OM-B 2.3 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Flashcards
What items should be discussed between crews during a verbal handover?
- any defects
- any anomalies
- relevant OEBs which may affect the subsequent operation.
On arriving at the aircraft what items does OM-B state you should check?
What other items might you include with an eye to the operation?
- Wheel Chocks - Check in Place
- L/G Doors - Check Position
- APU Area - Check Clear
Other items you may check;
- GPU - Present?
- Steps - Front & rear/ or airbridge?
- Fueller - Present?
What 2 main items are you looking for during the Exterior Inspection (Walk Around)?
- Check structure for impact damage
- Check that there is no evident fuel, oil or hydraulic leaks.
What items must be on during the exterior inspection?
- NAV lights
- Parking Brake, to allow the brake wear indicators to be checked.
ADIRS - When would you perform a ‘Complete Alignment’ & when would you perform a ‘fast alignment.’
Complete Alignment if;
- First Flight of the day
- GPS not available & long segments in poor navaid coverage.
Fast Alignment if;
- Residual groundspeed is > 5 knots
Pre-Selected Speeds.
What speed constraint should you use for a wraparound SID?
The greater of:
- 220 knots, or
- Green Dot + 5 knots.
Altimeters Check (Initial RVSM check) What are the tolerances?
- PFD Altitude - within 25 feet of elevation
- Difference between PFDs - Maximum 20 feet
- Difference between PFD & ISIS - Maximum 100 feet
ALT Window - what do you set prior to departure (Cockpit Prep.)?
ALT Window
For ‘all’ SID types,
the FIRST stop ALT should be set.
i.e. Don’t use ALT CST to level off for you even if PRNAV Departure.
Last Minute Changes: When would a new load sheet be required?
If the LMC exceeds the following values: +10/-20 Passengers
OMB 7.4
Rules regarding LMCs & recalculating performance, what are they?
OMB 7.4
- New Loading form if +10/-20 Pax
If new loading form not required, then following criteria apply:
- If LMC is negative, no action to be taken as long as MACTOW is within 2% of the original value.
- If LMC +ve but <250 kg & MACTOW within 2%, speeds OK, reduce flex by 1º
- If LMC +ve, TOGA planned, or >250 kg, or MACTOW >2% of original, Takeoff Perf recalc using revised TOW.
Only revise ZFW/CG in FMGS if Takeoff perf is to be recalculated, otherwise revise in the cruise.
Engine Start Sequence, what should you observe?
- N2 increases
- Start valve in-line
- Bleed pressure GREEN
- Oil Pressure Increases
- 16% N2 - IGNITION
- 22% N2 - FUEL FLOW
- 15 SECS MAX after ENG Master ON - EGT Increases & N1 Increases
- 50% N2 - Start Valve Cross-Line, Igniter OFF.
After the Flight Control Check - how long does the F/CTL page remain displayed for?
20 seconds.
What conditions must be met for the autobrakes to engage during an Aborted Take-Off?
DSC 27.10.20
- Auto Brake p/b - MAX
- Ground Speed >72 knots
- Thrust Levers - Both IDLE or One Reverse
Flex Temperature Corrections, what can be used?
- Engine A/ICE ON - subtract 5 deg
- QNH Reduction - subtract 1 deg / 2 hPa
The corrections can also be added.
e.g. If A/ICE req’d & the QNH reduces, the flex can be reduced by 6 degrees.
Tailwind or Crosswind >20 knots Take-Off technique is…?
- Full Forward Stick
- 50% N1 set on both engines until stablised
- Rapidly increase thrust to 70% N1
- -Then progressively increase thrust to reach T/O thrust at 40 knot ground speed
- maintain full forward stick to 80 knots,
- then release gradually to be neutral by 100 knots
At what speed during the take-off roll is connection between NWS & rudder pedals removed?
- 130 knots (wheel speed)
- In strong cross winds, more rudder input required at this point to prevent a/c turning into wind.
What is OPT FL a function of?
Cost Index
Can you enter a cruise flight level above MAX REC FL?
- Yes.
- MAX REC FL gives the a/c at least a 0.3g buffet margin.
- You may enter a higher flight level & FMGC will accept it,
- provided it does not exceed a level at which the buffet margin is reduced to 0.2g.
How often do we need to perform a fuel check?
- as soon as practical after TOC
- thereafter a written check made at intervals not exceeding 1 hour
- verbal check made at 30 minute intervals
- Shorter flights one fuel check should be recorded unless flight time <20 minutes.
Where will you find the instrument tolerances for the hourly RVSM check in the cruise?
When must a navigation accuracy check be performed?
- if GPS PRIMARY is lost (as displayed on the PROG Page)
and especially if any of the following occur:
- IRS only naviagtion
- The PROG page displays LOW accuracy
- “NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD” appears on the MCDU
Descent Gates:
- 20,000 feet - 70 nm adjusted for wind
- 10,000 feet - 35 nm adjusted for wind
- 20 nm - Reduce from 250 knots (if maintained high speed.)
- 10 nm long final or on intercept to LOC - Flap 1, 180 Knots
- > 2000 feet above TDZE - Flap 2
- Maximum; 180 knots to 6nm, 170 knots to 5nm, or 160 knots to 4nm (wind permitting)
- ~ 5nm - Managed Speed / Gear Down
Stable Approach Criteria?
- Aircraft in Landing Config.
- Target final approach speed +10 / -5 knots
- ROD < 1000 fpm (may be increased by 150 fpm per 0.5 deg that published g/s exceeds 3 deg.)
- Aircraft within +/- 1 dot of Glideslope / LOC
- Bank angle <15 deg
Transient deviations due to atmospheric conditions are acceptable
if corrected in a timely manner.
What are the maximum final approach speeds that we can accept from ATC?
- 160 knots to 4 dme
- 170 knots to 5 dme
- 180 knots to 6 dme
Flight Parameters, when should PNF call out… ?
- V/S > 1,000 fpm
- SPEED +10 or -5 knots from target speed
- LOC exceeds 1/4 dot
- GS exceeds 1 dot
- Bank Angle exceeds 7 deg
- Pitch < 2.5 degrees Nose Down
- Pitch > 10 degrees Nose UP
During Cockpit prep, how do you check that you have a sufficient amount of Flight deck oxygen?
- *DOOR key……………………..PRESS
- If the oxygen pressure is half boxed in amber;
- check the “MIN FLT CREW OXY CHART”
During cockpit prep. How do you check the Engine Oil quantity & how do you know it is sufficient?
- *ENG key…………………..PRESS
- Check that the oil quantity is at, or above:
- 9.5 qts + 0.5 qts/per hour
During aircraft power up, if the aircraft has not been electrically supplied for 6 hours or more, what check should be performed?
- BAT 1 and 2 CHECK OFF
- (Battery voltage above 25.5 V ensures a charge above 50%.)
- If battery voltage is below 25.5 V a charging cycle of about 20 minutes is required.
Whilst inspecting the tech log during pre-flight you notice a deferred defect.
What are the rectification intervals & how are they displayed in the tech log?
- A - No standard interval specified
- B - 3 days
- C - 10 days
- D - 120 days.
Located in the MEL preamble.
How long is a daily inspection valid for?
- The daily inspection is valid for one calendar day.
For example;
If the daily check had been carried out at 09.00 on Tuesday 24th then it would be valid until 23.59 on Wednesday the 25th.
You could dispatch any time before 23.59 on Wednesday the 25th even if you land after midnight.
Brake Fans. Describe the SOP & the limitations.
During taxi out,
- ECAM WHEEL page : ARC Indication - set the brake fans ON. (OM-B 2.3.10)
Before RWY line up. If BRAKE FANS RUNNING:
- If > 150°C, delay take-off.
- If < 150°C, select brake fans off.
- The maximum temp. 300°C.
- In circumstances when brake temperatures approach this limitation, the recommended procedure is to use brake fans to reduce the temperature to 150°C. (OM-B
Final Approach. At 1000’ above TDZE What does PNF check & Announce?
At 1,000 ft above TDZE;
- PNF checks;
- Aircraft in Landing Config?
- Speed < Vapp+30?
- Aircraft Stable?
- Calls if Stable: PNF: “1,000 feet” PF: “Checked.”
- If not configured or speed > Vapp+30: PNF: “NOT STABLE GO-AROUND.” PF: “GO-AROUND FLAPS.”
- If unstable due to other parameters: PNF:”1,000 feet - UNSTABLE -(parameter)”
- e.g. PNF: “1,000 ft - Unstable - Speed” PF: “CONTINUE” or “GO-AROUND FLAP”
Do you have to wait for the GRND SPOILER to be DISARMED before completing all items of the after landing scan?
OMB 2.3.24.
May be switched off as required prior to the GND SPOILERS being DISARMED.
Where do you refer to in order to find BRAKE TEMP. LIMITATIONS requiring maintenance action?