OMT Flashcards
what is the position of the sacrum if L5 is part of a neutral curve?
if L5 is part of a neutral curve, the sacrum will be forward meaning a right on right or left on left somatic dysfuction
remember that sacral rotation is opposite that of L5
what are findings associated with acute tissue changes?
acute tissue changes
What is the motion of the fibular head during
the fibular head moves anterior with dorsiflexion (distal fibula moves posterior)
the fibular head moves posterior with plantar flexion (distal fibula moves anterior)
What muscle is targeted when treating an innominate in posterior rotation with muscle energy?
muscle energy directed at a posterior rotation of the innominate activates the rectus femoris muscles
What muscle is targeted when treating an innominate in anterior rotation with muscle energy?
muscle energy for an anterior rotation of the innominate is directed at the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings
pain exacerbated by resisted flexion of the wrist?
medial epicondylitis or golfer’s elbow
What is the HVLA treatment if the carrying angle is <5 degrees?
a carrying angle of <5 degress is called cubitus varus and indicates ulnar adduction and wrist abduction
Treat with HVLA by supporting the lateral ulecronon with the thenar eminance and applying a medial thrust to the lateral elbow
this increases the carrying angle and brings the ulna into abduction
what is the chapman point for the pancreas?
the chapman point for the pancreas is on the right, 7th intercostal space
what is the chapman point for the stomach?
The chapman point for the stomach is the left, 6th intercostal space
what is the chapman point for the spleen?
The chapman point for the spleen is the Left, 7th intercostal space
Where would you find viserosomatic tissue changes for the ureter?
T10-L1 = upper ureter
L1-L2= lower ureter
What is the counterstrain position for
posterior tenderpoints
Treat posterior tenderpoints at T1-T9 by
sidebend and rotate away from lesion
What cardiac condition is associated with the
Travell Trigger point?
Where is it located?
SVT is associated with the Travell Trigger point which is located in the right pectoralis muscle.
What is the position of treatment for a psoas spasm?
Psoas spasms present with anterior hip pain that is worse with standing erect. The tenderpoint for the psoas is located just medial to the ASIS
positioning for counterstrain to the psoas is
hip flexed and externally rotated
What does a (+) backbending or (+) spring test indicate in regards to sacral mechanics?
A positive backward bendng or spring test indicates a backward sacral torsion
i.e. the base has moved posterior and motion of spring test is restricted.
look for this in backward sacral torsion (R on L or L on R)
Lateral Strain of the SBS occurs around which axis?
Lateral Strain occurs around two vertical axes.
The sphenoid and occiput rotate in the same direction around th axes.
This strain pattern is common in newborns
What are the axes of rotation for vertical strain?
Vertical Strain occurs with a rotation around two transverse axes
The sphenoid deviates cephalad or caudad in relation to the occiput
What are the axes of rotation for torsion?
Torsion is a twisting of the SBS around one AP axis