until you fall into ditch in the middle of wrist, move distally and then flex wrist
what is the trail for trapezeum
start on proximal phalange of thumb, move proximally onto metacarpal then proximally onto trapezium
what are the Origin and Insertion of brachialis
O: Distal Half of anterior surface of humerus
I: Tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
how do you palpate brachialis
find deltoid tuberosity, have person flex and pronate forearm, resist elbow flexion, palpate lateral edge of muscle distally until you lose it in the elbow at its attachment on the ulna
what are the Origin and Insertion of brachioradialis
O: Proximal two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
I: Styloid process of radius
how do you palpate brachioradialis
start on lateral supracondylar ridge, resist elbow flex. , palpate distally onto its attachment at the radial styloid process
what are the Origin and Insertion of pronator teres
O: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Middle of lateral surface of the radius
how do you palpate pronator teres
locate bicep tendon, move distally and slightly medially, have person resist pronation, palpate from medial epicondyle towards the radius until you lose it under brachioradialis
what are the Origin and Insertion of pronator quadratus
O: Medial, anterior surface of distal ulna
I: Lateral, anterior surface of distal radius
what are the Origin and Insertion of supinator
O: Lateral epicondyle
I: Anterior, lateral surface of proximal one-third of radial shaft
what are the Origin and Insertion of abductor pollicis longus
O: Posterior surface of radius and ulna
I: Base of first metacarpal
how do you palpate abductor pollicis longus
start on base of first metacarpal, have person abduct thumb, palpate proximally onto its attachment on posterior surface on ulna and radius
what are the Origin and Insertion of extensor pollicis longus
O: Posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane
I: Base of distal phalanx of thumb
how do you palpate extensor pollicis longus
start on distal phalanx, extend thumb, palpate proximally to its attachment at the posterior surface of ulna
what are the Origin and Insertion of extensor pollicis brevis
O: Posterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane
I: Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
what is the trail for olecranon
start on head of ulna, move along shaft of ulna onto the olecranon
what is the trial of olecranon fossa
start on medial epicondyle, move laterally onto olecranon, bend elbow, move superiorly onto olecranon fossa
what is the trail for medial/lateral epicondyle
start on opposite epicondyle, move to olecranon, arrive at epicondyle
trail styloid process of ulna
start on shaft of ulna, move distally to head of ulna, move distally onto styloid process of ulna
trail medial/lateral supracondylar ridge
start on olecranon, move medially/ laterally onto epicondyle, move proximally onto ridge
trail for head of radius
start on olecranon, move laterally onto lateral epicondyle, move distally across joint space, supinate + pronate arm to confirm
trail styloid process of radius
start on head of radius, palpate distally along shaft, continue to end of radius where you will find the styloid process
trail listers tubercle
start on shaft of radius, move distally to styloid process, move ~1/2inch medially until you feel round mound which is listers tubercle
what are the origin and insertion of extensor carpi radialis longus
O: lateral supracondylar ridge
I: Base of second metacarpal
how to palpate extensor carpi radialis longus
start on lateral supracondylar ridge, extend wrist, palpate distally under brachioradialis, abduct, continue to palpate distally onto base of second metacarpal
what are the origin and insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis
O: Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle
I: Base of third metacarpal
what are the origin and insertion of extensor carpi ulnaris
O: Common extensor tendon
I: Base of fifth metacarpal
how to palpate extensor carpi ulnaris
start on lateral epicondyle, palpate distally along shaft of ulna until its attachment at the base of the 5th metacarpal
what are the origin and insertion of extensor digitorum
O: Common extensor tendon
I: Bases of middle and distal phalanges of second through fifth fingers
how to palpate extensor digitorum
start on lateral epicondyle, have person wiggle their fingers, palpate distally to its attachment’s on the middle and distal phalanges of 2-5th fingers
what are the origin and insertion of flexor carpi radialis
O: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Bases of second and third metacarpals
how to palpate flexor carpi radialis
start at bases of second and third metacarpals, ask person to flex wrist, palpate proximally along tendon until its attachment at the common flexor tendon and medial epicondyle
what are the origin and insertion of palmaris longus
O: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
how to palpate palmaris longus
start on aponeurosis, ask person to flex hand as if they’re holding a basketball, palpate along tendon to its attachment at and medial epicondyle
what are the origin and insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris
O: Humeral head: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
Ulnar head: Posterior surface of proximal two-thirds of ulna
I: Pisiform, hook of the hamate, and base of fifth metacarpal
how to palpate flexor carpi ulnaris
start on pisiform, flex wrist, palpate proximally onto tendon and continue onto its attachment at medial epicondyle
what are the origin and insertion of flexor digitorum superficialis
O: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Sides of middle phalanges of second through fifth fingers
what are the origin and insertion of flexor digitorum profundus
O: Anterior and medial surfaces of proximal three-quarters of ulna
I: Bases of distal phalanges, palmar surface of second through fifth fingers
what is the trail for head of ulna
start on olecranon, move distal to shaft, distal to head