On field Acute Care and Emergency Procedures Flashcards
What are Emergencies?
unexpected occurrences that require immediate attention
What is the “Golden Hour”
the first hour after injury. anything done in this hour to prevent swelling/edema/ improve injury is critical to the success of pt.
What can a mistake in the initial injury management lead to?
Prolong the length of time required for rehab or cause a life threatening situation to arise.
What is the Primary concern in an emergency?
maintaining CV and CNS functioning
What is included on an emergency card?
Personal information, medical history, allergies, medications, emergency contact information, home work and cell numbers, consent to treat and/or transport.
When calling 911 What are the critical things to relay to the operator?
type of emergency, suspected injury, present condition of pt, assistance being given, location of phone being used, location of emergency, building limitations (behind a locked gate?, doors to gym open? etc.)
Who has the final say in the transportation?
What does the on-field assessment do?
Determines the nature of the injury. Divided into primary and secondary survey.
Primary Survery
Used to rule out life threatening situations. surveys for airway, breathing, circulation, shock and severe bleeding. Also used to correct these life threatening situation
Secondary Survey
Performed after life-threatening condition is ruled out. Gather info about injury, asses vital signs, perform more detailed evaluations of non life-threatening conditions.
Primary Survey
Life threatening injuries take precedents
Dealing With The Unconscious Patient
Must always be considered to have life threatening condition. check ABCs. assume neck injury. note body position and level of consciousness.
Venous Blood
Dark Red
Capillary Blood
Exudes from tissue and is reddish
Arterial Blood
flows in spurts and is bright red.
How to Control External Bleeding
1st - direct pressure
2nd - elevation
3rd- pressure points
hypovolemic Shock
decreased blood volume resulting in poor o2 transportation
respiratory shock
lungs unable to supply enough o2 to circulating blood
caused by general vessel dilation which does not allow typical 6L of blood to fill system.
Inability of heart to pump enough blood
Syncope or fainting caused by temporary dilation of blood vessels reducing BF to brain
Septic shock
bacterial infection where toxins cause blood vessels to dilate
result of allergies. #1 seen by ATCs
Metabolic Shock
occurs when illness goes untreated or when extensive fluid loss occurs
Signs and Symptoms of shock
moist, pale, cold, clammy skin. weak rapid pulse, increasing shallow respiration, decreased blood pressure, urinary retention and fecal incontinence, irritability or excitement, and potentially thirst.
Shock Management
Maintain Core Body Temp, elevate feet above head, keep pt calm, limit spectators, do not give anything by mouth.
Secondary Survery
Once pt is deemed stable, secondary begins. assessment of vital signs, state of consciousness, respiration, blood pressure, temperature, skin color, pupils, movement, abnormal nerve response
ACDU scale for consciousness means?
Alert, confused, drowsy, unresponsive.
What is normal respiration?
12 breaths/min adult 20/25 for child
what do you suspect when you see Red Skin Color
elevated temp, heat stroke, high blood pressure
What do you suspect when you see white skin color?
insufficient circulation, shock, fright, hemorrhage, heat exhaustion, or insulin shock
What do you suspect when you see blue skin color?
airway obstruction or respiratory insufficiency
What is the most important factor when checking pupils?
Pupil response is more important than the size.
What does dilated pupils indicate?
head injury, shock, use of stimulant
What does the pupil failing to accommodate indicate?
brain injury, alcohol, or drug poisoning
Why is it important to assess movement in the secondary screening?
because the inability to move could indicate serious CNS deficit impacting motor control (ask to wiggle toes and fingers).
What can an Abonormal nerve response indicate?
numbness and tingling in limb with or without movement could indicate nerve or cold damage. block blood vessel could cause severe pain, lack of pulse, loss of sensation. total loss of pain sensation may be caused by hysteria, shock, drug use, or spinal cord injury. Generalized local pain is an indicator that spinal injury is not present.