Drill lijstje Flashcards
State KLM Cityhopper’s Mission: (2.1)
To carry passengers for KLM in Europa – Safe, comfortable and on time – focused on flexible solutions at competitive costs
Name the Safety Principles: (2.1)
Leading principle is never compromise on safety
- Work Safely
- Stick to the Rules
- Report Unsafe Situations
- Help and challenge each other
- Be fit to work
Name the Commander’s Key Result area’s (1.4)
- Flight safety
- Operational Integrity
- Costs and benefits
- Environment and surroundings
- Passengers
- Employees
Commander: Behavioral Competences (1.4)
- Expertise
- Stress resistance
- Decisiveness
- Task-oriented leadership
- Overview of company processes
- Being customer and service oriented
Licence and qualification validity for crew members (2.1.1):
- Proficiency check (12M+ 3)
- Aeroplane / FSTD training (Type recurrent) (12M+ 3)
- Line check (24M+6)
- Line Oriented Evaluation (12M+3)
- Route and aerodrome competence qualification (12M+3)
- Emergency and Safety Equipment training (24M+6)
- Ground and Refresher training (12M+3)
- Medical Certificates (Class 1) (12M)
Signing & Submitting of the OFP includes: (Preflight and After flight)
- Acceptance off and ordering off final fuel (8.1.10)
- The commander certifies that he and his delegate(s) have qualified themselves for the relevant route and aerodromes (
- The commander certifies that he has reviewed the flight preparation and confirm that the flight can be safely executed in compliance with the applicable sections of the OM. (OFP Acceptance message)
- After completion of the flight, the OFP shall be signed by the commander. With this final submit, the commander certifies completion of the journey log.(8.1.10)
After approval of the commander, any active flight crew member may accept the OFP.
Aerodromes (8.1)
What is required for Destination Aerodrome:
- The planning minima are equal to the applicable landing minima. In addition, for a non-precision approach or circling approach, the ceiling must be at or above MDH.
- If weather out of limits 2 Des Alt need to be selected
Aerodromes (8.1)
What is required for Destination Alternate:
during a period commencing one hour before and ending one hour after the ETA at the aerodrome, the weather conditions will be at or above:
CAT 2/3 -> Cat 1 RVR
CAT 1+APV -> Non Pres. RVR/VIS + Ceiling at MDH
Non Prec -> Non Prec RVR/VIS + 1000m ceiling MDH+200ft
Circling-> Circling
No App-> Vis 5 km Ceiling above MFA
Documents to be carried (
The commander shall not commence a flight unless he is satisfied that the following documents or copies thereof are carried:
- The original Certificate of Registration;
- Original Unlimited Certificate of Airworthiness + original Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC);
- The Noise Certificate including an English translation, where one has been provided by the authority responsible for issuing the noise certificate;
- Certified true copy of the Air Operator Certificate (AOC);
- The operations specifications relevant to the aircraft type, issued with the AOC (OPS SPEC);
- The original Aircraft Radio Station Licence;
- The third party liability Insurance Certificate(s);
- Aeroplane Search Procedure (ASP) checklist;
- Aviation Frequencies Licence (’Vergunning Luchtvaartfrequenties’).
Journey log ( The journey log is composed of the following documents:
- Operational Flight Plan (OFP)
- Aircraft Technical Log (ATL)
- Weight and Balance documentation including LMC and NOTOC, if applicable
- Air Safety Report (ASR) (if applicable)
Approach (8.4)
Before commencing an approach to land, the commander shall satisfy himself that according to the information available to him:
the weather at the aerodrome and the condition of the runway to be used should not prevent a safe approach, landing or missed approach, keeping in mind a.o. performance information in OM Part B.
Approach (8.4)
The commander may commence and continue instrument approach if:
-regardless of the reported RVR/CMV or VIS,
-Not continue below 1,000 ft above the aerodrome, or into the final approach segment in case the DA/H or MDA/H is more than 1,000 ft above the aerodrome,
if the reported RVR/CMV or VIS is less than the applicable minimum
-Continue an instrument approach to DA/H or MDA/H, if the reported RVR/CMV or VIS falls below the applicable minimum after passing below 1,000 ft above the aerodrome.
-Continue below DA/H or MDA/H and complete the landing provided that the required visual reference is established at the DA/H or MDA/H and is maintained.
Visual reference (8.4) What is the required visual reference to continue an (NPA/RNP/CAT1) approach below the MDA/MDH:
- elements of the approach light system;
- the threshold;
- the threshold markings;
- the threshold lights;
- the threshold identification lights;
- the visual glide slope indicator;
- the touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings;
- the touchdown zone lights;
- runway edge lights;
-other visual references if specifically indicated and authorised.
other visual references accepted by the authority.
Visual reference (8.4) What is the required visual reference for a CAT 2/3
visual reference containing a segment of at least 3
consecutive lights from the following:
-the centre line of the approach lights; or
-touchdown zone lights; or
-runway centre line lights; or
-runway edge lights; or
-a combination of these is attained and can be maintained.
For CAT 2: This visual reference must include a lateral element of the ground pattern, i.e. an approach lighting crossbar or the landing threshold or a barrette of the touchdown zone lighting.
NOTOC (9.1)
What does the commander confirm with signing the NOTOC?
With his signature he confirms that he has been notified about the Dangerous Goods and other Special Load on board and their loading positions.
Company Communication Protocol (2.4) Fleet Control (SPL/ZZ) is the primary contact for..?
- Any operational disturbance
- Any event that may cause a deviation from standard operation and/or flight schedule.
- Any serious incident, accident, airprox or other possible safety and security events.
- Information any discrepancy related to flight execution.
Company Communication Protocol (2.4) Flight Watch (SPL/ZZ) is the primary contact for..?
-information and inflight relay to other departments
Company Communication Protocol (2.4) Crew Coordination (SPL/ZG) is the primary contact for..?
-crew rostering issues on the day of operation
Company Communication Protocol (2.4) Maintenance Specialist (RJC) is the primary contact for..?
- Reporting technical issues.
- Technical/dispatch information.
Company Communication Protocol (2.4)
The primary means of communication in order of preference are:
- Phone (especially for company/media sensitive information).
- VHF (relay through Flight Watch or Maintenance Control).
Fuel (8.1)
What is required to use CONT 90%
- More then one usable runway
- Visibility 1500m ceiling 500ft
- Congestion Class Standard or Predictable
The ‘Loadsheet ACCEPT’ response message includes also (8.1):
- Acceptance of the final NOTOC, and
2. Confirms the flight deck and cabin security check/search.
What Items need to be checked on the Load Sheet? (8.1)
- aeroplane registration
- aeroplane variant
- flight number
- date
- crew complement
- fuel figures
What Items need to be checked on the OFP? (8.1)
- the correct flight number;
- date;
- aeroplane registration;
- departure and arrival airports;
- zero fuel weight;
- correct alternate aerodromes,
- that the contingency fuel calculation is based on the correct coverage.
Witch surfaced must be protected in case of anti-icing
B1 14.70.4
- wing upper surface and leading edge,
- horizontal stabilizer upper surface and leading edge,
- elevator upper surface,
- vertical stabilizer and rudder (if vertical stabilizer is clean, it does not have to be de-iced),