On The Test Flashcards
Syntharthosis tendon
Considered immovable/ fibrous.
Ex: skull sutures, the articulations between the teeth and the mandible, and the joint found between the first pair of ribs and the sternum.
Ampiarthrosis tendon
Slightly movable/ cartilaginous
Ex: the distal joint between the tibia and the fibula and the pubic symphisis of the pelvic girdle.
Diarthrosis tendon
Freely movable/ synovial
Ex: elbow, shoulder, and ankle
Orbicularis Occuli
O: Frontal and Maxillary bones
I: Inserts into itself
A: Closes eyelids as in blinking and squinting
What is the oris?
Flat broad tendon
Corrugator Supercilii (To wrinkle)
O: Frontal bone
I: Skin of eyebrows
A: Draws eyebrows together as in frowning
Orbicularis Oris
O: Muscles + skin around mouth
I: Inserts into itself
A: Closes and protrudes the lips, kissing muscle
Levator Scapulae
O: C1-C4 on transverse process
I: Vertebrial border of scapulae from superior angle to root of spine
A: Elevation of shoulder
Pectoralis Minor
O: Anterior surface of 3rd, 4th, 5th rib
I: Corcoid process of scapula
A: Draws scapula anteriorly and downward
Pollicis Flexor Longus
O: Middle of anterior radius/ interosius membrane
I: Distal flanex of thumb
A: Flexion of thumb at its joint
Articulates with head of femur. On illium, is illiac crest, superior edge of illium.
Psoas Major
O: Transverse processes and bodies of t12 and all lumbar Vertebrae and discs
I: Lesser trocanter of femur
A: Flexes thigh and trunk on femur as in rising to sitting position from supine. Assists in outward rotation of thigh and strong postoral muscle. Swings leg forward while walking. Is a chief culprit of low back pain. Can be emotional muscle with heavy sexual connotations.
O: Superior reymus of pubis
I: Posterior surface of femur just below Lesser trocanter
A: Adducts, Flexes, and laterally rotates thigh
Great toe
Ligament that prevents tendons from sliding out of place
What 2 bones contribute to TMJ?
Massateur and Temporal bones
Isometric contraction
Muscles contract but no movement
What is the most superficial muscle of the back?
What does brachialis attach to?
Corcoid process
What does bicep brachii do?
Flexion of forearm
What does interosius membrane do?
Connects tissue of bones
What is between the spine and scapula?
Pectoralis Major
O: Medial half of clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage of first 6 ribs
I: Greater tubricle of humerus
A: Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates arm
What is superior to the thoracic cage?
What is the floating bone of the knee?
What are the Distal ends of leg bones?
What kind of bone is the sisamoid bone?
Floating bone
Why would one be shorter in the evenings?
Vertebraes leak water
How many ribs and Vertebrae in the body?
What is an action of pectoralis major?
Horizontal adduction
Another word for ribs
Where does the quadriceps insert into?
Tibialis Anterior
Most superficial muscle of anterior leg lateral to Tibial bone
O: Condyle and shaft of tibia and interosios membrane
I: Cuneiform and 1st metatarsal
A: Dorsiflexes and inverts the foot
What are the muscles of IT band?
Tensor fascae late and glute
What does the rectus femorus do?
Extends knee
What is a Latin term for arm?
What kind of joint is the skull?
Fibrous joint
What connects bone to bone?
What is a Latin word for lip?
What does levator Scapulae do?
Bends nexk from side to side
What can cause carpel tunnel?
Where is the anconius muscle?
What is a muscle attached to acromium process?
Lateral deltoid
Where is bicep brachii?
Anterior arm
What bones are attached to spinal process?
What do gastrocnemius and soleus do?
Plantar flexion
Where does sartorius attach to?
Lateral side of hip bone
Where do quadriceps attach to?
Where does tibialis Anterior attach to?
Shaft of bone
What is the connective tissue that connects to 2 bones?
Interosios membrane
What is shoulder joint called?
Glenal humeral joint
What is a hardworking adductor muscle?
What is a word for fibrous joint?
What is outer layer of bone?
Dense or compact bone
How can sternoclydomastoid work?
Unilaterally or bylaterally
What is the strongest hip flexor?
Ilio psoas
Latisimus Dorsi
Means widest, widest muscle of the back. Powerful extensor of flexed humerus.
O: Thoracic lumbar aponeurosis/ lower 6 thoracic spinus processes/ sacrum/ iliac crest/ lower 3-4 ribs/ inferior angle of scapula.
I: Bicipital groove of humerus
A: Extension medial rotation/ adduction of humerus
Posterior Deltoid
O: Spine of scapula
I: Deltoid Tuberosity
A: Extend and laterally rotates the arm
What muscle helps with chewing?
What are the strongest hip flexors?
Psoas and illiacus
What muscles commonly cause headaches?
Occipital and sub Occipital
When the spine is curved to one side
What are skeletal muscles called?
Smooth muscles
Muscle contracts and causes movement
What is the most movable connection of muscle?
What is the covering of 1 muscle fiber?
SITS muscles (Rotator Cuff)
Supraspinatus/ Infraspanatus/ teres minor/ Subscapularis
What is the action of romboid major and minor?
Highest ir most superficial muscle of the back
What muscle has 3 heads?
Triceps Brachii
What muscle causes abduction of arm?
Medial or Lateral Deltoid
What muscle Flexes the forearm?
Bicep Brachii
What muscle Flexes wrist and and whole palm?
Palmaris Longus
Examples of where interosius membrane can be found
Ulna/radius and Tibula/fibula
A muscle that helps another muscle
Synergist muscle
What movements does spine produce?
Flexion, extension, rotation
Where are you most likely to see rotation of spine?
Neck and lumbar
Group of muscles at large pad of hand
Thenar eminence
What muscle helps do sit ups?
Rectus Abdominus
What is it called if one side of lumbarum is working?
Lateral Flexion
Most important breathing muscle
Strongest hip flexor
Deepest sitting muscle
Origin of peraformis
Anterior surface of sacrum
Group of muscles that are a good stabilizer for shoulder joint
Rotator cuff
What muscles insert into Tibial band
Gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae late
What makes up IT band?
Tensor fasciae late and gluteus maximus
Insertion of IT band
Lateral side of knee
What extends the hip?
Gluteus maximus
What muscle crosses 2 joints, Flexes the knee, and plantar Flexes the ankle?
What muscle extends the knee?
Erectus femoris
What bones are commonly broken from storing yourself from falling?
Scaphoid and clavicle
What bone is developed in a tendon?
Ex: patella
Is a round bone A shape of bone?
What does a hinge joint do?
Flexion and extension
Where is acromium found?
Scapula and shoulder
Where is the alacronon?
Where is enubrium found?
Head of sternum
Supraspinatus origin
Supraspinatus fossa
Origin of medial deltoid?
Muscle in front of arm
Bicep Brachii
What is pectoralis major action?
Horizontal adduction
What muscles cause plantar flexion?
Gastrocnemius and solius
Where do gastrocnemius and solius connect to?
Calcaneus tendon
What muscle crosses over thigh?
What muscle originates along the bone?
Tibialis Anterior
Action of rectus femoris
Extension of knee
Ligament that connects 2 bones?
Muscle that inserts into itself
What is the action of teres minor and major?
Rotation of arm
Action if teres minor?
Terms used for a muscle causing action
Agonist/ prime mover
Heart muscle is considered?
What kind of tissue is the liver?
Smooth or visceral
What happens when a muscle contracts?
It shortens
The end of a muscle that is immovable and connects to skeleton
Muscle tissue that’s fading away
Membrane coverig fascicle (bundle of fibers)?
Group of fibers
Covering of muscle
What muscle causes retraction?
What is a bone that can retract?
Further away from trunk of body
Sole of foot
Projection or prominence
Same side
Opposite side
Help you blow on chocolate milk
Obicularis oris
Half Back Muscles
Half Back Muscles
Thigh Muscles
Glute Muscles
What wraps over the olacranon?
What action does teres minor cause?
Where is mastoid process connected to?
What action is shaking hand?
What 2 muscles help you stand straight?
Sternoclydomastoid and Erecters
Action if palmaris longus
Flexion of forearm
Peraformis O/I
O: Anterior Sacrum
I: Greater Trocanter
QL Quadratus Lumbarum
Very low back muscle
O: Ilium
I: Ribs
A: Extends spine lateral flexion
What is a bump?
Erector Spinae Muscles
Back leg muscle
Back muscles
Pelvis Muscles
Back leg Muscles