OM PART A BOM Describe in own words Flashcards
What is the order of applicability of manuals in case of deviating instructions (0.1):
- KLM Cityhopper OM overrules all other manuals
- OM Part B will overrule OM Part A.
- OM Part C instructions will overrule OM Part A and OM Part B regulations, unless specifically indicated otherwise. (For a particular route, country or region)
Chief Pilot:
Relevant duties and responsibilities (1.3)
- Ensure that all flight crew members of his division are aware of mandatory compliance with all laws, regulations and procedures as applicable to the aeroplane of his division.
- Ensure that all flight crew members of his division are instructed to complete the mandatory records applicable to aeroplane operations.
- Ensure that flight crew members are efficiently scheduled in accordance with legal and company work and rest time limitations.
Describe the commander’s Authority’s (BOM 1.4)
The commander has authority to:
- Take any action he considers necessary in an emergency situation
- Give all commands he deems necessary for the purpose of securing the safety
- Initiate, continue, terminate, delay or divert a flight
- Reject an aircraft prior to departure of a flight
- Exercise other powers of authority as given to him by law
- Grant persons access to any part of the aeroplane in the interest of safety:
- Refuse transportation of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody
- Disembark any person, or any part of the cargo
- Delegate the conduct of the flight to another suitable qualified pilot.
- Make the final decision for the amount of fuel to be carried on each flight.
- Obtain de-icing/anti-icing whenever he determines that it is necessary
Describe the Duties and responsibilities (1.4)
- Is responsible for the safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo onboard, as soon as he arrives on board, until he leaves the aeroplane at the end of the flight.
- Shall not allow a person to be carried in the aeroplane who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that the safety of the aeroplane is endangered.
- Shall establish a sterile flight deck when necessary.
- Is responsible for the operation and safety of the aeroplane from the moment the aeroplane is first ready to move until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.
- Has the final responsibility for functions, duties or tasks associated with operational control of the flight.
- Must ensure that abnormal or emergency situations are not simulated during commercial air transportation flights.
- Must ensure that all operational procedures are complied with,
- Must ensure that all checklists are used and complied with,
- Must ensure that the pre-flight inspection has been carried out.
- Must ensure that all security measures 6 are properly fulfilled.
- Shall not permit any crew member to perform any activity not required for the safe operation of the aeroplane.
- Shall not permit a Flight Recorder to be disabled or switched off during flight.
- Apply Crew Resource Management principles
- Must make optimum use of the opportunities and facilities for rest provided and plan and use his rest period properly
Must not commence a flight unless he is satisfied that (1.4)
- The aeroplane is airworthy;
- The Aircraft Technical Log (ATL) is completed and signed;
- The Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) is on board;
- The aeroplane is in accordance with the provision of the MEL/CDL
- The required manuals, documents and additional information are on board;
- Space-based facilities, Ground facilities and services required are available and adequate;
- The provisions specified below can be complied with for the planned flight:
i. Minimum safe altitudes.
ii. Aerodrome operating minima
iii. Required fuel and oil.
iv. Applicable de-icing and anti-icing
v. Oxygen requirements. - The load is properly distributed and safely secured
- The weight of the aeroplane, is such that the flight can be conducted in compliance with the applicable performance requirements;
- Any other operational limitation can be complied with.
Licence and qualification validity for crew members (2.1.1):
- Proficiency check (12M+ 3)
- Aeroplane / FSTD training (Type recurrent) (12M+ 3)
- Line check (24M+6)
- Line Oriented Evaluation (12M+3)
- Route and aerodrome competence qualification (12M+3)
- Emergency and Safety Equipment training (24M+6)
- Ground and Refresher training (12M+3)
- Medical Certificates (Class 1) (12M)
Who has the authority to delay a flight? (2.4)
- The station manager, duty station manager or handling agent has responsibility forflight movement deviations and/or delays of less than 30 minutes
- Operations Control (SPL/ZZ) in concert with KLM Operations Control (OCC/LM)has responsibility for (expected) flight movement deviations and/or delays of 30 minutes and more.
The commander must inform Fleet Control, when he expects a delay of more than 30 minutes. Except in urgent cases, the crew shall not be disturbed for delay messages during rest hours.
Start of Boarding: 2.4
How long before STD should boarding commence in case of no CTOT and in case of a CTOT
-Boarding of KLC flights should commence no later than 20 min. prior to Scheduled Time of Departure (STD).
-Boarding with a slot of 60 minutes or less after standard time of departure:
Commence boarding no later than STD – 20 minutes.
Aircraft ready for departure at STD.
-Boarding with a slot between 61 minutes and 121 minutes after STD:
Commence boarding no later than slot time – 80 minutes
Aircraft ready for departure at slot time – 60 minutes.
-Procedure for slot delays longer than 120 minutes:
Contact SPL/ZZ Fleet Control for advice.
Inspection flights by CAA-NL inspectors (2.5)
KLM Cityhopper shall ensure that any person authorized by CAA-NL is
- permitted at any time to board and fly in any aeroplane operated in accordance with the KLM Cityhopper AOC issued by the CAA-NL and to enter and remain on the flight deck.
- The commander may refuse access to the flight deck if, in his opinion, the safety of the aeroplane would thereby be endangered.
Signing & Submitting of the OFP includes: (Preflight and After flight)
- Acceptance off and ordering off final fuel (8.1.10)
- The commander certifies that he and his delegate(s) have qualified themselves for the relevant route and aerodromes (
- The commander certifies that he has reviewed the flight preparation and confirm that the flight can be safely executed in compliance with the applicable sections of the OM. (OFP Acceptance message)
- After completion of the flight, the OFP shall be signed by the commander. With this final submit, the commander certifies completion of the journey log.(8.1.10)
After approval of the commander, any active flight crew member may accept the OFP.
Restriction for Co-pilot (5.1)
What restrictions apply to the co-pilot
-For co-pilots in their first KLM Cityhopper position as a co-pilot, a crosswind limitation of 15 kt is applicable for take-off and landing during the first year after
completion of the route training.
-Additional airport specific restrictions may be applicable; they are laid down in the
respective OM Part C4.
Low Visibility Operation qualifications (5.1)
Who is PF during CAT 2/3 Approaches?
Commander or the commander under supervision
Low Visibility Operation qualifications (5.1)
What procedures and minimums are applicable during practice CAT 2/3 approaches?
Normal CAT II/III procedures apply, refer to OM Part B.
However CAT I minima are applicable.
Divine an ‘accommodation’ and a ‘suitable accommodation’ according the FTL. (7.1)
‘accommodation’ a quiet and comfortable place not open to the public with the ability to control light and temperature, equipped with adequate furniture that provides a crew member with the possibility to sleep, with enough capacity to accommodate all crew members present at the same time and with access to food and drink.
‘suitable accommodation’ a separate room for each crew member located in a quiet environment and equipped with a bed, which is sufficiently ventilated, has a device for regulating temperature and light intensity, and access to food and drink;
How can the max FDP be increased (7.2/7.4)
- Operator extension (N/A)
- Delayed reporting
- Inflight rest (N/A)
Aerodromes (8.1)
Define an Adequate aerodromes
An adequate aerodrome is an aerodrome which KLM Cityhopper considers to be satisfactory, taking into account:
-The applicable performance requirements and;
-Runway characteristics.
All aerodromes published in OM Part C2 3.2 can be considered adequate for KLM Cityhopper depending on opening hours and runway availability.
In addition, it is anticipated that, at the expected time of use, such an aerodrome:
-Will be available and the weather is at or above the applicable planning or landing minima, and;
-Is equipped with necessary ancillary services (such as Air Traffic Services (ATS), sufficient lighting, communications, weather reporting, navaids and
emergency services).
Aerodromes (8.1)
What is the minimum RFF Category
Departure and destination station: 5
Alternate: 4 (Bulletin)
Temporary RFF my be downgraded by 1 but no lower then 4 for max 72 hours