OMA Flashcards
New commander restrictions
For first 100 hours:
- No CatB, RYR Restricted or CatC airfield.(also applies for alternate selection). Does not apply in emergency.
- Not operate with new copilots (below 100hrs since first linecheck)
- No visual approaches unless no other approach available
SAFA finding levels
3 Levels
- Level 1: Info to Commander
- Level 2: Info to authority and company
- Level 3:
a) Restriciton to aircraft flight operation
b) Corrective actions before flight
c) grounded by authority
d) immediate operating ban
File report after SAFA check
minimum experience to operate as SCCM
1 year experience + SCCM training
How many cabin crew are required with pax on-board and when can the number be reduced?
4 must be present with exceptions:
- During normal ground ops not involving fuelling/de-fuelling when aircraft is parked
- Unforeseen circumstances when pax nr is reduced (report must be submitted to IAA after)
- Procedures ensuring equivalent level of safety with reduced crew numbers
- 1 Nr1 required
- 1 cc for 50pax
CAT A aerodrome criteria
- An approved instrument appr. procedure
- 1 rwy with no performce limit on takeoff/landing
- Circling minima not higher than 1000ft
- Night operations capability
CAT B aerodrome criteria
- Does not meet CAT A requirements
- Non-standard approach aids or patterns
- Unusual local weather conditions
- Unusual characteristics or performance limits, including ETP
- Any other relevant considerations (obstructions, physical layout, lighting etc)
- Cpt signs with the OFP that he has been briefed about the aerodrome (e.g. airfield brief read)
CAT B RESTRICTED aerodrome criteria
Within CAT B, “restricted“ used to alert of:
- Narrow Runway
- LDA <1800m
- Circling requirement
- Any other consideration
LVO restrictions for new captains
100m must be added to CAT2/3 minimums until cdr has a total of 100hrs or 40sectors (including line training)
First officer LVO restrictions
FO shall act as PM during takeoff in visibility of less than 400m RVR.
FO designated PF for landing until minima and will remain PF unless commander decides to take control and land (i.e go around flown by FO)
Flight currency requirements
- 90 days 3 landings
- 45 days no flight -> complete a line flight with a TRI or LTC or simulator
- 6 months -> complete refresher course + linecheck
Cabin crew contingent minimum experience for flight
Minimum of two experienced crew per flight
Experienced defined as >3 months on line
After what time should crew seek AME advice
Illness lasting at least 21 days
Vaccine restrictions
At least 24 hours before operation
Diving restrictions
No-Compression: min 24 hours before duty
Compression: min 48 hours before duty
Blood donation restrictions
Interval of 24 between donation and flight duty
Bone marrow and stem cell donation restrictions
After donation crew member considered unfit until satisfactory medical re-examination
In addition- for stem cell donations crew considered unfit from commencement of pre-donation hormone therapy
Define FDP
Flight duty period:
Commences when a crew member is required to report for duty
Finishes at on block time
Where can you find maximum flight duty period
OMA 7.9
Duty period limitations
- 60hrs in 7 days
- 110hrs in 14 days
- 190hrs in 28 days
Total Flight time limitations
- 100hrs in 28days
- 900hrs in any calendar year
- 1000hrs in any 12 months
Limitations on home standby
- Max duration 16hrs
- if called for duty the standby stops at reporting time
- if called for duty in first 6 hours FDP starts at assigned flight report time
- if called for duty after 6 hours, allowable FDP is reduced by the time exceeding 6 hours
Minimum rest home or away
Home base:
- 12 hours or length of preceding duty, whichever is greater
- may be reduced to 10 hours if a hotel is provided
- 10 hours or length of preceding duty, whichever is greater
- period includes 8 hours for sleep and 1 hour for physiological needs in addition to the travel time
When is an overweight landing recommended?
- A serious malfunction that affects the airworthiness of the aircraft.
- A condition where an expeditious landing would prevent a non-normal situation developing into an unsafe situation (reduce the exposure to a degrading level of safety).
- A serious illness on board requiring prompt medical attention.
- If directed by the QRH to “land at the nearest suitable airfield”.
When should headsets be used?
- Clearance
- Ground with engines running
- Flight except cruise
- When deemed necessary by cpt
What does the cabin crew briefing in the crew room need to include at a minimum?
- Registration/Location of AC
- Security code, procedures and status
- Operational issues: flight time, slots, specials, weather, turbulence/icing
- Defects: Serviceability, health/safety issues, any conflicts
Inexperienced or new co pilot operating limitations
- Xwind more than 2/3 of limit
- Runway perf. Limited
- Takeoff rvr less than 1000m
- Ceiling less than 100 ́above minimum for and 200`above for
- Rwy contaminated
- Abnormal procedures due system defects
- Inexperienced when xwind exceeds 15knots, except monitored approach
- Windshear reported or forecasted
EFB use limitations
- must be attached to mount during all critical phases of flight. If no mount available it must be stowed in flight bag during these phases.
- not normally handled below 1000’
- minimum charge at pre flight 70%
- EFB charging is only permitted when battery level is below 20%
Minimum RFFS
for destination:
- normally available required 7
- temporary downgrade 5
any alternate:
- required 5
temporary: as published via notam, for a period not exceeding 72 hours
Minimum RVR for visual approach
What is final reserve fuel?
Fuel to fly for 30 mins at 1500’ AAL ISA conditions at alternate or destination if no alt required
Standard pax masses for weight and balance
Adult: 84kg
Children: 35kg
Standard bag masses for weight and balance
Domestic: 11kg
European region: 13kg
Inter-Continental: 15kg
European region defined in OMA
what is the maximum departure delay before flight plan is cancelled?
> 15 mins
Crew must coordinate with ops to prevent
Standard mass for flight crew and cabin crew
Flight crew: 85kg
Cabin crew: 75kg
what levels are the sheer values taken from?
+/-2000’ around datum level
If a fault occurs during taxi out requiring return to stand war is the correct phraseology to use with ATC?
“RYR XXX requests a return to stand to contact our company”
When comparing the sum of arrival fuel plus uplift fuel what is the maximum difference?
tollerance is 200kg
What are the different types of airbridge boarding and what are the limitations of use?
Two types:
Standard boarding (2 queues - Priority and other)
Adjusted (Priority, 22-33, Other)
Adjusted boarding is not permitted when engineering spare parts are being loaded/offloaded in the rear hold
How many assistance dogs are permitted on board?
- Cabin crew must check they are listed on the boarding card
What are the limitations for accepting battery operated wheelchairs?
Wet cell battery chairs cannot be accepted.
Gel/Dry cell battery operated wheelchairs are permitted to be carried in the hold if the battery is disconnected and terminals insulated.
Wheelchairs are not permitted to be carried in the cabin.
What are the limitations for traveling pregnant?
if over 28 weeks pregnant, can be refused travel if does not present a ‘fit to fly’ letter from doctor/midwife