New Testmant Flashcards
2 Great Commands
Matt 22/ Mark 12
Armor of God
Eph. 6
Acts 1
Caeserea Phillipi
Peter’s Confession of X happens here.
Matt 16 Mark 8 Luke 9
Acts 10 Gentile centurion Devout God Follower Gave Generously H.S. visited Cornelius house believed/ baptised Angel told him to send for Peter
Death of Christ
Matthew 27 Mark 15 Luke 23 John 19
Distinctive Features of John
Purpose: Eternal Life through faith in Son of God Prove: Jesus is son of God Very personal narrative All who believe in him will have eternal life Mystery and person of Christ and incarnation Relationship to his father 7 I am sayings Jew/Gentile appeals
Fruit of the Spirit
Galatians 5
Matthew 5&6 2 Corinthians 8,9
Great Commission
Matthew 28
Herod Antipas
Matthew 14, Luke 3,9 Mark 6 Herod who imprisoned John the Baptist Jesus encountered him when sent from Pilate to Herod “that Fox” John the Baptist - denounced 2nd marriage as unlawful
High Priestly Prayer
John 17
Law as Schoolmaster
Galatians 3
Lord’s Prayer
Matt 6/ Luke 11
Mind of XP
Philippians 2
Passages that deal with Law and Grace
Romans 3:21-24 Right. of God has been made known apart from the law. Romans 8:1-2 - Now there is no condemnation… law of spirit of life has set us free in Christ from law of sin and death.
Gospels: Matthew 14
Mt 10 / Mk 3 1. Simon (Peter) 2. Andrew (brother of Simon) 3. James (son of Zebedee) 4. John (brother of James) 5. Philip 6. Bartholomew 7. Thomas 8. Matthew (tax collector) 9. James (son of Alpheus) 10. Thaddeus 11. Simon the Zealot 12. Judas Iscarriot, who betrayed him 12b. Matthias replaces Judas
Acts 18 I Cor 1
Baptism of Jesus
Matt 3 Mark 1 Luke 3 John 1
acts 4, 11, 13-15 AKA Joseph of Cyprus Levite who sold a field and laid proceeds at apostles feet sent by church @ Jerusalem to Antioch went to tarsus to find paul and brought him to antioch sent out by antioch w/ Paul as missionary to gentiles
Basic Elements found in each sermon in Acts
Introduction - eloquent ear catcherTestimony to Christ - reference to who Jesus is, the resurrected Christ Call to Repent Cultural Awareness
Acts 17
Birth of Jesus with Shepherds
Luke 2
Birth of Jesus with Wise Men
Matthew 1&2
Body as Temple of HS
I Cor 6
Books of NT History
Matt. - Acts
Books of NT Letters
Rom - Jude
Chastening of those He loves
Heb. 12
Christian Liberty
1 cor 8 - food offered to idols1cor 10 - all things are permissible, not all are profitable. rom 14 - not putting stumbling blocks in front of the weak, not judging the strong
Conversion of Saul
Acts 9
Correcting a Brother
Matthew 18
Distinctive Features of Luke
Purpose:Accurate account of life of Christ Present X as perfect man and saviour assurance of truth about jesus longest gospel ancestry, birth, early life historical persp emph: prayer, wealth, women, spirit, written for disciples focus on min to outcasts learned message from paul
Distinctive Features of Matthew
Purpose:Prove Jesus is Messiah Eternal King Obedience to Jesus’ command Stresses Jesus’ relation to OT Quotations of OT OT - Prophecy fulfilled Theological discussions framed in Rabbinical Debate
Distinctive Features of Mark
Purpose: present person work,teaching of jesus - The Good Newsshortest gospel tells more about actions than teaching direct/fast action moves to cross abrupt ending more evangelistic learned message from peter
Feeding of 5000
Matthew 14 John 6
Fought the good fight
2 Tim. 4
Good Shepherd
John 10
Herod the Great
Matt 2 /Luke 1 King of the Jews King whom Magi visited Gave orders to kill all boys under 2
I will build my church
Matthew 16
Infant Baptism
Acts 2, 10, 16
James the Just
Matt 13Acts James Brother of Jesus initially did not accept Jesus as Messiah after jesus rose appeared to james james became a leader in the church in jerusalem presided over jerusalem council - acts 15 suffered martyrdom by stoning
Jerusalem Council
Acts 15
Keys to the Kingdom
Matthew 16
Last Supper
Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13
Love Chapter
I Cor. 13
Man of lawlessness
2 thess 2
Mary and Martha
Luke 10 John 11
Gen. 14 Psalm 110 Hebrews 5-7
Missionary Journeys
Acts 13-14 - w/ barnabas. Cyprus, perga, pisidian antioch, iconium, lystra, derbeActs 15-18 - Paul & Barnabas split. Paul takes Silas. Phillipi, Ephesus, Athens, Corinth Acts 18-21 - w/ Silas. Revisits most places.
1 Tim 6 - love of money is root of all kinds of evil Matthew 6 - treasures in heaven. No one can serve two masters, can’t serve god and money.
Name and Discuss 3 Miracles
Jesus calms storm - Mark 4:35-4:41Feeding of 5000 - Matthew 14:13-21 Raising Lazarus from the Dead - John 11:38-44
Name 3 Parables
Sower: Matt 13:3-9Prodigal/Lost Son: Luke 15:11-31 Good Samaritan: Luke 10: 30-37
Not forsaking the assembly
Hebrews 10
Not grieving as those who have no hope
I Thess 4
NT Division of books
History Letters Revelation
Ordering of Christian Worship
John 4 Colossians 3
Parables of the Kingdom
Matthew 13
Pastoral Epistles
1&2 Timothy Titus
Acts 7,8,9Pauline EpistlesBorn in Tarsus (Roman Citizen) Educated in Jerusalem as a Pharisee under Gamaliel Persecuted Church as member of Sanhedrin Met X / Converted on rd to Damascus - acts 9 Met w/ John, Peter, James - gal 1 - meets Peter and James Minister in Antioch - 1st Journey w/ Barnabas - acts 13 2nd Journey w/ Silas - end of acts 15 - 18 3rd Journey acts 18 - 21 Imprisoned acts 21 Arrives in Rome acts 27
Pauls Books
Romans 1&2 Cor. Galatians Ephesians Phillipians Colossians 1-2 Thess 1-2 Timothy Titus Philemon
Acts 2
Gospels: Matt 14, John 21 Matt 14 - Walk on water Acts 2 - Pentecost speech Acts 10 - Cornelius Part of Jesus’ inner circle Passionate Betrayed Jesus 3 times/ restored Preaches @ Pentecost Early leader church Key to church reaching gentiles crucified upside down
Gospels (Matt 23) Non professional small (6000) adherents influential considered themselves ‘true Israel’ insisted they preserved the law of Moses strict obedience/adherence to the law
Philippian Jailer
Acts 16
Romans 8-9 For those he foreknew he also predestined Ephesians 1 - Predestined to adoption in Christ
Pressing toward the mark
Phil. 3
Prison Letters
Eph. Phil. Col. Philemon
Prodigal Son
Luke 15
Resurrection of the Body
John 5 - Those in tombs come out 1 Cor. 15
Resurrection of Christ
Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 20
Gospels mk 12 Strong adherence to bib authority as opposed to oral trad of pharisees Govern party of rel est - worked with Rome Human agency stressed over fate and gods activity Anti supernatural - denied res and angels Preistly, aristocratic, unpopular
Sermon on the Mount
Matt. 5-7
Sermons of Acts
2 - Peter at Pentecost3 - Peter to the brothers 4 - Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, ordered not to preach. 7 - Stephen 10 - Cornelius 13 - Paul N Cyprus and the big sermon at Pisidian Antioch 17, - Athens at the Aereopagus 20 - Paul speaks to Ephesian elders 22 - Paul addresses the people after his arrest in Jerusalem 24 - Paul before Felix 26 - Paul before Agrippa
Significance of death of Christ
Romans 3 Romans 8 Colossians 2
Acts 6-7one of 7 chosen by people to serve physical needs of church in jerusalem full of spirit (signs & wonders) seized by synagogue brought before sanhedron - stoned/martyred
2 Cor. 1 James 1
Take my yoke
Matthew 11
Temptation of Jesus
Matthew 4 Mark 1 Luke 4
The Comforter
John 16
The Vine
John 15
acts 16-181-2 Timothy father - greek mother - jew native of Lystra joined paul on 2nd journey paul describes as “true son in the faith” ministry - Macedonia/Ephesus/Corinth
Matt 17 Mark 9 Luke 9
Triumphal Entry
Matthew 21 Mark 11 Luke 19 John 12
Unity of the Church
john 17colossians 3 - love, which binds together in harmony, no Jew Greek slave free, Christ is all in all
Washings of the New Covenant
Hebrews 9
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
John 14
Woman at the well
John 4
Christian Sabbath
Matthew 5 Acts 20
You must be Born Again
John 3
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How is the book of Revelation ORganized?
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Isaiahs Call
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Romans 2
Galatians 5
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Woman at the Well
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John 4
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Racial Reconciliation
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Acts 10
Galatians 3:28 - neither slave nor jew
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Rich Young Ruler
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Matthew 19
Mark 10
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2nd Coming of Christ
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Matthew 24
John 14
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Olivet Discourse
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Mark 13
Matthew 24
Luke 21
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The Sheep and the Goats
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Matthew 25
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Parable of the vineyard
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Matthew 20
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Stephen’s Death
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Acts 6
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Paul’s address to the Areopagos
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Acts 17
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Roll of Elder
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Titus 1
I Peter 5
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Mercy Ministry
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I Tim 5
James 1
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Matthew 28
Matthew 9 Harvest is plenty - workers are few
Romans 10 - How to hear without someone preaching
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Church as the people of God
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I Cor. 12 - Body with many parts
Ephesians 4
Acts 2
Acts 9