OM-A 8. Flight Preparation, Tech Log MEL & CDL Flashcards
MORA: 1000ft (2000 Terr >5000/SE/Depressurised) within: OMA 20nm. LIDO RM 10nm. Grid: 1000ft (2000 Terr >6000). MGA Min 2000ft
MFA Corrections
Temp: -10C or below. NPA alts after FAF. DA/MDA (unless VNAV with temp.) MSA QNH: 30ft per 1hPa. Wind: >20kts
Guidance inflight, disregard if safer. 6: Normal 5: OFP note/UK ALTN. 4: Non-UK ALTN/Temporary (<72h)
Landing Dispatch
A: Favoured AND B: Likely. Not A: 2 ALTNs with A&B. Not B: 1 ALTN with A&B.
None: Perf/Mass. 2000ft (Circling +500) 5KM. 2 rwys, <6hrs, +15m (1/2FR) 2: Favoured/Wx/Perf. T/O: 320nm, MTOW, Actual minima
3%/5mins. Circle at 75% route (80%+50nm if further) radius 20% trip. Wx at ETA (Not +/-1h)
Planning Minima
CATII/III → CAT I → NPA → NPA +200ft & +1000m RVR. Ceiling considered if NPA.
Deteriorate from start, Improve from end. Disregard: Gusts, TEMPO transient/improve, PROB TEMPO
Standard Weights
Adult (12+): M93 F75. Child (>2)/Dog: 35. FD: 85. CC: 75. Dom: 11. Int’l: 13. Conti: 15. Offload bag5kg
Aircraft Weights
Factory=MEW +Operator equipment, docs, seats, crew, fluid=OEW +Catering=DOW +Payload=ZFW.
Loading 319 and 20, what type of weights
Actual or std weights. A319: CP4+5: 150 bags (max 50 in CP5). A320: Fill CP1, extra in CP4. CP5 (Bulk) unused
Fuel & Oil, Extra burn
Fuel: 3% of Extra burned per hour. 1nm: -4kg +5kg. Oil: SG 0.88. 9.5qts +0.5 per Hour (OFP Min Fuel +15m)
Permits: Insurance/AOC. A/C: Radio/Noise. Paper: Airworthy/Reg. 3m: OFP, W&B, D.Good, Journey log, ASR.2Y: Techlog
Acceptable Deferred Defects. Level 1 (MEL/CDL) affect airworthiness.
Centrally Controlled Defects. ADDs reclassified to filter out negligible or deferrable defects
Daily Inspection
1 full calendar day. Effective 00:01 next morning if done after 18:00Z. All of following day up to 23:59 on 2nd day
UTC times. If de-ice after doors closed, on pink only, cross out NIL, enter “Refer to de-icing co.” and sign
Crew Reset
State IAW with procedure and sign
Pink Page
Removed: No handover or if ‘Action Taken’. Strike through all unused strips
Dep Fuel – Arr Fuel = Planned Uplift (KG). Tolerance: 1.2% Max (230kg) +1.1% of Actual FOB.
New Tech Log
Write first page number of new TL onto the top of the last strip in the old TL
For Info
Inform MOC. Transient/cleaning/other info, bird strike unless: Smell, dent/crack or within 1m of engine/probe/radome or air duct
Maintenance Msg
Failure detectable only by CFDS. Record in Tech Log if at Main Base. Air Bleed: Check MEL
Briefing Notes
Not required. H2-F7 Cancels OEBs 40 (Bleed), 43 (Spoiler) and 44 (Downlocked). ELAC L97 Cancels OEB 38 (RA) Creates OEB 46
CDL Negligible
More than 3: MTOW-50kg (-60kg Enroute) each. Enter total in EFB.
CDL Multiple
Unless specified: 1 per system or multiple systems
MEL Repair Interval
Starts 00:01 following day. A: Specified B: 3d C: 10d D: 120d Dash: No Go or N/A
MEL Flight Crew Auth..No Engineering
1 sector. No tools/equipment. Enter defect on arrival. “Refer to previous…”
VFR Minima
<3000’: 5KM, Clear of Cloud. >3000’: 5KM (8KM >FL100.) Lateral 1.5KM. Vertical 1000’ (500’ in CTZ). Departure: 5KM, Ceiling 1500ft
Class of surrounding airspace. 2000ft AAL. RWY <1850m: 2NM. >1850m: 2.5NM. Notified hours
FL290 - FL410. 2 primary Alt, AP, FWC, FCU, XPDR. RVSM FLT: 200ft. GND ELEV: 75ft. Instrument FLT: 130ft. GND PFD-PFD: 25
Low Fuel
Possibly below FR: “Minimum Fuel”. Likely below FR: “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Fuel”
Landing Assured
Able to land after forecast weather deterioration and plausible aircraft/ground equipment downgrade
Avoid TS by 10-20nm/5000ft, 3nm in TMA. Lightning Strike: Check equipment, MOC.
Volcanic Ash
Approved Actual L/M. Forecast H (MOC action). VA seen: Check ENG, Event pb, ATC, ASR. Not seen: “VOLCN”
Wake Turbulence
Advisory. T/O: Liftoff. S:3 H:2 (+1 intersection or rwy within 760m). LDG: S:7 H:5 UM:4
Controlled Rest
Unplanned. Max 45min. CC every 20min. Stop 30min before TOD. No solo for 20min after waking.
Seating on crew seats in cabin
Jump: Crew on duty (positioning if no pax seat) or with cockpit permit. Pax on CC: ABP >16y.
Visual Approach
Straight In: 800m RVR. Circuit: 2500ft ceiling, 5km vis. Above 1500 AAL until final descent.
Approach Ban
1000ft AAL (FAF if minima >1000ft.)
G/P night, FO 5KM.Area 4.2, 25kt wind, 180kt. MOC 400’. Standard: 600’, 2.4km. P-trk: 400’/0.9nm
Crew Oxygen
FD: Quick Don >FL250. Time >FL100 min 2H. PBE 15mins. CC: Time >FL130 (min 30m.)
Passenger Oxygen
>250: 110%. >150: 100% (min 10m.) 150-140: 30%. >140-100: 10%. >80’ First Aid:2% (min 2.)
Duty Pilot and briefing if non-std config (gear down). Empty with CC: Last flight, not FTL sector for CC. FD arm doors.
Depart: Max 25mins. Takeoff: Max 10mins. Arrive: Max 15mins. Slot: Board if <2hrs