BOCO/Church Govt. Ordination Flashcards
- 6 Categories of records a session must keep:
Proceedings Baptisms Communing members Noncommuning members Deaths Dismissions
- What is the role of the presbytery with the respect to the call of a minister to a particular work
To establish the pastoral relation and to dissolve it at the request of one or both of the parties, or where the interest of religion imperatively demands it;
- What are the Constitutional limits on General Assembly Committees?
Term is 4 years. After serving at least 2 years, they will need to rotate off 1 year before being re-elected to that committee BOCO 14-12
7. The Assembly’s committees are to serve and not to direct any Church judicatories. They are not to establish policy, but rather execute policy established by the General Assembly.
- What is the significance of a deliverance of the General Assembly for the lower courts; what is the significance of its judicial decisions:
THey are to given due and serious consideration. Judicial decisions shall be
binding and conclusive on the parties who are directly involved in the matter
being adjudicated, and may be appealed to in subsequent similar cases as to
any principle which may have been decided. BOCO 14.7
- What are the permanent committees of the General Assembly?
Administrative Committee of General Assembly
Committee on Christian Education and Publications
Committee on Mission to North America,
Committee on Mission to the World
Committee on Reformed University Ministries.
- Under what circumstances can a man who is qualified in knowledge and ability, his Christian walk and reputation, and his inner calling not be ordained to the office of Teaching Elder?
17-3 No man shall be ordained unless it be to the performance of a definite work.
- Under what conditions may an associate or assistant pastor succeed a senior pastor?
With either
a. an intervening term of labor
b. 4/5 majority through secret ballot, to petition Presbytery with 3/4 Presbytery vote.
- Describe the process for electing and ordaining ruling elder.
Nominations - submitted by congregations of candidates meeting qualifications outlined in I Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9
Each nominee is examined for suitability
Session reports to congregation those eligible
Majority congregational vote needed to elect nominees
Officers will then be ordained and installed in the presence of the congregation (BOCO 24.1)
- Describe the process to be followed when a ruling elder seeks to resign from his office.
In such a case the Session, after conference with
him and careful consideration of the matter, may, if it thinks proper, accept
his resignation and dissolve the official relationship which exists between
him and the church.( Boco 24-7)
- What are the two senses of discipline?
a. the one referring to the whole government, inspection, training,
guardianship and control which the church maintains over its
members, its officers and its courts;
b. the other a restricted and technical sense, signifying judicial process. (27.1)
- What is the special duty of the Teaching Elder with respect to church discipline?
27-4 Teaching Elders Must:
- Instruct the officers in discipline
- Instruct the congregation in discipline
- Jointly practice it in the context of the congregation and church courts.
- Who are the parties of a case of process?
THe accuser (PCA) and the accused.
- In what cases may the General Assembly assume original jurisdiction?
34-1. Process against a minister shall be entered before the Presbytery of which he is a member. However, if the Presbytery refuses to act in doctrinal cases or cases of public scandal and two other Presbyteries request the General Assembly to assume original jurisdiction (to first receive and initially hear and determine), the General Assembly shall do so.
- What is a case without process?
38-1. When any person shall come forward and make his offense known to the court, a full statement of the facts shall be recorded and judgment rendered without process. In handling a confession of guilt, it is essential that the person intends to confess and permit the court to render judgment without process.
- What are among the proper subjects for reference?
41-2 matters that are new, delicate or difficult; or on which the members of the lower court are very seriously divided; or which relate to questions involving the Constitution and legal procedures respecting which the lower court feels the need of guidance.
- Who may appeal?
42-2. Only those who have submitted to a regular trial are entitled to an appeal.
- Does a complaint suspend the action against which complaint is made?
No. Unless 1/3 vote to override by members present when the action was taken. 43-4
- What are the ways by which a member may be removed from the rolls of a church?
Transfer of membership.
Non attendance for one year
Moving out of jurisdiction
- What is the duty of a church member when he shall remove his residence beyond the bounds of the congregation of which he is a member?
Notify the church session of new residence and request transfer of membership.
- What is the duty of the Session with respect to the same?
Continue pastoral oversight until transfer of membership has been processed.
- What chapters of the Directory for Worship have constitutional authority?
56 The Administration of Baptism
57 The Admission of Persons to Sealing Ordinances
58 The Administration of the Lord’s Supper
- What is the end (telos) of worship?
The Glory of God
- Is the pastor permitted to add any other ceremony to the service of baptism beyond that specified in the BCO?
- How often should the Lord’s Supper be Observed?
Frequently stated times to be determined by church session.
- How are the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper to be set apart?
prayer and thanksgiving
What is the purpose of the church?
The gathering and perfecting of the saints.
- What are the marks of the Church?
Maintaining word and sacrament in their fundamental integrity
- Is the doctrine of church government of the esse (essence), or the bene esse (well-being) of the Church? Explain your answer.
It is of the well-being in the sense that the particular form is not essential to the existence of the church. It is of the essence in the sense that part of the doctrine of church government is that Jesus is the head of the church and all authority is derivative from him. Without the lordship of Jesus the church does not exist.
- List and describe the basic types of church government and show the biblical warrant and weakness of each as appropriate.
Episcopacy - hierarchy, archbishop, bishops, rector, congregation, Acts 15 (James’ position & authority) Titus & Timothy’s role over several churches Titus 1 & Tim 1 , Congregationalism , (Macedonian Churches - Acts 2- Presbyterianism - Acts 20/TItus 1
- What constitutes the unity of the Church?
2-1/2-2 Unity consists in professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
*** 6. How is the church “Apostolic” and what is Presbyterian understanding of “apostolic succession”?
It is founded on the Apostles authoritative witness to and teaching about Christ. Apostolic succession exists in the message of Kingdom of Christ. We take over where the apostles left off without the apostolic revelatory authority. Laying on of hands. Binding and loosing - by being given the keys to the Kingdom. Apostolic succession has ended.
*** 7. How as a Protestant do you justify being separated from Rome? Among Protestants, how do you justify the existence of the PCA as a separate denomination?
Rome - Doctrine of Justification on Faith Alone. True - Church- Maintains Word and Sacrament in fundamental integrity. Rome lost both of those. Our forefathers could no longer stay a part of it. In Soteriology/ Canon - Papal Infalibility Sacraments - Trasubstanitian Tran
How do we justify -
When we left the PC-USA they failed to maintain the World in fundamental integrity.
- Issues of denying inerrancy
-Issues of denying the supernatural/Resurrection
PCA - Value of denominations - We have convictions about particular doctrines - Predestination, Sacraments, Sovreignty of God, Soteriology. God uses are distinctives collectively. It allows us to get on with business of the Kingdom without spending time bickering over it.
*** 8. What is apostasy; may churches become apostate; are there any such churches?
Failing to maintain word & sacrament in their fundamental integrity. Yes, and Yes
What will be your responsibility as a Teaching Elder with respect to the following proposition from the PCA BCO: “God alone is Lord of the conscience and has left it free from any doctrines or commandment of men (a) which are in any respect contrary to the Word of God, or (b) which, in regard to matters of faith and worship, are not governed by the Word of God. Therefore, the rights of private judgment in all matters that respect religion are universal and inalienable.”
3 Fold.
- To make sure that our teaching is inline with the Word of God and illumination of the Holy Spirit
- To make sure that we are not binding another’s conscience in terms of private judgment.
- Responsibility to help our people to make private judgments responsibly
Distinguish between the power of the Church and the power of the state and discuss the separation of Church and state.
The power of the Church is exclusively spiritual; that of the State includes the exercise of force. The constitution of the Church derives from divine revelation; the constitution of the State must be determined by human reason and the course of providential events. The Church has no right to construct or modify a government for the State, and the State has no right to frame a creed or polity for the Church. They are as planets moving in concentric orbits: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21).
What are the 2 parts of the constitution of the PCA?
WCF and BoCO
How may the parts of the Constitution of the PCA be amended?
¾ GA, ¾ Presbyteries, ¾ GA
What are the 4 parts of the BCO?
Preface, Form of Government, Rules of Discipline, & Directory for the Worship of God
What are the 3 sections of the preface of the BCO and what is its purpose?
The King and Head of the Church, Preliminary Principles, and The Constitution Defined. Sets the BoCO in context – Jesus is Lord of the Church, and he exercises his authority through ordained ministers. The BoCO is subordinate to Scripture, and part of the constitution of the PCA. It also sets out principles that, if followed, will contribute to the glory and well-being of the church.
Distinguish between the power of order and the power of jurisdiction.
Ecclesiastical power, which is wholly spiritual, is twofold. The officers exercise it sometimes severally (individually), as in preaching the Gospel, administering the Sacraments, reproving the erring, visiting the sick, and comforting the afflicted, which is the power of order; and they exercise it sometimes jointly in Church courts, after the form of judgment, which is the power of jurisdiction
order - individually
jurisdiction - jointly
What are associate members and what are and are not their privileges?
Associate members are those believers temporarily residing in a location other than their permanent homes. Such believers may become associate members of a particular church without ceasing to be communicant members of their home churches. An associate member shall have all the rights and privileges of that church, with the exception of voting in a congregational or corporation meeting, and holding an office in that church.
What are “extraordinary officers and gifts”; do they continue in the church today?
Extraordinary officers are those by whom God completed his revelation to his church, and they received extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, which testified to that revelation. As God completed his revelation at the end of the apostolic age, these gifts and offices no longer exist.
Defend from Scripture: “The terms elder and bishop describe one ecclesiastical office.”
Elder = presbuteros Bishop = episcopos
Both are used in Acts 20 to describe the leaders of the Ephesian Church – presbuteros v 17, episcopos v 28
Paul uses both to describe the men Titus is to appoint over the church in Crete – Titus 1:5 – presbuteros, and 1:7 episcopos
What is the difference between an assistant pastor and an associate pastor?
Associate – elected by congregation, member of session. Relationship determined by congregation.
Assistant – called by session, not a member of session. Relationship to church determined by session.
Both are members of presbytery
What are the three areas of jurisdiction belonging to a court of the church?
Doctrines & precepts of Christ
Order of the church
Exercise of discipline
Is the congregation a court of the church; what authority does a congregation have?
No. Courts are: Session, Presbytery, GA. The power Christ has committed to the church rests in the whole body – the rulers and those ruled. Specifically, a congregation has the power to choose its officers.
In what sense are the courts of the church one, and how is that unity expressed?
All Church courts are one in nature, constituted of the same elements, possessed inherently of the same kinds of rights and powers, and differing only as the Constitution may provide.
Referral to a higher court should not be exercised in a way that impinges on the authority of a lower court.
Which court of the church has the responsibility “to require ministers to devote themselves diligently to their sacred calling and to censure the delinquent”?
What are the quorum requirements for a session meeting?
If pastor and 4+ Ruling then Pastor and 2 =Quorum
If pastor and <5 Elders then 2 = quorum
If one Ruling Elder (No Session)
Any Session by majority vote can make the quorum higher. (but not smaller)
Who approves and adopts the church budget?