Old Testament Flashcards
Gen 1,2
Return form Exile
Ezra 1,2 538 BC
Day of Atonement
Leveticus 16 2 Goats 1 slaughtered 1 sins placed on head sent into wilderness
Last Judge - Prophet Annointed Saul and David as king
Old Testament Covenantal Outline
Adamic - Gen 2:15 Noahic - Gen 9 Abrahamic - Gen 12,15,17 Mosaic - Exodus19-24 Davidic - II Samuel 7/I Chron 17 New Cov. - Jeremiah 31
Gen 1-3/ Romans 5/ I Cor. 15 1st Adam - 1st Man 1st God’s first Covenant Brought the curse Federal Head
Revelation of God in Nature
Psalm 19 - Heavens declare Romans 1 - Since creation the invisible qualities/ Divine nature have been clearly seen.
Annointing of David
I Sam 16 - 1050 BC
Promise to Abram
Gen 12 Great Nation Gen 15 Descend.. as great as the Stars
2 Kings 18-20 12th King of Judah Best King King of Judah when Northern Kingdom was deported to Israel Gets 15 years added to his life Introduced Reform
Genesis 11
Book Son of a priest Prophet - Covered last 5 Kings of Judah Author - Lamentations
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Covenant Renewal in Joshua
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Joshua 24
Moabite daughter in law of Naomi Great grandmother of David Ancestor of Christ During time of Judges
How many books
66 39 OT - 27 NT
Fall of Jericho
Josh. 6
Jacob Wrestles with God
Gen. 32
I will pour out my spirit
Joel 2/ Acts 2
Judges 4-5 Prophetess and Judge of Israel Delivered people from Jabin
Gen. 6-9
Exodus - Deut Prophet Led people out of Slavery/Egypt Into Wilderness Numbers 20 Struck the Rock Received the Law
Ex. 12
Book of Neh. - Cupbearer to the King - Undertook rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem - Opposed by Tobiah and Sanballot - Reading of the Law - Neh. 8 (Ezra)
I Kings 17 - 2 Kings 2 Prophet during Divided Kingdom Opposed Idolatry/ Taunted Baal Caught up in a whirlwind/ Chariot of Fire Prophesied against Ahab
Going to Send My Messenger
Malachi 3
Messianic Psalms
Psalm 2 - Kiss the Son Psalm 8 - made a little lower than the heavenly beings Psalm 22 - My God my God Why have you forsaken me
10 Commandments
Ex. 20 / Deut. 5
Prophet/Priest Carried captive to Babylon Prophesied to exiles in Mesoptamia Watchman
Jereboam Son of Nebat
I Kings 11- 14 1st King of Israel after division of Kingdom
I will Pour Out My Spirit
Joel 2/ Acts 2
The just shall live by Faith
Hab. 2:4
New Covenant
Jeremiah 31
I Kings 1-11 Son of David and Bath. Completed the Temple Man of wisdom Author SOS and Ecc. Solomon’s heart turning away led to division of Kingdom
Ex. 12-14
2 Kings 22-23 8 years od Godly King Lost books of Law found during his Reign Brings reform - restores the passover
Joseph Gen. 37-50 Dream Favorite son Sold into Slavery Potiphar Prison Dreams Prominence Brought Family to Egypt
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What is a covenant?
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Covenant is from the Hebrew [ber-eeth] meaning to cut, and by extension means a promise or pledge to do something. “It is an agreement upon the promises concerning the relationship between two or more parties. In Biblical terms the covenant is the prime agency of God’s self-revelation in history. God reveals Himself to be the covenant God. The essence of the covenant between God and man is “I will be your God, and you will be My people.”
Exile (north and south)
North - 722 BC II Kings 15 South - 586 BC II Kings 25
Book of Daniel Prophet during time of -Neb. - Shad/Mesh/Aben - Belshazzer - Saw handwriting on wall - Darius - Lions Den - Caught praying Babylonian Captivity Daniel 7 - Passage on Son of Man/Ancient of days
Judges 6-8 Judge - Delivered people from Midian Put out the Fleece Pulled down altar of Baal
Division of the Kingdom
I Kings 12 - 930BC
General Outline of OT
Creation - Gen 1-3 Flood - Genesis 4-11 Patriarchs - Gen. 12-50 Exodus - Exodus - Deut. Conquest - Joshua 1440 Judges - Judges - 1 Samuel - 1375BC United Kingdom Saul/ David/Solomon Divided Kingdom 930BC Exile of Israel 722 BC Exile of Judah 586 BC Return of Judah 538 BC
Messianic Psalms
Psalm 2 - Kiss the Son Psalm 8 - Made a little lower than the Angels Psalm 22 - My God My God Psalm 110 - Sit at my Right Hand Psalm 118 - Stone that the Builders rejected
Exodus- Moses Aid Numbers 13 1 of 2 spies that gave a favorable report Book of Joshua Conquest of Land
1 Samuel 16 - Beginning of 1 Kings - annointed as King 1050 - United divided tribes of Israel - Author of many Psalms - Father of SOlomon - Line of Christ
Genesis 3
Genesis 12-25 Covenant to inherit the promised land Circumcision Father of Israel/ Great Nation
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Ordo Salutis
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Effectual Call (Inward and Outward)
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Name 7 Judges
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Prophet to Israel - Southern Kingdom Successor to Elijah 55 years of office
Book Prophet during time of Nehemiah
I Kings 11 - 14 Son of Solomon 10 Tribes revolted from him Set up Souther Kingdom
Divisions of the OT
Law - Gen- Deut. History - Joshua - Esther Poetry Job - SOS Major P - Isa. - Dan. Minor P - Hos. - Mal.
Gen 6-9
Shema - reiteration of the covenant
Deut 6
First human Created in the image God God’s first covenant Brought the curse Federal Head
Ezekiel 3/ 33